World Of Warcraft Now Requires an SSD To Run Shadowlands Expansion

I haven’t built a rig without a SSD for years now

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Is your internet setup unusual? Usually it’s just plug in ethernet from modem/router → done.

Ahh, my old Commodore 64 and Jumpman! Good times!

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Just as a point of reference, you can pick up a 240GB SSD starting for around $25USD. That’s plenty of room for WoW and they are pretty painless to install.

It is not absolutely needed to run WoW, but it will improve load times significantly and makes all the portal hopping a lot more bearable.

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i almost did, but consumption got me first.

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It’s fun to be tech savvy and listen to those that aren’t talk about computers. xD

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With new hammer tech, even hdd’s will be given new life.

What do you mean I can’t play WoW with Windows 95?

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I’ll be sending a strongly worded letter once it finishes printing on my dot matrix, you can count on that!
I just need to find the right 5 1/4" floppy to launch my word processor first…


That’s it, I’m getting the typewriter out and firing up the press, Blizzard will be hearing about this in three months!


Just logged into the beta with an old HDD and it works fine. No slower than using a HDD is now.

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Imagine being a min-maxer complaining about having to upgrade from HDD to SSD :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

It’s more on the software side of things. I could have gotten setup with web based email, but nooooooooooo I had to go and use my ISP’s email address on resumes and such. Which means getting it to work again will require passwords and settings and all sorts of crap smarter people don’t have to deal with.

It’s really terrible to be just smart enough to know how stupid you are >.<


I’ll be using my quill and ink pot to craft a missive which I will send by runner.



That is amazing. Wish I had that in my collection right now.


Gimme that yummy 14 kb/s download speed back baby!

Just get my centurylink dsl out here in farmland, its about the same. :sleepy:

I imagine a lot of casual players don’t have SSDs. It’s still probably more of a recommendation but it’s there so when people complain about absurdly long load times into zones the GMs have the requirements to fall back onto.

Like those people saying the SSD in the PS5 is going to improve the graphics?