World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria Ends Soon!

Can’t come soon enough. Great idea, but horrible to play.

so there is a way to convert bronze to gold…but it will take FOR EVERRR FOR EVERRRR FOR EVERRRR

Hey I really enjoyed remix for the most part and leveling toons was super fast and linear. Very pleased at getting 467 gear in the end because I just didn’t have time to farm the bronze to fully upgrade any of them and really didn’t want to. I got it finished though. I was a bit confused on why give so much bag space in an temporary event that won’t use the bag space and then downgrade them to 32 slot - it’s just stupid.

I wish the Prepatch event was better - I don’t have time to nauseously farm those zones to level a toon ( I had a few 30’s) because there is literally no one playing on my server most the time outside the dailies - I’m on fully pop Thrall. I also had some end expansion goals I wanted to meet but with MoP and Prepatch there was no time - oh well. I hope Blizz just does one or the other next expansion. I didn’t like the pressure to get everything I wanted from these 2 events and having to choose to lose out on my end game goals, one is enough, I think peeps wouldn’t be board either. I really think that most player have things to work on while we wait, plus we all have a real life!


Plus you answered in very simple direct answers- it’s what we all would like.

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Are those characters in Chromie Time? That can make a difference, you should be seeing many other players on Thrall.

I’ve levelled many character through the event on a high pop (Stormrage) and very low pop (Arygos) I’ve never had an issue with lack of other players.

Go speak to Chromie and if the option is there either select “current timeline” or Dragonflight (which is the default levelling timeline now).

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I hope they do remix again in the future, just with a few changes. Max ilvl should be warband wide, as should Advantage. It doesn’t matter if people get OP, they’re already OP, the point of remix is to get super OP characters while farming transmogs and mounts, just let people be OP.


i bet they will and i bet we will see a 2m bronze mount this time as well

I’m aware. It was nice having a non-trinket version though.

It really should be a toy and I’m surprised it hasn’t been converted to one but, eh, whatever nbd

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  • Characters will receive four 30 slot bags with one 26 slot reagent bag.

How rude!

I was hoping to keep those bags, not because of the size, but just as a souvenir of Remix on all of my characters that were created during the event. This is really a bummer.


Weapon arsenals would be so good. Even doing lfr raids everyday I didn’t got the staff I wanted.


Weapon arsenals would be fantastic as would fixing the Mythic armour set I bought and learned yet still don’t have and can no longer buy.


FYI, I just logged into the PTR about half hour ago, copied over my Remix main and checked my bank, my Reagent Tab was still unlocked, I didn’t have to pay the 100G. Check again if you have time and want to.


So… Should I start opening my bank full of greater caches now? Thinking they’re not going to give us another bronze buff. Was hoping to get a cheeky boost at the last second haha

i would then convert it to gold…but it does take FOREVER to do the more bronze you have the longer it also takes its a pain

Or they could have just added ensembles :smirk:


I remade so many characters just for the bag space. They already had purchased some on live and now I have wasted gold and time. Can we please keep the bags. What was even the point in them?

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I have to agree, I spent a LOT of time maxing out all my gear. If you don’t want to give Mythic Awakened gear, THERE’S LESS THAN TWO WEEKS LEFT!

GIve us our 34-38 slot bags and give us 550+ gear!

So, mythic chronomancer regalia (mage set) is not available on the vendor for some players.

You (Blizzard) know this is an issue and don’t wish to fix the problem, now with only 5 days left in the event

and if you ask support for help, the response you get is

“We’re might terminate your account if your ask for help.”

I have the currency ready to buy the ensemble, but it’s not available to purchase on any character I make and bring to shrine.

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That is the response you get when you keep nagging support about the same ticket over and over. I’d have probably told you to get lost, too. lol If this is an issue then yeah, it should be addressed, but they have told you in no uncertain terms that they hear you and they want you to back off.