World of Warcraft Post-BlizzCon Q&A

Why are you still putting on this act year after year. You already have questions “picked”


There is a goody bag that only people who attend in person get. But other than that, not really. I went once, and I wouldn’t recommend anyone go in person unless you just like being in large crowds. You get a better seat and can hear better through the stream. Although, Tenacious D played the year I went so it made it all worth it.

Well, the armchair is harder to swing… But if it connects…

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I can’t blame the devs for the Blizzcon QA changes.

I’d rather blame corporate folk who hid behind them and force front loaded DF content and released the xpac prematurely.

In fact I blame corporate for MAU metric design and employee ranking systems putting employees into a bad spot with systems design as well.

Systemic issues are usually due to higher up shot calls.


Question: What is the right balance between raid logging and having rewarding daily content? I felt like Dragonflight over-corrected towards raid logging.

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Remember to come back and post this in the thread they make on Nov 3rd. This isn’t the actual question topic they will be pulling the questions from.

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I mean they wouldnt want another D4 Q and A live now would they? this is exactly what they are avoiding.

Just gonna be some of the most drone answers to softball questions,

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Raid logging would have been better if it was actively repeatable, not a once a week loot pinata you need to hassle people over to make sure you don’t burn your lockout.

People just wanna grind and vibe, not deal with fake esports stuff that’s stuffed behind waiting a week each interval.


The off-the-cuff moments are often very insightful, but to be fair, I find the live Q&As tend to lose a lot of time to organization/overhead/hosts.

Oh no. This doesn’t look like a promising start under Microsoft.

They are so afraid of the reception to what’s announced at Blizzcon that they are going to do this.



Cant wait for the hand picked scripted questions that the community doesnt actually want asked like years prior…

Prior blizzcons, the questions were lame and hand picked/scripted. Stuff the community didnt care about.

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If we left the Q&A post empty next week, do you think they would still record a video answering random questions?


Sounds like you’re going to have to wait for at least a week.

I got one question for you right now.

When are Dracthyr finally going to be able to fly?

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Lore doesn’t work at Blizzard anymore and hasn’t for a while now iirc

Yea, someone already clued me in.
Who’s gonna repeat everything Ion / Morgan say now :frowning:

Well, crap. I was looking forward, for all of the wrong reasons, to seeing lore read off all of the questions and repeat the answers unnecessarily for hours. That’s disappointing. Lol

they wont do a Q&A Live in person i bet… never after the Diablo Immortal fiasco

What could they say if someone asks live about the milk feeding… LMAO …

Still, very cowardise… LOL


I’m surprised they bother.

Everyone and their mother knows the questions will be screened.

Let’s be honest, half the time it was just people asking worthless questions and shouting out their guild or server. Plus, there have been a lot of incidents of openly dissenting Blizzcon attendees who paid hundreds of dollars just to talk sh*t, and it’s only gotten worse over time. This is probably better at this point in the company’s history and reputation.