World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria Ends Soon!

They’ll probably show up in the trading post.

All of 'em, eh? Methinks you don’t know what it’s like to run a company that’s successful enough to have an actual CEO position and not just ‘well I started this company two weeks ago, that basically means I’m the CEO’.

So, those 36 slot bags… Just going to “poof” those into non-existance?


Also, I love getting the gear downgrade. What a joy. sighs


It’s not “out of touch”, it’s their entire design philosophy and has been since day one.

Adding arsenals at this point is a trade-off for them: If they put them in, they appease the FOMO of players who couldn’t be bothered putting in the time to do the farming while if they leave them out they appease the ego of the players who were dedicated enough to dump that amount of time.

So it becomes a question of who do they care about more: Players who play, or players who don’t play? Either way they’re going to piss off one of those two groups.

The only other option would have been to implement arsenals from the start, but that has it’s own issues: Namely, the people who got on that stuff very quickly would have collected everything within the first week or two and there wouldn’t have been the huge amount of OP carries to keep the game easy for all those people who didn’t bother playing until the last minute - that is, you would not have only failed to get your weapons you would have also been struggling to get the armor, mounts and pets as well as collecting bronze would have been extremely difficult.

OK so they boost bronze. Great. Now the game mode amounts to essentially “click here for loot” and everyone leaves two days after they started. The question here becomes why they’d bother putting in the time to create the game mode at all if that’s the design choice. May as well just mail out a bag full of tmogs to everyone and call it a day.

It’s all about choices. Blizzard made the choice to restrict weapon drops to those who were willing to put in the time. You made the choice not to put in the time.

Are any of those choices better or worse? Not really. Everyone has their preferences, and every choice has both positive and negative outcomes. You chose to wait until the last minute to play and your negative outcome is not getting some of the drops. But the positive outcome is that you had more time to do other things in your life. Blizzard’s negative outcome is that they annoy people who didn’t put in the time, while their positive outcome is making those who did put in the time happy. There is no choice either you or they could have made that would have had strictly positive outcomes.

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Question. What’s happening to Dracthyr? Like, if you left a level 40ish Evoker, is the evoker going to be level 40 when the event ends or will it get bumped to level 58? Asking because Evokers starts at level 58 by default on retail, but on remix they start at level 10 like everyone else, so im curious about what’s going to happen in a case like this.

Most people stopped long before they hit 2 million bronze. Introducing a mount in the last week when most people can’t earn it now isn’t going to happen.

people who play should always be given priority

They start at level 10 now. Retail and Remix.


All characters will keep their level. Read the article.

Also: Since you can have more than one Evoker now, I’m assuming they will lower the level of Dracthyr going forward. I’m guessing they will start at 10.

Ngl that would be pretty cool

Re-read what i said. No need to be condescending. Last time i made one, they started at level 58, so i wasn’t sure.

Bull crap! Give us 34-38 slot bags!! You clearly have the data and Ability! Give us the bags we earned. It’s bad enough you guys held out on the original mythic wolf mount.

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Where is the vendor with all the weapon skins when MoP remix is finishing soon? :dracthyr_nervous_animated:


467 crap gear??? come on blizz, give us the 480 Dalaran defenders set and and some bullions to get weapon, rings, trinket etc.

We already put in “the grind” on these characters and they shouldn’t be treated like a lvl 70 “raid ready” boost into dragonflight.


Hate to beat a dead horse, but can we get clarification on the Emperor Shaohao Reputation buff (+ 700%) on Live continuing after Remix? I’ve been farming alts for the Timeless Isle trinket, but even as fast as it is, it gets grindy. I’d like to know if I need to do more of them this week. Thank you

It still leaves many unanswered questions, what will happen with our gear? Will it be kept at least to be used for leveling in the new zones without being used as an exploit for the future of the new gears that will be dropped in the new raids and dungeons Hero and Mythic?

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Agreed, while i didnt find much use for the bank bags during Remix (mostly has 2 extra bag slots opened, one for the for overflow of tinker/meta/cogwheel gems and one for weapons wanted to save for some reason.) , they would have been welcome for the gajillion items ill end up packratting on them.

If you read the article, you wouldn’t have needed the correction.

Accept that you didn’t do your homework.

You would have been sure if you read the article. Have a good day.

Will those of us with missing Cloak of Infinite Potential appearances due to the bug finally receive the missing transmog options?


Just hope Blizzard remembers to leave the Theramore Tabard(The reward from a long ago FOS) in the item bags, since it was purchasable by allies but never got to be a toy(Like the horde reward) I can imagine it would be a easy oversight

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Of course, silly me, choosing to not to have good RNG during all the hours of grinding I’ve put in.

I’ve been consistently playing this mode from day 1. I have 4 70s at max ilevel and 5k+ health in thread, and have completely cleaned out all of the bronze vendors’ inventories.

I still have about 1/3-1/4 of all the exclusive weapon mogs uncollected because they are entirely RNG and many of them are from farm-unfriendly sources like LFR, scenarios, and world drops.

The entire started purpose of this mode was that we were guaranteed to collect everything the mode had to offer. That’s why they made the bronze vendors in the first place. Adding 200+ exclusive weapon mogs and making them solely acquirable through RNG grinding is entirely against the stated design of the mode.