World Of Warcraft Now Requires an SSD To Run Shadowlands Expansion

People outing themselves as know-nothings on the forums isn’t new, at least.

lol you take news from screenrant lol

about time. we ditched floppies real quick when cds came in.

we shoulda ditched spinning metal disks a while ago.

“Major bucks” = “I wouldn’t run out and spend $100 for a 1TB SSD even though it is better than an HDD in every way”

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Blizzard literally wrote that under the minimum specs required.


I’ve been running under minimum settings for a while, graphics card wise. I would imagine running an HDD will be fine, just have slow load times.

Package Bell 486 with DX2 math processor. BOOM!

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I mean that’s just PC gamers in general. Those Steam Hardware surveys are really telling with that. I imagine more salt will come when Windows 7 is no longer supported by Blizzard. Which I’m shocked it still listed since Microsoft End-of-Life’d it.

So I’m going to have to go spend a couple thousand that I don’t have on a new laptop to play Shadowlands?

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I don’t recommend it but even those cheap pre-builts from Walmart or Best Buy will run WoW.

Debatable. Reality is that due to the direction arenas are going, an SSD is essentially required for Hook Point because an HDD on Hook Point will load so slowly that the arena gates will open before you get through it.

While you can go through on an HDD without an issue, the problem is when entering some kind of competitive environment, encounter, or dungeon where a loading screen would be in the middle of it. If we enter a raid encounter with some kind of loading screen as tech moves forward, an HDD will result in the player being killed. So you’re correct, technically. But it will be problematic.


Oh man yeah, it’s gonna be bad lol. Probably worse than it was with XP.

Didn’t they continue to support XP a few years after MS officially EOL’d it?

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I’m running WoW just fine with my current laptop but I don’t know if it has an SSD or if one can even be put in if it doesn’t.

Right? That’s going to be a popcorn earner right there lol.

I think with XP, but as far as I knew with Windows 7 it’s pretty much EOL. I know companies can spend money to get extended support, which is what my employer is doing. But on the consumer side I’m not aware of any extended support.

Oh yeah, hard drive swaps on Laptops is extremely easy to do. You’d have to reinstall your operating system and WoW. But it’s a pretty easy thing to switch out.

more like i wouldn’t spend $2.95 for something for shadowlands. i was thinking about getting an SSD for my wife (not a gamer). was thinking about a samsung t5 or t7. i heard the t7 were having some problems but they are cheaper than a t5 right now (probably for a reason.)

I seriously doubt any game developer will actually require an SSD just to run a game… If anything at all, HDD’s are more likely to be discontinued before developers start requiring SSD’s. That’s the direction all data storage is headed.

Technically a game could require a SSD. I’ve actually seen VR games that would just break if you didn’t have them installed on a SSD because they just couldn’t load. Modern storage requirements can easily hit the limits of most HDDs. Now I highly doubt WoW of all games is going to require a SSD. Seeing as one of the best marketing points of WoW is the fact it’ll run on every potato made for the past 10 years.

But this myth that literally the only thing a SSD can effect is loading times is wrong.


I think part of the problem is the wording used by Blizzard. It would have been better if they put SSD under recommended rather than minimum. It’s ideal but not necessary.

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Does that mean I have to upgrade my Commodore 64?