World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria Ends Soon!

Thanks for finally posting official info about what will happen after Remix.

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what about the reputation players earned? will we be able to keep it exalted?

Thank you.
Remix has been a lot of fun.
Loved it.

I don’t mind so much the 30 slot bags because we getting a reagent bag and they will all be starting empty anyway.

I do have 1 question…
What about the bags we bought for our banks?
Do we get to keep them and do those get converted to 30 slot bags also?


“… Characters will retain any gold they earned in Mists of Pandaria and receive a Timerunner’s Parting Pack with a small amount of gold which scales with the character level to get them started in The War Within…”

Thank you in advanced for the “Timerunner’s Parting Pack”.

The pre-release event gear and bags are better than what Timerunners will get when they convert so just farm a few sets in the event and put them in the bank for your Timerunners.

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I’m not so bothered about the gear conversion, but you’re taking away our 36-slot bags, currently the biggest possible bag in the game, and you’re not at least replacing them with 34-slot bags, currently the biggest craftable bag in the game?


Frog Farming Simulator 2024.

It won’t be long also before it reopens organically after we defeat Deathwing in the past too. I’m looking forward to that especially…

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What do the words “up to” refer to in the item concerning the gearing for L70 toons? What is the criteria for what iLvl gear a L70 gets? Is it tied to the iLvl we have on the toon from premix? I’d like to know if it’s worth grinding out more gear levels on my toons in the final week or not.

That’s what I wanted to know. Thanks for testing for us.

it means 70s will get that ilvl gear 69s and below will NOT

Not everyone lives in the basement relying on others while sitting behind a computer playing 24/7. People do have, oh, what you call it, lives outside of playing WoW.

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I worked like you do, maybe not your typical Walmart/7 eleven job but I had a goal. Giving up and putting your hand out is why the player base is spoiled/brats

I forget how big the bags I bought for bronze were, but can we keep those if they’re bigger?

I mean, I have a tailor if need be, but still, I got special event bags. :stuck_out_tongue:

36 slots.


As did a lot of players. Blizzard has clarified what we get to keep and what we don’t get to keep.

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Weird bossy little girl energy, but there’s no harm in asking if we can keep the event bags. lol.


Don’t worry I won’t answer anymore of your questions with facts. Ok? Or is that too bossy for your ego?

467 should be reserved for those who upgraded gear on at least one toon to make the experience more fun for everyone. Let those who remained at 346 reap what they sowed.

I takes about 1.5 hours to casually level a character in remix (well maybe a bit longer since not as many people are queuing for Heroic Dungeons since the pre-expac. You could level even faster if you have a friend who is OP and can carry you.

Question: What happens to our bank slots? If you actually invested in opening up all of your bank slots. Does that transfer over or do we just lose the gold invested in doing that? (I gather already that we would not keep the bags used in those slots.)


Relax dude. Comparing complete achievement in a video game to successful career goals is not something you relish over. You aren’t special for “beating” a game.

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It takes like 10 minutes to farm sooooooo