Mark this one in the Big Blizzard L column and move on I guess.
Hey Blizzard, would you mind letting me stay in Pandaria Remix please? Just leave a light on and send me some food every now and then. Thanks.
The heck we didn’t.
My bag was gorged with junk (gems, gems, more gems, some gems, and scrolls, pots, and more gems).
Oh, my bank was gorged with gems too.
I was hoping to buy the 36 slot bank bags and that they would stick, now I won’t bother.
I wouldn’t mind SOMETHING for my 700K extra broze either, but, NBD.
i have my remix toon parked at the rep vendor for the horde side for the mounts lol
Did you really think they’d let people start TWW with the equivalent of level 80 heroic dungeon loot?
thank god!
Bags yes. In my case I also set up every bank slot with those bags. That’s what I meant was unnecessary.
What does this even means? Does it mean we will get the bugged ensembles that for some reason didn’t showed in the vendor? Like the mythic version of the cloth set Chronomancer Regalia?
The only thing I can think of as to why they didn’t do weapon arsenals is that arsenals are more time-consuming to do than transmog ensembles.
They’re not going to say a word about that because they don’t want anyone to think that the MoP Remix rewards will ever be available again in any way.
It do be smellin’ like surprise trading post mogs.
- All items, currencies (except gold), and quests will be removed from Timerunners and their banks during the conversion process, so make sure to spend your Bronze!
Spend my bronze on what? I have all the ensembles, mounts, and toys. It would be better to convert it to gold, even at a terrible conversion rate like 1 bronze = 1 copper.
This just feels bad and is a bad ending to such a great game mode. I had more fun in remix than I’ve had in years on retail and now it just kinda seems a bit of a waste.
I would imagine that it just means anything in your bags that is, for some reason or another, not learned. Not sure who that’s targeting. Anyone else buy something and not learn it immediately?
First off - Remix was a blast. Levelled 25 Aliance alts that I’ve always wanted to start but never had a chance to do. Really enjoyed this, 20/10, much better than Blunderstorm, and I hope there’s a WoD Remix or Legion Remix one day.
That being said - FFS, all y’all need to stop crying about these last minute demands for Remix. You’re not getting weapon arsenals, and you’re not getting bronze to gold conversion. Doesn’t matter how much you whine about it. The sunset date is basically a week off. Blizz is probably focusing on TWW.
All I want to know is - all the bank slots I unlocked - they stay unlocked, too, right? And howsabout 30 slot bags in each unlocked bank slot?
So all the rep tokens I gathered are gone. I gathered before knowing about account wide reps will eventually be coming but I wanted to use them on my main toon that has 99% of my exalted reps…
Come on blizz, arsenals you still got time.
this this this like what do they expect us to buy after buying everything? lol
Is there any chance we can get confirmation our Alliance characters are going to keep their Theramore Tabards?
Almost done? Good! Sick of hearing about it already.
I think the first part is true, but the second part seems unlikely. The only comment they have on bags, is that you get 4 of them. Sounds like we’ll be seven bags short.
And always the Kor’kron shoulders, tabard, and ax were not added. Thanks Blizzard for ignoring this, which isn’t a big task!