World of Warcraft Has No High Heels

I know for reasons that I won’t get into right now that high heels are significantly harder to 3D model for than you might realize.


Mortal Kombat 1 stole all the high heels.

High heels were originally made for men for stability and securing themselves when horse riding at high speeds.

LOL,you don’t know much do you they used arrows too and used shield to block those. I would use one word to describe your take on the matter but blizzard is smart enough to know japanese.

you can say “Exquisite”. it’s not a bad word.

Op, though I like hi heels on a female it doesn’t really fit well in a fight unless they can levitate .I can see a person running in a field with obstacles tripping and falling when the heels are grabbed by holes ,roots and imbalanced .Not a good play I’ll say.

That’s not the word I would say. :rofl:

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Honestly criminal, I would be happier if everyone could mog into high heels. Have a high herl option for mechagnomes for feet customization. How are Draenei, Tauren, Worgen, Vulpera, Trolls, and Dravthyr going where them? I don’t know, but I hope someone figures it out. High heels for everyone.

i think with the current engine, high heels would just clip into the ground. The model would not move upwards on the heels.

Draenei in heels?? :thinking:

But i like my girls to look pretty with no big a** boots that are bigger than their entire legs

Rooting for high heeled dresses

I have no idea how it would work, but everyone should be able to wear high heels. … I’ll accept high heels im the form of a weapon mog for those who don’t have feet designed for heels.

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if thats some thing that happens it needs to learn from 14 where over there high heals like 2B’s boots make your legs shorter instead of taller

so what im saying is if high heals ever happens it should make your character taller

Hmm,heels are a weapon that’ll be different .EEEyah! bang!

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Uh huh. And yet you have no problem with armour that exposes midriffs, arms, is impossibly flimsy, and/or is so elaborately decorated that anyone wearing it would be killed in the first 4/5ths of a second in battle.

You have a strange set of standards.

I want high heels.

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oh but the chainmail and plate bikini’s are fine, the enormous oversized shoulders that would unbalance you, the capes that will get caught on everything, the ridiculous hats and costumes that you can wear are all good but heels are where we draw the line.

Personally, I would kill for some heeled boots like Tyrande gets to wear.


i think bigger races should have a higher strength modifier… but we’re not ready for that realism.

If we get heels they better be unisex.

If they’re good enough for Jack the Ripper they’re good enough for me

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Even for the skyrim/fallout 4 heels mods you put in even more mods to have them work right.

Character skeletons, ground clipping fixing, stuff like that.

Tell that to old Tyrande lmao.

Anyways, I agree, and neither are Gandalf style robes but the tubeskirts are still around unfortunately.