Are the missing Ensembles (Mythic Mage Chrono I’m looking at you) going to be patched in real quick so we can get them? What about all the world items that just won’t drop due to RNG?
kinda of cruel to down grade all the remix characters bags down to 30 slots when they’ve been enjoying the 36 slots all this time…also means they’re possibly wiping the ones anyone bought for more space in their bank.
467 item level gear for level 70 characters oof doing us dirty in last few days of expac, should at least be top gear ilvl or close to it so 500+ vs making us miles behind. Its the difference of a few days. Also why not just give us the bags we have in remix thats pretty jacked up to downgrade us on everything. Especially bank bags we equiped.
My opinion is just not restricted to Remix, as They said in WoD they would add Arsenals and of course they do after the expansion but it sucks when you loose out on weapons due to not playing a warrior in PvP for the elite skins as they can use everything but glaves.
Ya warband bank costs are insane its like they are trying to force token purchase.
Cool, the event’s ending, yet you still haven’t fixed Ensemble: Chronomancer Regalia mythic.
Nice to be sitting on bronze to buy the last possible thing from the vendor, but yet it’s not visible on the vendor for any character I make.
Even better that your customer service just says “sorry we know it’s a problem but we’re not going to help.”
is there any plan to add a vendor for all of the RNG stuff to be bought with Bronze from all the different avenues, ie. scenarios, questing, raids, dungeons. stuff like that. please consider this before the event ends considering some of the stuff isnt obtainable outside of remix.
Gosh dang it. Knew the bag space was too good to be true! Oh well.
If they were going to convert bronze to gold you would have seen retail almost empty, every player and their cat would have spent every waking hour farming for super easy gold and it would have killed retail for your average player.
But… I want the bags. I don’t care about any of the rest of it.
Cya remix , was fun but then got boring fast
RIP to Magical Pet Biscuit even though it’s now warbound & exists in retail, cannot be transferred… would have saved the currency instead if this was known!
467?!? Why so low? This should have been 480 at the minimum since you are giving that away in the pre-patch and timewalkers don’t really have time to grind through the pre-patch.
Given how long it took to grind my gear up in Remix, I wasn’t expecting to retain my 556 gear, but I do think getting worse gear than the prepatch is unfair.
Bro. I was under the impression Evokers still started at level 58 in retail. Chill and stop acting like a jerk. Thank you and good day.
Being impotently spiteful at the success of other people isn’t actually going to improve your life.
I hope the bags in my bank slots will also at least turn into 30 slotters instead of going away completely.
Guess we’ll see.
Okay, nice to get official word about what’s going to happen. But the question I have is why this couldn’t be posted at the beginning of the event rather than now? Is it perhaps because Blizzard wanted people to play Remix a lot more than they would’ve had to otherwise? At least now that I know we don’t keep the bags I can go ahead and delete the Remix toons and remake them to do the prelaunch event.
Logging into the 11.0.2 PTR and copying my Remix druid I found all my bank bags were gone and the reagent slot I had previously purchased was locked and I had to pay the 100g again. The 7 bank slots I had purchased during Remix remained unlocked.
- All items, currencies (except gold), and quests will be removed from Timerunners and their banks during the conversion process, so make sure to spend your Bronze!
So, I may be overthinking this. But, the specific currencies and items left me wondering, so I thought I would ask.
Items Removed -
- Will this include Crafting Reagents (Pandaria Gems, Fish, Leather, Ghost Iron Ore) and items like Keys for chests or the Shado-Pan Treasure Incursion quest on Isle of Thunder - obtained from the same treasure nodes/quests as they come from Retail?
- Will this include the “Warbound” Reputation Tokens (Stolen Golden Lotus / Shado-Pan / Celestial / Klaxxi Insignia, Relic of Guo-Lai / the Thunder King) that we have looted while killing Rares?
Currencies Removed -
- Will this include the character currencies like Lesser Charm of Good Fortune or Timeless Coins? (Since only the Timeless Coins are transferable between Warband characters.) Or, is it ONLY Bronze being removed?
Anyone still needing stuff from raids ill be running after reset. Message if you need help leveling toons or mog runs.