Follows normal physics.
tell me you’re not a girl without telling me you’re not a girl. The metal hair tie magically bends? and when hair is pulled up high and tight to the head it gives a lot of volume to the look, not a limp look. Like I said, BE, VE, KT, and Human are all using the hairstyle on the left. I want to know why draenei’s get the ugly one and if there’s any plans to fix it.
November 3rd for the AMA, but it’s Sunday the 29th, so why not?!
I have to pretend to be a girl to understand how physics work?
Can you share any plans in regards to any new evergreen systems? it feels awful to see so much content (catch up zones, expansion features/systems) basically forgotten about from one expansion to the next. All i really seem to care about these days is my mounts, pets, mogs and achievements because everything else is disposable.
I’m looking forward to adding something else to my list of things that matter from one expansion to the next (hint, hint… player housing!).
No, but if you were a girl, then you’d understand the physics of a ponytail. Trying to tell me the left ponytail isn’t physics but the right is, is silly. They both are correct. If the hair tie is loose to the head/angled down, it will create a limp, loose, flaccid ponytail. If the hair tie is up high tight against the head, it will give the illusion that the ponytail on the left is giving. Both are right, one looks horrible and one looks great (which is why they incorporated it into the void elves, kul tiran, and updated human models).
When did I say the left one isn’t accurate?
you alluded that by asking “what was wrong with it” as if just because it follows physics someone can’t dislike it because it just looks like crap
You already admitted to it following physics. So what are they hot fixing? A hair style you don’t find pleasing? Lmao what
Yes. That’s what I’m asking. If they’re going to hot fix it and put it back to the way it used to look. The the way that ALL the other female classes using that style of ponytail looks. Glad you figured it out.
Have you considered maybe it’s not supposed to look that way after 11 years or nah?
“If people are enjoying something and the participation is high will you guys be able to leave it the hell alone or will you ruin it again?”
I’ll ask my question here. Are Blizzard thinking of releasing a product that will be a competitive online game with an easy entry threshold with no allies?
The world definitely needs a game where it’s you and your opponent without allies who take the gameplay less seriously than you do.
Any chance of “borrowed power” systems like corruption, essences, azerite armor etc. coming back in the near future? The biggest problem with those systems I mentioned was the acquisition, but expansions like Legion/BFA got better as the expansion went on, we got more and more powerful with these things, more catchup being added, thus the game became more fun. I feel like Dragonflight has “fallen flat” in those regards.
I really liked having something I could do outside of raid/m+ to increase my player power.
Recent years?
It’s been like a decade of poor community engagement.
You people are insufferably whiny. At the end of the day, Blizzcon is an event to promote video games, it isn’t that serious. There’s no place for “hardball questions”. What exactly do you want, do you want Anderson Cooper to show up to a Blizzcon Q&A and do a “Keep Them Honest” segment?
i’m not sure people here are really clear on what blizzcon is. it’s a marketing event. it’s for blizzard to promote their products. it’s not a substitute for therapy. it’s not a public forum designed for haters to score nerd points.
I haven’t been excited for a Blizzcon in a long time. This is a nice change.
Lol relax there bud, Im just pointing out its going to be even more corporate flavored than normal. Your response is hilariously ironic considering you started of with:
Ya, nothing I said is ironic, if you really thought it was you would have included the whole reply instead of cutting it off.
Any relevant question about World of Warcraft is going to be a softball question, anything besides that is just going to doofuses trying to be the next red shirt guy and score points on social media.