"World of Warcraft has detected your computer is using ..."

It affects all of the desktop 13th and 14th gen CPUs, but the issues tend to present themselves faster on the higher end versions.

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Same problem here, no update via Intel or Asus. I don’t think it’s an us problem either.

Same here on my Legion PC and no updates available when I check in Lenovo Vantage.

Thank you for this tip. I don’t know how when you do the scan it returns, “No updates found” and then you scroll to the BOTTOM of the page and the bios is marked as a critical update.

This was my experience, hope it helps!
My motherboard is an MSI PRO B760-VC WIFI HS BULK.
I downloaded the bios files, unzipped them onto a flashdrive, restarted and got into bios to use the M-Flash feature. When using M-Flash through the bios my system restarted but no flash program started. My monitor went into standby mode.
Here is the dumb part…
I have the RTX 4060 Ti VENTUS BLACK 8G series video card (Don’t judge, it kicks butt and is what came with my system :stuck_out_tongue: ). It has three DisplayPorts and one HDMI. I was plugged into the middle Displayport. I shut my system down, unplugged my monitor and plugged it into the DisplayPort that was closest to the motherboard (I said this is the dumb part), and started the process of flashing the bios again… and it worked perfectly. Warning popup went away and everything works great!
If anyone is having this issue, I hope it helps!
Happy WoWing

Updating my BIOS is met with an “unable to start secure flash session” message; maybe because I am on a pre-built. But the pre-built support site doesn’t have a more recent BIOS to download…

Is there a way to just suppress this message every time from starting WoW? It’s annoying.

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Thank you! The Vantage app was showing my last bio update to be in 9/24. It wouldn’t show this new one. Thanks for sharing. I’m all set now too! :slight_smile:

Updating the BIOs is fairly easy. At least for ASUS motherboards it is. Go to your motherboards download center for BIOs updates, download, extract files to a flash drive, follow instructions for your computer’s manufacturer’s bios boot mode. If your BIOs is up to date, i’m not sure tbh :roll_eyes:

Might want to search for this on your motherboard or pc manufacture site, I did find a few things to try. There was a mention in Dell to turn off an option called virtualization.

Solved my issue with the “secure flash check failure” error message. Went into the Bios, then to Advanced, and turned off the Virtualization option (it was the second option on my machine).

Not sure if you can suppress it.

You’re right, it can affect i3 and i5s, as long as they’re “K” suffix (which was the case in the person I was responding to).

I misread the exclusion list in the Intel support article.

Just search Intel bios update. The update was released in Aug. I still got that message but did the bios update. You def need to update your bios for your MB. There’s a circuit issue and can fry your cpu.

I also have this error after updating, even though I’m pretty sure my BIOS is up to date? :sob: I literally logged in fine last night, what’s going on…

You would have to check your bios version, usually through the bios screen. Depending on board it can be entered when you first turn on the pc, usually a hint screen is displayed right away. Mine is Delete key on power on. If it goes to windows you have to restart to try again. Your board manufacturer or PC make should have a download of bios on their website with specific instructions on how.

UPDATE: Found an old flash drive, already FAT32 formatted and updated the BIOS. Did go through the existential horror of wondering if I had Bitlocker and didn’t know it.

The computer abruptly restarted itself twice in the process.

Anyway what I’m saying is everything seems good now but someone, Intel probably, owes me money for therapy bills.

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I am getting the same error, same processor. Started this morning after the update last night. Logged off and saw it processing an update, but I was off to bed. Mine says my bios is 6/27/2024 microcode 0x125, and it should be updated to 0x12b?

I have an CLX PC as well all i did was update my BIO and i haven’t had that error popup since then.

That’s normal. That’s usually just it wiping the CMOS, enabling virtualization, updating the microcode on the CPU.

Yes, 12b>125 (it’s hex: 0123456789abcdef and so on. b=11 and 11>5)

It’s that 13th and 14th gen processors are drawing an unstable amount of voltage, which is dramatically increasing the amount of ware your CPU is taking, particularly during idle periods where it’ll just randomly draw a bunch of power thinking something is starting up, nothing starts up, and it stops. Those fluctuations are causing serious issues that absolutely will kill your CPU if you don’t do something about it. At that point you have to RMA it.

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Your motherboard is separate from your CPU. It’s the big microchip looking thing that all your computer parts are plugged into. To find which one you have open up “system information” from your start menu. Under that you’ll see two categories

“BaseBoard Manuacturer”


“BaseBoard Product”

These are the two important categories. Manufacturer is just that, who made your motherboard. For instnace mine sais “Micro-Star International” which is the full name for MSI.

Then product is the motherboard you have. You search that up on the manufacturer’s website, and they’ll usually have any updates you can download there.

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My problem is MSI does not appear to have a BIOS update for my model even though it is affected and was about a year old when the fix came out. I have a ticket open to them but I’m not optimistic.