World of Warcraft on Console

As per IGN

X-box owners should be happy if it does happen.


too many buttons


Not at all ff14 has more buttons on ninja than anything wow offers.

It’s the speed I’m concerned about but I’ve played with people that use a controller in pc in wow so


world of warcraft xbox 360

Idc, as long as they dont dumb down the game on account of them not being able to use any addons and playing on a controller.


Separate severs too.


World of demon hunters

I played EQOA on PS2, and we had to rotate through a lot of “buttons” in that game using a simple UI. Hit a button, control pad in a memorized sequence to get to what you need. We were able to get really fast at finding what we needed. Well within a WoW global CD. I think it could be done in WoW.

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I played that and FF11 on the PS2. It was surprisingly easy to do if you had a keyboard controller like this:

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The only saving grace, is that you can use a mouse/keyboard on an Xbox.


You can also use keyboard and mouse on pc.

  1. seperate servers so people don’t fight and trust me they will if they ever want to push content

  2. doubt it will even happen look at how many buttons alone we got including racials, borrowed power abilities, not even including trinkets, potions, etc… the ONLY way this would be possible is to hook up Mouse and keyboard and to what extent really do you want a damn console version if your just going to be using M/KB?

you look at ff14 for example it works because their gcd is longer and the way they actually have their spells set up it makes it easy for console/pc to coexist unlike in WoW gcd is lower and spells are just inflated af imo.

basic rotations are not bad but you got more then just the rotations to look at like utility, racials, etc…

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I think it would be a phenomenal boon to the playerbase to have people from Xbox playing WoW. The only thing that worries me is how well the two platforms would interact. I can’t imagine trying to raid with someone who is playing on console.

So it’s actually not a boon because they’d be on their own…

How would you even heal on a console? Quick target for kicks and stuns? There is also the question of ground abilities and targets. Addons? the base UI isnt’ the best.

This game is just so fundamentally created around MKB I don’t see how you could make it on console without severely dumbing it down. Also, why does every game need a console port? Let PC games be PC games. This is like designing every game around having a mobile port. It’s bad. Stop.


if they’re using a keyboard mouse, no problem.

if they’re using a controller, I prob wouldn’t want them in my group.

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If Blizz and in turn Microsoft solve the issues that would inevitably arise from making it cross platform, I would welcome the influx of potential new players.

No, but seriously, how would you heal on a console? The targeting would be the worst thing in the history of gaming. Everything would need to be converted into an AOE smart target.

Oh I’m sure companies as large as Blizz and Microsoft could come up with a solution if they really wanted to. Question is will they.