World of Warcraft vs FF14 (specifics listed on post)

And WoW doesn’t have cliche moments? It most definitely does such as we NEVER lose. I very much disagree that the fanbase doesn’t try to sell it as something it isn’t. Yes, yes it does.

I’m seeing some opinions that definitely sound like they are from people who have not played both games whatsoever and simply hate FF cause “weeb”. Same as if someone hated WoW just cause its “too American” or some other thing.


I have yet to meet a single person who will tell you WoW’s story is good, or well written. There are diehard lore fans who will talk your head off, but they won’t call it the best.

FFXIV players will harass you if you say you don’t love their story. They’ll give you grief for admitting you skipped the story. I’m generalizing here but it’s a real fear I lived through constantly.


And I am, because I care about the comparison since that’s what this thread is about. If you want to randomly slap URLs and say “THIS SONG!”, go to Reddit or something in a thread named akin to “Favorite track in WoW?”

Yeah the feeling is mutual, you clearly are trying to turn this discussion of comparisons between two games into something it isn’t. I don’t know if this is because you actually aren’t mentally adjusted enough to get that, or if you’re just throwing things at a wall praying they stick.

If you’re going to compare music in a game, you compare multiple tracks for the multiple categories for which they were composed because that affects the outcome drastically of the song. It’s like showing up to the Tour de France on a motorcycle, that’s not at all what it’s about.


You haven’t looked on these threads enough.

None I’ve ever met while playing the game were like that at all.


Thanks Miriel for saving me the time of typing my answer. I agree 100% on everything you said. :slight_smile:

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Taliesin will, when his wife isn’t screaming at him on stream to quit raging at chat making fun of him and being a grown man with a baby trying to sleep screaming like a ten year old that it causes the baby to wake up and start crying.

Which he then for some reason thinks he’s now having a screaming contest with a confused baby that just hears loud noises and gets louder.


By finding an obscure article from five years ago? Get real.

A lot of people enjoy FF14, and Im happy for them. It does have very enjoyable aspects.

However, getting to any of those was an absolute slog. Even in classic WoW, you won’t be spending months of questing to get to end game.

I did enjoy the feel and aesthetics of FF14. Atmospherically, it felt great most of the time, but I will reiterate that hundreds of hours of following an insanely boring and incredibly linear quest line is just absolutely not for me.

I can appreciate that you enjoy FF14, but white knighting for them by pointing to an article that probably 90 people read is just kinda lame.

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I told you the game was advertised as a Final Fantasy game first, MMO second. You claimed it was never advertised as that except by exclusively the players. I showed you the main dude outright saying that exact thing himself.

Doesn’t take that long in FF14 either unless you’re Rich Campbell and stall for donations.

? Are you dense? I linked that article SPECIFICALLY to refute a claim that you made, that I corrected and you said was a lie so I linked it to back that claim I made up.


I’ve practically lived in the threads for these past few months. I’ve only seen folks discuss points in the story, not the story overall. Could you provide an example?

I don’t think we’re playing the same game then. Or maybe it’s because you love the story and everyone around you does as well. I don’t love your story. I don’t love Emet-Selch, I don’t love Hydaelyn, I don’t love Y’shtola, I absolutely despise the twins, it was not for me.

I continued reading it because the people around me would constantly ask “DO YOU LOVE IT?” to which I would respond, “That owl maze stuff was pretty fun.”

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We definitely are and I did not run into those people. You can’t measure everyone by your own ruler.

I don’t think you realize how hypocritical that statement is.

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I feel bad for the corpse of the Horse.

Man, you just gonna dog on Danuser’s waifu like that in public? That’s low.


I don’t or didn’t believe I was insulting someone. I am merely stating that the horse has been beaten to death.

Here we go. This is that classic FF14 community we hear so much about being so amazing. If you disagree with them and don’t worship at the altar of Yoshida, this is what you get.

If you are unable to draw the distinction between linking me an obscure article off a third party website and actual game advertisement by the company in an official capacity, then I don’t know what to tell you.

Also, if your idea of a FF game before an MMO is hundreds of hours of MSQ then I can easily make the statement that this is a boring, shoddy; and extremely mediocre RPG..


Nah I was joking since well, Horse can be a typo of Horde, as well as the first syllable being akin to a different word with which we might feel about said character out of spite. Not in a literal application but just as a “I’m mad, here’s an insult” type insult.

Ah, not a problem. Thank you for clarifying.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I like WoW for a lot of reasons. I like FFXIV for many reasons as well, but mostly for things you don’t list. FFXIV isn’t a toxic s-hole, and Yoshi genuinely cares for the community. Ion cares about…Ion, and his c-jerk friends.


I’m a WoW player first actually with regards to Classic, nice try. Also yes, apparently getting annoyed at you for lying through your teeth and shifting goalposts with every post is akin to being toxic.


Again, you made a claim, I told you that quote, you said “no” as above, I gave you proof, you dug in your heels and now called it irrelevant because it debunked your argument that the game was never advertised as a story game when it always was.

Can see why you hate FF14 in all honesty, following basic conversation seems to be rough on you.


I think WoW has some of the absolute best music I ever heard. Namely Elwynn, Westfall, Grizzly Hills. I love also the Ardenweald music.

I think both games miss lots of opportunities to insert good heavy metal music. Heavy metal, particularly the “symphonic” subgenre, works surprisingly well with fantasy settings, and many HM groups are very aware of this (since the cofounders with Black Sabbath of the genre, Iron Maiden).

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