World Of Warcraft Now Requires an SSD To Run Shadowlands Expansion

That one’s just sad.

The tech behind that SSD is pretty cool, though. Especially how they used it in Ratchet & Clank.

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For sure it’s impressive stuff, but man people really show they have no idea what they are talking about.

I’m really looking forward to stupidly fast load times for games on the PS5.

They didn’t. It’s recommended specs. No where on the specs page is required mentioned.

I haven’t actually looked. I’ve seen three threads pop up claiming it is required though.

Which it obviously is not. If it’s in recommended, that’s different. That’s where it should be 100%.

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I’ll raise you a stack of AOL CDs

I take it you missed the column titled “Minimum Requirements” that’s right next to the one labeled “Recommended Specifications”?

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I was a foot soldier during the coaster wars.

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But I love my toaster!

I still have a few I use for a coaster, un opened.

Might be worth something somed

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It’s clearly incorrect. Players are playing the PTR and beta with a HDD.

“Requirements” aren’t requirements and I honestly find it stupid that they’re listing an SSD as one.

It won’t affect performance in the actual game. It’s a convenience thing for loading times. That’s literally it. SSD is ALWAYS “recommended”, but never “required”.

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I’ve been putting off buying a SSD for a year now because of financial issues. Yes, I know they are cheap in the US but I live in Australia and no tech here is as cheap as it is there. I’m not able to install it myself so I would have to get someone to do it for me and then copy over all the files, so I’d be around $400 out of pocket for both. And I’m on a limited budget. But I’ve been putting up with lousy loading times for things like portals, character loads, etc and it’s really time I have to bite the proverbial bullet.


$400 sounds excessive, even for Australia.

Keep in mind MOST people don’t use exclusively an SSD. They get AN SSD with enough space for what they need and load their OS and a handful of loading-heavy games on it. Then the rest goes on their HDD that has the majority of their space.

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Commodore Vic 20 ftw

Edit: and a tape deck for memory

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How do I upgrade to a SSD? Like, I know where to put it, but don’t I have to like install Windows onto it or something?

Well, say for example I wanted a Samsung 970 EVO, which is a pretty decent SSD. The 500GB version would cost me around $149, the 1TB would be $289 or so. So assume I go for the cheaper and simply load over WoW, the launcher, the other peripheral stuff like add ons and the OS. It would cost me about $170 for installation and Im not sure how much to copy the files over. So maybe I can get out of it a bit cheaper if I use the smaller SSD. I will have to talk to my computer people.

There’s a few ways to do it. You could try looking over these links to get a general idea; one’s from HowToGeek and the other’s a thread from Microsoft’s site.

If you still feel lost after those and some further research, you can generally find a computer repair shop that can do it for you (you’ll have to pay them, obviously).


Thank ya kindly

You mean it won’t work on my TRS 80? That sucks.