I never really thought about what sort of security they have at conventions but I did kind of assume there would at least be a handful of big, beefy guys in sunglasses blocking the stage. You know, like at a rock concert. I hope companies don’t skimp on security for their devs as a cost saving measure, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did sadly.
Well i think asking about player housing is a fair question to ask. Since many players really want a new evergreen feature. I don’t mean garrisons either that was not player housing. Think Final Fantasy 14 or even wildstar.
Fair question, sure. But the answer is either it’s not going to happen, or we don’t know. They rarely commit to things they are working on because if they change course, everyone accuses them of lying…so addressing the question in general is a waste of time.
Not really. If it’s not announced, there’s no reason to ask about it. They’re not doing it, obviously. So it’s a waste of a question about the new expansion if it’s not in it.
I’m big on player housing, but I don’t expect it to ever happen.
Sure. Know how they handled the trash talking and dogpiling when they used to talk to us?
They stopped and just did refined Q&As.
There ya go. They did their job.
Even Palia ended up doing the same after WoW players started trashing the dev team.
You can’t converse with crazies. No reason to try. This community is hostile and polarized.
Not gonna lie, WoW has become a very “selfish” game and I think that’s a part of it.
Solo play has become more prevalent, and meta-chasing leaves a lot of players wanting to play but unable to participate.
Every time a class or race gets an update, it’s seen as a loss by everyone who didn’t get anything.
I’ve gotten pretty apathetic myself, due to lack of PvP updates, and tired of watching M+ players prance around having fun.
I miss when my pillar got attention, lol.
Idk, I just personally think retail has more issues cropping up than they can solve.
A lot of it results in negative or toxic behavior.
It’s a whole loop that’s been happing for years, every expansion, and I don’t see it being solved.
Another game I’m sinking most of my time into is Deep Rock Galactic- it’s all about working together (or failing lol), comradery and all that. VERY positive atmosphere. The devs stream, and are always talking to us, it’s an open-door kinda policy with Ghost Ship Games.
I think that kind of approach is most beneficial.
WoW is old at this point, and I don’t see any sweeping changes coming soon, which is a shame.
Security of course becomes meaningless if the guy trying to force a confrontation with the Developers has vast political power like a Governor of the State the Developers’ event is taking place in or the President or even an Absolute Monarch who just invited the Developers to his luxury palace in his home country.
The Developers in that cause will have to do everything they can to appease this guy otherwise…
Just so they can subjugate Disney, Hasbro and other Big Companies just as DeSantis attempted to? Of course DeSantis had limited power due to Disney being based in California which means he can’t preform decapitation strikes on the Company.
Mike Ybarra is scared, hes not a good leader and is showing it by not placing trust on the different teams making their games.
This feel like it was either gonna be like this from the beginning or it was a last minute idea from someone scared. Blizzcon like any other convention is suppose to be a convention to celebrate your games, developers and players all togethers alike in a manner they can talk about everything good and even not so good but in a way to improve the game worlds for everyone.
Having said that would be really hilarious though if all the other games panel does the same and recorded the Q&A.
Based on the negative public reactions to D4 and OW2…I would be really surprised if they don’t handle the Q&A the same way. It would be silly to give “fans” a platform when there is just that much hostility in general towards Blizzard and their games. And as I mentioned before, now there are also social rewards for “trolling” that would motivate some as well.
There is no hype for Blizzard games anymore. That would be a huge mistake on their part.
Reinventing the wheel never worked either. So I’m honestly not sure what they could do. It’s a corporation, so they’ll look at it and say, “this makes us money, so keep doing it.”
But we all grew up and changed, too. So it’s a mix of both.
The issue is this game is too old to bring in younger generations. No one wants to play the game their dad plays. So if they try to go popular routes, they alienate the old crowd and won’t bring in the younger crowd anyway. But they can’t stay static.
I don’t understand what the point is to go to Blizzcon Live. Is there anything exclusive? So far, the community itself seems to be the only reason to go. No wonder tickets haven’t sold out.