World Of Warcraft Now Requires an SSD To Run Shadowlands Expansion

no, but your emachines might need it.

Oh, cool. I was thinking my system might be in trouble. I enjoy playing with my 1 frame a decade and 2800 baud modem.

Yea, I’m not touching anything inside my PC for fear of breaking something. Guess I’ll just have to wait 4 to 5 years till I saved up enough cash to buy a new PC with an SSD already installed so I can play SL.

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Darn now I need to replace my Timex Sinclair

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Just download another 64k of ram. Should be fine.

If you’ve got a free USB port you can use an external just fine. Even an SSD on a USB 2.0 port on an older laptop is probably going to be faster and more consistent than an internal 2.5" laptop HDD. If you’ve got a USB 3.0 port, then it’s not even close; use an external SSD drive and you’re golden.

SSD’s are fairly cheap these days, and a USB3.0 external enclosure is $20 or less. You can get a 500GB SSD and an enclosure to put it in for ~$80 combined.

I have no idea what you just said. I have never been good or even half way decent with technology so all those terms you used flew over my head.

Oh man I totally forgot about laptop HDs. 5400RPM or in some cases, as low as 4200RPM…. shudders
should be illegal to sell such slowness.

I would but the Sony Walkman I use for a drive won’t let me and my rotary phone modem takes for ever because there are too many zeros in the isp phone number.

Do you know someone, a friend or family member that can assist you with that sort of stuff? They may be able to help you better understand and could do a hard drive change for you. Just a thought anyways.

External SSDs are basically glorified flash drives. USB 3.0 is a standard that supports faster speeds; the ports are often (but not always) blue.

The sad part is hard drives for NAS devices are sold at 5400rpms. The Synology one I use came with one that slow. I couldn’t believe it.

Arenas are a good point there. I haven’t PVPed in years so I don’t really think about that sort of thing.

That’s fair, but I’m just talking about WoW here. Some games could hitch a little if they’re streaming assets so quickly off your drive that the transfer speed is a bottleneck. That’s fairly uncommon, though, and I wouldn’t expect to see that with WoW in Shadowlands.

I learned everything I need to know through my speak and spell and Wargames.

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No one in my family has any idea how to use technology beyond turning it on and basic usage and I do not have friends.

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I couldn’t help but think of this.

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THe Orc goes Zug Zug

THe Tauren goes Moo

Lol. That fits most of my family to a T. I’m a bit more advanced than that but not my much. Still, have a like for making me chuckle.

Think this is cover for the game having so much load on demand that seeks times are now an issue.

I’m reminded of the dreadful load times in Dalaran during Legion, and Blizzard blaming hardware - despite some players with immensely powerful PCs having 10 minute load times.