World Of Warcraft Now Requires an SSD To Run Shadowlands Expansion

SSD are basically plug n play to install these days.

If you are using a desktop, you likely have an open SATA port you can connect it to.
Most manufacturers offer free cloning software if you want to fully migrate to the SSD. Cloning your old HDD to an SSD is just a couple of clicks and then just waiting.

Youtube has tutorials on how to do it all, for free. Just find a video on your phone, follow along and save money.
I learned how to replace the clock spring for an air bag, disassemble and rebuild a washing machine and replace the blower and belt on a dryer, among other things, from helpful Youtubers who do those things for a living.
Tutorials like that have saved me 1000’s of dollars in labor costs.

Embrace the tech and utilize the generosity and experience of professionals who make tutorials freely available to us laymen, and the laywomen and laychildren too… :smile:

*edit - looks like even the manufacturers are putting out videos on Youtube for how to install the drives if you’re not comfortable with a random persons tutorial vids.

Eww DSL. Put your cell in dev mode and disguise your tethering usage with PDANet+. Even if you throttle your network to 3G to fend off overage you should be able to play hassle-free.

My computer was a hodgepodge of bits and things that probably never should have worked together-- at least until I got a C-128.

As a result, the first version of OT I played, I never died in. However, I also never got to California. I kept winding up in London, Paris, and once Hokkaido.

Apple 2 meets Commodore 64.

Mix them together and get.

Camppledorm 64.

I was considering buying one soon, though it was going to be for my PS4. I may rethink my game plan a bit now though and buy one for my PC instead.

It already is painful without an SSD, before I upgraded it took forever to load the game and even after I did it would be a couple minutes before everything popped in. Sometimes even my character and mount would be invisible for a good while after logging in.

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I’m currently downloading the PTR to see if I’ll be able to play without an SSD. If it’s not a big difference then hurray I get to play SL. If it’s nearly unplayable I’ll screwed for the next couple of years.

Only a madman would still be using platter drives as their C drive or games drive.

This is only partly true. Read and Write speeds of disks can have huge impacts on performance depending on how efficiently (or inefficiently) information is stored and accessed. There’s an upper limit on what you can do with RAM, and while many systems currently have the space to hold all the things that is not always the most resource-efficient pathway.

That said, I cannot imagine anything Warcrack does being heavy enough to tax even a 2800 disk, let alone the 7200 that most modern platter drives sport. Heck, I bet you could play wow from Tape drives if you really wanted to.

I’m certain it’s true for WoW. If someone has benchmarks and a good testing methodology showing that there’s a big in-game performance difference (so not just load screens) due to storage speed, I’ll gladly change my opinion.

I’ve had an SSD for years and just forgot my laptop has one as well. It’s a very good investment for any PC. I recommend getting one.

There’s no gaming performance improvement from owning an SSD in WoW - it’s all about quality of life improvements for using your PC. Everything “feels” faster. In truth, the only thing that is faster is load times.

But an example. Say your PC takes about 3-5 minutes to bootup, using say a 5 year old i5 or i7 processor and 8GB RAM. Stick in an SSD and your PC will bootup in under 30s, probably around 15 or so.

Installs are faster, copying is faster, browsing is faster (you figure that one out for me) loading big data into apps like photoshop is faster - everything is faster - except processing / gpu performance.

In short, when I switched my regular SATA drive for an SSD (about 3 years ago) my PC felt brand new again - and it hasn’t slowed down since. It still loads everything (including Windows) just as quickly as the day I installed the drive 3 years ago.

SSDs are dirt cheap these days

Except it benefits literally every single function you use your computer for, especially gaming, which is why it is so laughably foolish to think you shouldn’t need one regardless of the recommendation for Shadowlands.

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I have a micro tower which makes upgrading… really frustrating.
Guess I have to call the shop and see if they can install it. Trying to upgrade this thing is a headache and a half.

Well unless you want to wait a minute every load, it is required. SSD does not cost much and it’s overdue switching to it. 500gb SSD is under 100$, and you can store both your OS, WoW and bunch of other things too.

Yeah. Highly recommended but not required.

Required means it doesn’t function without it. Which isn’t true. lol

And trust me … I try and get everyone to switch to SSDs but I’m not going to lie to them.


anyway, this monday i buy a 2TB normal internal hardisk and that’s all…

And what brand would you recommend?

Get a SSD. It really does speed up loading everything, including outside of WoW and games.

There’s SSDs and there’s SSDs. Basic storage units can be had for peanuts but Samsung - like everyone - charge a premium for their higher performance units. I paid close to $700AUD for a 2TB Sata3 SSD. The Pro lines are supposed to have better controllers, higher quality NAND and a bunch of other stuff that despite my own experience still baffles me a bit. That said, from what I gather there are currently no gains to be had changing from a SATA based SSD to an NVME based one.

So yeah, if you’re in need of one, the 2.5’ form factor that uses the less intimidating SATA data and power cabling to connect represents some good bang for buck.