No, it really isn’t. There isn’t any emotion to it, I’m just objectively stating how I perceive things.
No, I play FF14 because I find it an objectively superior game to Retail WoW. In a lot of ways I find it also a much superior game to Classic however I still play Classic because there’s a part of me that loves the feeling of playing Classic because it makes me relate to some of the best times I had in my teenage years.
If I had to pick only one of these three things to play I’d pick FF14 in a heartbeat because I find it to be the superior MMO for what I want in an MMO. That isn’t me acting out against WoW like you want to pretend, that’s just retail WoW sucking. Obviously I’m going to go with the game that isn’t making the same mistakes.
Please for the love of Christ be telling the truth for once in your life. I really do not like talking to you, you shift goalposts, then argue strictly from conjecture rather than actually give an actual point. You’ve gone from saying “FF14 was never sold as a story game” to now trying to play psychoanalyst.
Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
This is literally a meme that the company itself came up with three years ago or so when they expanded the free trial. That critically acclaimed bit? Regarding the story. Every single advertisement they’ve had is tied to the story. Todd Howard’s ad? About being the warrior of darkness, a prominent story element to that expansion.
Dude look in a mirror.
I didn’t, now you’re strawmanning. I’ll be among the first to tell you ARR sucks, the entire community of FF14 will also tell you the same thing.
That said, let’s take that 100 hours of gameplay. I’ll make a toon on retail and play it for no more than 100 hours played time. Know what my engaging gameplay is gonna be? 15 hours to level to 60. 85 hours of a mix of playing catch up, engaging with a story worse than ARRs, then basically daily quests. Wow, riveting gameplay, I’m giddy with excitement.
Best part of all that? That’s what I get to look forward to being my gameplay experience for the next year. Daily chores, weekly vault chores, and maybe pugging the raid.
According to you, because clearly judging by the metrics of the oh so superior WoW, the game isn’t doing so hot, yet FF14s numbers keep rising. Like WoW, it has dips between content patches, but there is no “Look how much we sold! Yeah so half the people quit after launch and the first two months, that’s normal.” The people that take breaks in FF do so between the content patches because that’s the design. I’d LOVE to tell you and link you the interview where Yoshida even says he WANTS people to do that so they don’t get burnt out spamming things they’ve already done many times before, but odds are you’ll go back to the goalpost shifting like the last time I did that for you IN THIS VERY THREAD.