World of Warcraft vs FF14 (specifics listed on post)

Nah man. You’re trying so hard to split hairs. A statement made on a third party website five years ago is not the same as

Go do hundreds of hours of MSQ.

You’re trying to make things personal at this point, and that’s fine. This is how anyone who likes FF14 reacts when told that the game is boring the vast majority of the time, and only pretty good the other times.

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Literally quote the ENTIRE chart of the discussion to your face. . . “Nah man.”

This is like that dumb meme with Patrick and Manray’s wallet.

Gladly, at least it’s an entertaining story to look forward to. Not sitting afk for two minutes listening to some thick thighed blue chick ramble, then grab me by the cloak and fly away with me to listen to more RP. Unfortunately that’s literally half of Bastion’s story questing.

Or you know, having a brilliant story and excellent characters I grew to adore as a child butchered by hamfisted writing. “The Jailer who we just made up masterminded literally every event of Warcraft to lead to this! Also the dreadlords weren’t really from Nathreza, they were agents of the Shadowlands meant to orchestrate these exact events. Also the Titans who we claimed made the universe were wrong and there’s actually an even higher power called the First Ones!”


I have no doubt that WoW can pull itself back up to Final Fantasy’s level of quality if they want it badly enough and make massive changes in direction and staffing.

Maybe in 10.0. The Season 4 changes are a good start.

Hopefully, would be good to actually be willing to play the game again on Retail with my characters from day one. Guess we’ll need to see how the 19th goes, if I see even the slightest hint of borrowed power or more mandatory content that isn’t particularly exciting, yet still mandatory I’m not bothering personally.

I’d rather just get two twenty dollar bills, fold them into a middle finger and jam it down Danuser’s throat.

OK, I will do a similar set of comments to others:

Art design and Aesthetic
Undoubtedly WoW, I find the Asian-style artwork not to my taste

Music department
Again, my preference is to the music style of WoW

Zone design
My experience with FF14 is rather limited, I only played for 2 weeks but I prefer the ease of movement through zones and the graphic style of WoW

Raids and Dungeons design
Cant comment as I did neither in FF14

Armor / Gear Design
Given the difference in graphic style, and the fact that FF is a newer game, their level of detail is better than WoW but Im not a huge fan of short little ballet style skirts and high boots.

Quality of Life
I found it difficult to figure out a lot of things and although WoW is often also unintuitive I found FF14 to be just as difficult to figure out for a noob.

Smooth gameplay
I think WoW’s combat and movement is smoother, though FF isnt too bad

Questing experience
Prefer WoW

Character Models
The two games are very different in their racial appearances but from what I can remember they seem to be almost entirely humanoid. There doesnt appear to be a lot of variety. Unless its changed a lot since I played.

I think you missed the point of what I was saying which was just simply if you want to compare music tracks, you compare it to a parallel. It’s like comparing a fifth grader to a higher schooler, you compare them against other fifth graders to gauge their aptitude.

Wasn’t meaning it like aggressively, was just trying to make that point clear to you with how designing music for a game works. It’s very evident when you play like a garbage f2p MMO and you’re going through a forest and it’s blasting rave music at you, it just feels out of place and like they didn’t stop to consider “What zone is this for? What are players doing here?” Those two questions will heavily dictate how the composition of the music is going to end up.

OK, fine, you are right, I am wrong.

Have a nice day.

Could you stop getting so defensive and emotional for like two minutes and actually read what I’m saying? This isn’t a right or wrong thing. If I’m comparing sandwich shops, I’m not going to compare Jimmy John’s to a steakhouse and say “Eh well they’re both food.” The whole point is to compare sandwich shops amongst each other.

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This is the crux of your emotion. This right here.

You hate what WoW has become so much that you have a desperate need to justify playing FF14. I think that’s where most of the pro ff14 sentiment comes from. A place of dissatisfaction with WoW.

Also, last time I address this. Making a statement on a third party website is not the same thing as “the game was advertised as X.” So stop parroting an intellectually dishonest talking point. Using that statement to excuse the low quality of the first few hundred hours of gameplay is weak as hell.

It’s not. And if the MSQ is the main product, then ff14 is mid tier at best.

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A lot of these opinions are skewed.
If you only played FF for a week or two then you only saw zones from A realm reborn, and maybe ran 3 or so entry level dungeons.

That’s like logging into WoW for the first time, leveling through durotar, northern and southern barrens, 1k needles and tanaris, and then saying WoW graphics and gameplay aren’t nearly as good as Endwalker and Shadowbringers.

Either of those would be a disservice to the other product.


OK, yes, Im being defensive, Im going through a stressful day and I should not have got into this discussion as we obviously share different points of view and Im sorry to be sounding pathetic but its late here and Im tired.

Let’s just call it a day and move on to other stuff, OK? :sunglasses:


If you didn’t put in the arbitrary amount of time that I have made up in my head into ff14, then you aren’t qualified to talk about it.

It will take the average player 200-300 hours of linear questing before opening all the content. That’s boring.

Some WoW NPC races are simply iconic. Ogres, nagas, kobolds, murlocs…

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No, it really isn’t. There isn’t any emotion to it, I’m just objectively stating how I perceive things.

No, I play FF14 because I find it an objectively superior game to Retail WoW. In a lot of ways I find it also a much superior game to Classic however I still play Classic because there’s a part of me that loves the feeling of playing Classic because it makes me relate to some of the best times I had in my teenage years.

If I had to pick only one of these three things to play I’d pick FF14 in a heartbeat because I find it to be the superior MMO for what I want in an MMO. That isn’t me acting out against WoW like you want to pretend, that’s just retail WoW sucking. Obviously I’m going to go with the game that isn’t making the same mistakes.

Please for the love of Christ be telling the truth for once in your life. I really do not like talking to you, you shift goalposts, then argue strictly from conjecture rather than actually give an actual point. You’ve gone from saying “FF14 was never sold as a story game” to now trying to play psychoanalyst.

Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.

This is literally a meme that the company itself came up with three years ago or so when they expanded the free trial. That critically acclaimed bit? Regarding the story. Every single advertisement they’ve had is tied to the story. Todd Howard’s ad? About being the warrior of darkness, a prominent story element to that expansion.

Dude look in a mirror.

I didn’t, now you’re strawmanning. I’ll be among the first to tell you ARR sucks, the entire community of FF14 will also tell you the same thing.

That said, let’s take that 100 hours of gameplay. I’ll make a toon on retail and play it for no more than 100 hours played time. Know what my engaging gameplay is gonna be? 15 hours to level to 60. 85 hours of a mix of playing catch up, engaging with a story worse than ARRs, then basically daily quests. Wow, riveting gameplay, I’m giddy with excitement.

Best part of all that? That’s what I get to look forward to being my gameplay experience for the next year. Daily chores, weekly vault chores, and maybe pugging the raid.

According to you, because clearly judging by the metrics of the oh so superior WoW, the game isn’t doing so hot, yet FF14s numbers keep rising. Like WoW, it has dips between content patches, but there is no “Look how much we sold! Yeah so half the people quit after launch and the first two months, that’s normal.” The people that take breaks in FF do so between the content patches because that’s the design. I’d LOVE to tell you and link you the interview where Yoshida even says he WANTS people to do that so they don’t get burnt out spamming things they’ve already done many times before, but odds are you’ll go back to the goalpost shifting like the last time I did that for you IN THIS VERY THREAD.


Yeah that’s fine with me, as I said I don’t hold any ire toward you. Was just trying to narrow down your comparison so it was at least parallel and a more controlled and thus more fair and apt comparison.

Hope your next day is better for you, have a good one.

Not at all.

this means exactly what it says.

Oh no! ridiculous amounts of content!
Problems WoW wishes it had right now.


How is this different than your entire gameplay experience for endgame in WoW being roughly the same amount of hours spamming the same content exactly? Like an expansion dropped for WoW and want to know how my first week was? The first day I hit level cap. The second day I knocked out every single m0 dungeon. The other 5 days to finish that first week? Did my Torghast, then daily quests, and more daily quests, and more daily quests, oh and farmed a couple of dungeon bosses for my legendary memory.

“Oh but don’t get mad now, it gets better, in two weeks you get m+ and can spam the same dungeons but actually get loot from them!” Okay well that’s boring because I’m already sick of the dungeons, what else is there to do in the game?"

“Wait for the raid!”
“Okay, I week oned the raid on Heroic with a pug and joined a Mythic guild, but there’s nothing for me to actually do outside of these dailies. Is there like side content I can do? Is crafting and gathering enjoyable?”
“Oh yeah, crafting exists here, talk to this guy for this profession, buy a bunch of these mats, press this “Craft All” button and go afk!”

FF gives players a wide array of things to do and engage with the game in. WoW is basically a checklist simulator. FF drags on at the start, WoW drags on at the endgame, a much bigger problem.

“Oh look, a balance patch and my class is completely bricked now.” FF’s solution? Level another job but it’s on the same character so you don’t need to redo the MSQ grind and can keep all your other stuff like the purely optional beast tribe reps you were working on. Except the real kicker to that? FF doesn’t brick its jobs, at the worst they feel worse than others but they generally have things balanced that every job can do all the content. The “worst” tank right now is a Dark Knight. My MAIN TANK in my static for Savage was a Dark Knight and we cleared all of Pandaemonium on Savage just fine. A little rougher, but we still did it. In Mythic? Yeah no, meta classes only because tuning is jank. There is no case where you just can’t play that job. Everything has some niche to justify bringing it into content. Ninja could do little damage, but Trick Attack alone is a huge selling point for a melee slot in a raid and they will take it provided you use it. WoW’s? “Eh, you’re not in the top 6 specs so gtfo.”

WoW’s? Reroll a new toon from scratch that is a meta class, level it up, then gear it up, do all the dailies again, do all the dungeons again, grind the legendary memories again, grind the raid again.


Congrats, Samfu. Really. I wasted more than a year on FF14 before it suddenly dawned on me that I hate that (slightly) interactive novel. Really slow on the uptake, I am.


What, you don’t like chain farming raids you did when you were 13 on multiple toons to acquire cosmetics? You don’t find that fulfilling enough gameplay for you? There’s so much content in the game if you do that! If you don’t well, enjoy the weekly chore list because wtf is an endgame experience?

FFS, you’re so entitled for expecting a game you pay to play to give you a fulfilling experience. /s


the story telling, questing, art, music are all far far better in FF. its the game play that just doesnt feel as smooth, the rotations are mostly silly. I just cant take FF serious as a competitive mmo. That being said WoW has also sucked for alot of years now, just holding on hoping they can get an expansion right again someday.

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