World of Warcraft vs FF14 (specifics listed on post)

Gawd that second one is terrible.

Its not even in the same league as this, one of the most beautiful pieces of game music ever written.

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Let’s not go pretending FF14 belongs in the realm of fantasy novels. It’s more like Bleach vs Sword Art Online.

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I’d say final fantasy beats wow in alot of those areas. But I will say wow plays smoother and final fantasy’s questing experience is the worst I’ve actually ever experienced in any MMO ever


. . . Are trying to compare ambient music in a zone to music specifically tailored around a boss fight? You realize this is apples to oranges, right?

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OK, I can get more specific. How about the music for one character?

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You don’t have to be a pro in WoW raiding to have a preference. FFXIV’s raids are typically arenas with mechanics. WoW’s are almost always fully fleshed out environments. Visually they’re both vastly different.

I’ve done my share of savages and high-end WoW raids. I appreciate how much FFXIV respects your time (The game, not all the terrible players), but that’s about it. Fundamentally I enjoy WoW raids far more. You feel like a number eventually but the smoothness of it all is so much more enjoyable for me.

I feel like FFXIV music fits the j-pop/anime/FF narrative way better. If you grew up playing FF games, then FFXIV is surely the winner.

WoW also fits its own narrative. If you listen to the music, it has the classical fantasy vibe all the old fantasy games had. You won’t find that in FF.

And that track still isn’t relevant since you’re using a character theme.

This was the raid music for that particular fight.

Who cares? Music is music. I’ve made my point, WoW has great music, and I dont plan to keep arguing over pedantic points.

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Is it? I hear so many differing opinions.

I only played to level 52, so cannot really say for myself. But I did enjoy the story, it seemed so much tighter and more thought-out than WoW’s story, sadly.

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No it hasn’t. The players have advertised it as such. No one at SE or any players will tell you that upon purchasing the game and setting out-you have hundreds of hours of ridiculously boring MSQ ahead of you. You can’t skip it. You are going to have to endure it. For a couple of months, this is what you’ll be doing.

I absolutely skipped what I could, because I was ready to play. I don’t remember much of it other than it was terribly boring MSQ stuff. The handful of bright moments in the game for me were when I was doing dungeons and raids, which while fun-are full of cutscenes. Oh and the community is crap too. Go ahead and watch one of them, they’ll be miles ahead of you in the dungeon if it allows them to skip it.

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Because what the music is composed for has a heavy bearing on how the track itself will inevitably play out. A song designed for a raid fight is going to be different than a track meant for questing through a zone. A song for a dungeon is going to be different than that of a city.

I’m at least being fair enough to compare things that were composed for the same purpose.

You’re not really arguing so much as throwing random tracks out, hilariously all ones that were composed by people NO LONGER WORKING AT THE COMPANY and from over a decade ago and saying it’s an apt comparison.

This is a dungeon in WoW.

This is a dungeon in FF14.


Comparing FFXIV’s story to something like Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time, or Game of Thrones is honestly a slap in the face to fantasy readers everywhere. It doesn’t fall in the same category as those novels. They’re high fantasy. FF is anime fantasy.

Albeit FF teeters on trying to be like a well written fantasy novel, it’s anime moments kick it right off that line.

Being completely honest, this dungeon is one of the few times I turned the music off in FFXIV. I understand most people love it, but I absolutely despise it. Same with the Alexander music.

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“FFXIV is an MMO, but before that it’s an RPG, and before that it’s a Final Fantasy game,” Yoshida states firmly. “At the heart of that rests a focus on making the main scenario something that players care about. We have spent a huge amount of time making sure that the story is as vital to this game as it is to other numbered Final Fantasy titles.”

Did your work for you. This is from 2017 by the way.

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That’s completely fair, tastes are different. If it doesn’t vibe with you it just doesn’t vibe with you.

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But…but it doesn’t matter what is WAS COMPOSED FOR. (See you are making me use caps!). What matter is whether or not its pleasing music. Understand me? I dont find FF music pleasing. And music is, and always will be, entirely subjective. If you like it, fine. Let’s agree to disagree on a matter of taste.

And it doesnt matter when it was written. I suspect a lot of people still think Beethoven’s 5th is rather good, despite it being written in the 19th century.

The funny thing is, I suspect most people dont even listen to the music in a raid of dungeon. Most times they are too busy talking to each other or listening to raid warnings to stand around and admire the background music.

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I’m a huge Tolkien fan, and I’m a writer. It was a very tongue-in-cheek comparison.

I’m utterly disappointed in WoW’s writing, thus anything else seeming epic quality.


Except it does, do you understand musical delivery at all when it comes to video games in particular? You tailor the soundtrack around what the person is doing. You don’t just throw out of place music willy nilly. Thus, when you compare the two you need to compare with something composed for that exact same purpose. This is why Ocarina of Time’s Hyrule Field theme was so appreciated by players. It was unique in that song had different sections that seamlessly played and changed based around what you were doing at that time. When you were running was different from when you were fighting something, but they seamlessly played together.

You’re not going to have a friggen city playing a track that’s more akin to Death Metal, or while questing in a zone. You’re going to use something that is chill, immersive, and tailored that it really adds to the zone to compliment it. It works alongside the artwork in this fashion. Grizzly Hills as a theme was composed specifically FOR Grizzly Hills. It would be horribly out of place if that was the music in Vashj’ir, and even more out of place if that was the music for Ulduar.

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Understandable. We do need to be careful with our wording though. I was a victim of FF14’s story thanks to a lack of context.

FF14 is full of cliche anime moments, plain and simple. Roughly the same dynamics you’d find in an anime as well. I think it’s only fair we sell it as such.

WoW may have a subpar story written by subpar writers, but at least its fanbase doesn’t try to sell it as something it isn’t.


You’re a bit too fanatical for WoW. Your opinion can’t really be taken seriously.


Jeez, its like running around in circles talking to you.

I am not - I repeat this again - talking about what it was written for. I am talking about whether or not it is good music. And obviously, thats subjective. Can we just move past what it was written FOR and deal with whether or not it is good music FOR YOU. Or for me.

If I linked, for example, Baba Yetu, the theme for Civilization IV (and the only game music to win a Grammy Award), most people would agree that it is amazing music. They wouldn’t sit there and tell me its not good because it isn’t music for part of the gameplay.

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