Hearthstone has some serious balancing problems that they’re not addressing, OW2 is pretty much a failure with promises had been broken and D4 has become the latest disaster…
People really need to look at the quality comparison between Blizzcon live Q&A and the Q&A from Fanfest streams. It makes us look like mouth breathers by comparison, tbh
When the daily content has barely been innovated on since TBC it’s hard to have a good balance. If there was something like Visions or Torghast, but well balanced and fun then I would login more often outside of M+ and Raid.
Blizz just has not innovated at all on the standard patch content of new island or area, daily quests mostly just kill / collect or rare mobs that aren’t rare or world events like Soup that just aren’t engaging. Then they waste a ton of time developing these little islands and areas that are used for like a week or two then dead content forever.
Why limit the questions to Friday only and not have a thread for it in the days leading up to the Q&A, are you hoping people will forget and you can just make up a bunch of softball questions that no one will care about.
They must be shaking in their boots about the reception to what they show at Blizzcon if they’re not going to do a live Q&A.
Back in Shadowlands… He did tiktok for a while and is now supposedly the head community manager for some company I’ve never heard of… His twitter handle is @devolore
Well this isn’t the thread for the questions… If you read up top it has yet to be posted. Good luck on getting it answered.
Probably a interesting lore question that you guys might think about.
Given each of the Incarnates are basically fully infused with elemental power and possibly borderline elemental themselves. Shouldn’t they actually reappear in the elemental plane when they ‘die’ in the world like the other elementals?
And another question is. When do we see Raszageth’s visage form in terms of concept design like we’ve seen the other Incarnates?
I don’t see how this will be different than the live Q&A. I’ve had friends ask questions at BlizzCon. They screen them beforehand to be approved. They don’t let you go up there and yolo it.
And they never have picked questions they don’t want to answer or are too difficult to answer with more than a sentence or two. I don’t get why everyone seems to think this means something.
Like some of you have never seen a Blizzard Q&A before.
Didn’t the D4 team get caught answering questions from fake accounts?
A non-live Q&A is worthless.
Question: When you write / rewrite quest and story lore, how do you prevent mistakes from happening storywise.
For example, you can start a new character, as soon as you can pick where to lvl up, for this example i will select Kul Tiras. As soon as you travel to Kul Tiras, your low level weak rookie
player character turns into a veteran hero who has saved the world even if he / she actually has done nothing really.
Then you have the logic of lots of the quest, especially the later expansions.
You as a hero are send to a unknown place to save the world, but yet, one you reach your destination you face quest that makes no sense considered what your true objectives are.
Take Dragonflight for example. The world is in danger once again but your quest objective as a leading hero who are ordered to to save the world against an attacking foe is… to go out in the forest to bake a cake to someone who is getting married. Exactly how from a story perspective, how does this even make any sense? Same goes that you are the leader of an expedition army, yet you have to go out hunting meat or collect crap for that army. IF you are the leader of susch expedition, surely you would send out troops to deal with stuff like this because you are busy saving the world?
Isn’t it a major problem when you lately has make the player character become an almost lifelike god and send him/ her / to to do quest that really isn’t something that someone of their rank should do?
Instead wouldn’t he be, a servant for the faction? That would make a lot of sense considering the quests that he gots offered.
Do you plan to make the expansions absolutely terrible or does it just come naturally to the WoW dev team?
They’re terrified of red shirt guy. LMAO
Why even bother…just have some major points and hit them…because the questions your going to answer will be the ones that’s going to be your major talking points anyways…
Terrified? Doubt it. That’s just a minor PR blooper.
RP and story don’t tend to be overly emphasized in the more long-term ‘successful’ games these days.
Was that when the
“Dont you people have phones?”
“Itʻs frankly a skill issue”
“You say no one asked for this? Well we asked for this.”
ROFL this is hilarious.
Proof that they know most people are angry.
Question: Will we be getting DK rework in the near future?
Question: Can The Shadowlands lore be decanonized please?
ROFL that’s the last person they’re scared of.