World PVP and Camping

my favorite thing with these topics is how they always open with:

“I love pvp - I’ve been pvping since X, but…


I can agree that some alliance are absolute pricks aswell.
I never turn warmode off, and it feels like its getting worse.

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It’s harassment when the Horde does it. Not when you have peeps like Cryptids and Ruin doing it. Threads about those talk about disrupting the game via lag and shard manipulation, which is against EULA. I have never heard a Horde call their “overwhelming odds” harassment. Interesting.

i stand with you against Ruin, Arconsolon single handedly destroys servers and should be permenantly banned from the game for abuse of ingame mechanics (Sharding 160 players into 1 zone)

Streamers such as Asmongold have received bans for lagging and crashing servers, so why should Arconsolon/Archaosrex not get banned for doing the same thing and gaining an unfair advantage through it?

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I’m not sure what came first and what came second, but it never seems to be the case that the Horde would learn their lesson. By now they’ve been outsharded and hopelessly on the losing end. They’re still giving you trouble despite that CL and Ruin will come back harder on them?

every-time i read one of these i hear reeeeeeeeeeeee


People who love world pvp don’t complain when world pvp happens.


Dude did u just say u never referred to yourself as a trained professional ? Like look at the post. U legit said I’m a professional psychologist. I honestly feel bad for your patients if u even have any at this point. I see u ignore a ton peeps on this forum. I can only imagine what u do with clientele when they need help. Do u just go in day dream mode thinking about your vacations u will take from collecting pees money that need help? U are something else. And who makes a toon griefs when they are a psychologist? That seems like a weird name for someone that is trained to help people lol. Maybe u should be re evaluated by someone in your position

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I play one on T.V. And still im hearing Reeeee with this post OP are you OK?

I just killed Terropene the turtle as a 113 Horde hunter was trying to tame it.

I bet he quit for good.


He had said he was not clinical, so he doesn’t worry about patients. However, some of his opinions verge towards the clinical when as in the nonclinical, you’re not really looking at people in a case-by-case basis. As I said before, there’s a difference between factions that would be compelling for a nonclinical psychology study: one faction calls mass ganking harassment and the other doesn’t. Griefs ought to put that schooling to good use and help us learn how the two factions differ PSYCHOLOGICALLY because there is a difference, without having to look into the issues of the individuals involved as in the clinical. :cowboy_hat_face:

Someone in grad school could do a dissertation on it.

LMAO, you killed my 7 yr old the other day outside Org.


i am in favor of the horde kill groups; it gives us something to kill. There should be no sanctuaries either. Shattrath, Dalaran, and Magni’s camp should all be bloodbaths. Forum tears should somehow be converted into honor and conquest points. There should be no caps on weekly conquest and there should be pvp vendors that you can buy 475 ivl from.


You psychopath!

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Great idea…

We see the Gankers being analyzed all the time.

I’d like to see one of you experts on psychology-human nature analyze the Victim Mentality in World of Warcraft.


Just like with the gankers, there isn’t just one motive for why people play the victim. But I’d bet a lot do it for attention. Crying gives them the spotlight


I think you’re on to something.

(I’ll write more later.)

Well if he is non clinical still seems against an ethic code to want to understand humans better. I mean I guess he could be doing it to try and hurt others. Which proves the point of being a raging weirdo that takes his aggression out on a video game. Hmm maybe I answered my own question about his name griefs lol. But it would seem more that he is in grief to me. Because he does nothing but to himself. He is a joke in the pvp department and literally has no value on a subject on forums.

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It’s either nonsense or simply “unprofessionalism” LOL :slight_smile: