You literally came to complain about people complaining. Other people in here are giving their opinions on the OP, and discussing what was posted about (the Q&A) while you’re here just giving your opinion on people’s opinions. Like, okay dude congratulations lol. You’re still complaining, and not even about the original topic. It’s why you come off as whinier than anyone in here, because you’re the whiner about whiners.
Also, no, I don’t need to do this because you can just hit the arrow to see the entire quote. It’s literally a feature of the forums to include the entire quote with the selected section.
Could you at least make this a challenge? lol. they already showed that.
BFA showed they forget alleria is a mistress (the original meaning of the word is female version of master) of of the void.
We need a master of the void. Best we got is an 8 year old dragon. Not a several 1000 year old elf. That was on argus time scale. She’s been void spamming for millennia, literally.
Sl they forgot DH’s can see dreadlords…through rock walls even.
Unfortunately the garrison is probably the closest we’ll ever get, and they could have done a lot to innovate on that concept post-WOD and clearly decided against it.
Blizzard, are you afraid of backlash after a disappointing announcement of what will come next to WoW, or someone making a political statement that goes against the corporate grain?
Everyone who disagrees with Pathfinder, please post in the Q&A thread asking why Blizz continues to lock regular flying behind this yet at the same time embrace flying in the form of Dragonriding. Ensure they can’t ignore this question and if they do, it will cause them another PR headache, and prove they never intended to answer real questions.
why does blizzard insist on timegating flying behind pathfinder (that comes a year later) even though many people have voiced their desire to have flying on day one of each expansion release?
As you screen our questions and sculpt a narrative, devoid of any serious concern and consideration.
I can see thousands of pertinent questions being submitted, but Blizzard electing to spend half the Q and A on Poop Quests and Rep grinds - one and the same, if you ask me.
With Cataclysm Classic coming, is it planned to add the very popular Alpha model of the worgen race as a customization option?
It would be a missed opportunity if it’s not the case.
With Midnight taking place at Quel’Thalas and so near Silvermoon, does it means that the old capitals will get a rework? If yes are Gilneas and a potential accessible Kezan concerned?
On Retail, the worgens are severly lacking in customizations options, will we have things like the highly requested optionnal tail, solid black fur or jewelries? And if yes will they be released in 2024?
Will account-wide reputations and renown apply retroactively to that earned in prior expansions?
For example, would Earthen Ring rep earned by one character in Cataclysm be shared with a new character I created in Dragonflight, or would only rep and renown earned in The War Within be shared among all my alts?
Wow 2 is a pipe dream…actually its not even that close to a reality its someone dreaming that there’s a dream of a chance of wow 2 happening.
BUT…Tallie and Evitel, though I rarely just go along with streamers (and no I don’t faithfully watch ANY streamer routinely) …make a point that seems feasible to me…
They are contending this world saga is a route blizz is using to tie up all current major story elements in this iteration of WoW. They believe after the last world saga (The Last Titan…I believe that’s what they called it) then a major overhaul of wow will happen in terms of graphics and system updates in a major sense…now if you want to call that “WoW 2”…so be it.
To me a true “WoW 2” – being a new World of Warcraft game entirely from the ground up – is never going to happen though.