I think it’s a bit weird that a lot of people try to justify this by pretending that the previous Q&As have been desasters where tons of troll questions were asked and the devs were blamed for the state of the game. In what world? I only remember the red shirt guy, coming out of an angry crowd rightfully so after the DI debacle. As long as Blizz doesn’t plan on repeating such a dangerous stunt, all will be fine.
Remember that only hardcore fans of Blizzard pay to visit a Blizzcon, not the average unsatisfied WoW player who can’t decide whether to cancel his sub or not.
i got a question.
when will draenei be deleted from the game?
Whenever you want. Log off and cancel, it’s over
Most likely 11.2. See you then.
look up “Felicia Day carpet curtains”
Yeah, I’ve got a lot of questions for you.
#1 How dare you?
This will have zero controversies
Awesome. Back in Legion we had the developers do a class Q&A where they took time to spend 1 hour answering questions and giving their philosophy and design goals/directions for each spec for that class. Will we get that at least for next expansion? They were super awesome to hear and understand the mindset and philosophies of every spec.
Hey, my name’s (name) awkward smile i’m from the (server) and the guild (guild.) cheers and awkward laugh.
“So I was wondering, if you guys had ever considered bringing back illidan stormrage, or any plans to bring back illidan since last we saw him he was left behind back in Legion.”
“Um, yea so yea illidan, yea like you said he was left behind back in Legion. Nothing to say right now, but would love to do more with him the future, so yea maybe, but not now.”
Rinse repeat for the next hour, there’s your live QnA.
how do you think the investors thought when talisen gave him the mic to say it? it got him outta the way and i think that was a great move on tallys part but i bet someone wasnt happy
blizz : "…all questions that we chose and vet before hand. "
if there all softballs i wouldnt be surprised. i dont think this new form of q&a will ever yield the " is this a early april fools joke " or a " red shirt guy " moment.
on the spot q&a have been the reason people buy btickets and sit in that line for a long time.
Most people appear to only read the thread title, assuming it’s less than 5-6 words before they start drooling.
What many people here seem to completely miss is that the Q&A isn’t open to many different topics anyway like in the live Q&As we had before.
We’ll ask you to submit questions on the latest WoW and WoW Classic updates
So of course there will be no questions regarding previous lore or stuff like “Are there any further plans on tackling heavy RNG during holiday events?”. I imagine only those questions will be picked that want to know more about the new stuff they announced. Of course there will just be questions like “Could you explain a bit more about this new feature you revealed today?”.
The questions were always chosen before, the only live aspect of it was the response from the Blizz guys on stage. Now it’s still going to be cherry picked and responses thought out before recording the answers.
LoseLose situation imo. Either have it live and appear to have a backbone, or do it post-con and appear less so. Maybe we’ll get some non-softball questions in there, but I wouldn’t plan on it.
Ogres as playeable Horde race when?
will you ever put in a hot fix for the draenei ponytail? it’s been 11 years
also, will you ever add back in the priest only staff, Benediction?
Because nobody but you cared about them
Ah well, such is life. There are always other alternatives. When a software vendor is not responsive to your needs, you find one who is.
What’s wrong with it?
Aren’t Ogres even larger than Tauren/Draenei? It would likely end up with something like the Dracthyr, which can’t use most transmogs in their base form.
Would you be ok with that?
one picture is clearly not like the other…no one wants a soggy ponytail. The one on the left is the style/model used for blood elves, void elves, humans, and kul tiran. It was also used by draenei until the update to their model in the prepatch to wod destroyed it. it has never been fixed and left as some flat, floppy, flaccid ugly thing.