World of Warcraft game subscription not working

I subscribed for 30 days of game time with a debit card, we had a look and it was told that the payment had been made. I’ve been waiting for… 20 minutes? Still no game subscription. Err… how long is this supposed to take?

Game time can sometimes take up to 24 hours to process. While your bank may have put a hold on the funds, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the payment has completed.

You can check the status in your transaction history here:

Make sure to fully log out of the game and back in again too.


I’d also suggest trying a full relog - game and launcher. Could just be an update issue.


In my experience, game time applies instantly, even while it’s being processed. I agree that a re-log should do the trick.

Still no game time. Nothing shows up in my transaction history… I tried the re-log and it didn’t work…

If your Battlenet transaction history isn’t showing anything, then the process likely hasn’t cmpleted (or right-out failed). Like Perl said, on the bank side, it can look like the money has transferred, but it may actually be a hold on the funds.

Although many times transactions can be instant, it can take up to 24 hours, which isn’t something Bliz can control.


Try reaching out to Billing. You can use this link:
I’d recommend Call Back service, but they don’t open until 12noon California time. You could also try Live Chat, but they are only open from 8am to 10am California time.

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Contacting Billing may be best, Santiger - I’m seeing the attempt today, but it is marked as failed.

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In my experience it is not that game time applies instantly with a subscription. It is more Blizzard gives a grace period in the renewal window so that players have a seemless transition.

This can come across as instant when it actually is more Blizzard not wanting to interrupt play for an already active account.


True. But even when my time is out without a subscription, my game time purchase gives instant access. Hopefully billing will be able to assist when they open the phones/chat.

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I have found that if I don’t apply game time for a few months, it can take a day to clear the bank.

However, if I apply more time within about a month of expiration, it processes instantly.


Interesting. I’m usually only a few days of lapse, so you might be onto something there.

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I am having the same issue, since the 8th of December and still not resolved.

From what I can see, Wildthing, you’ve tried three times and each one has failed. The only note I see here is that the payment request has been refused. I’d check with your bank/credit card company to see if they are blocking your purchase attempts.

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I have contacted my bank, for some reason Blizzard reversed the payment on the 8th, today they requested a 0 amount transaction twice, so the Bank states the problem is at your end not mine. The payment request also from the 8th is pending still.
edit: I just tried it again and it worked finally. However i still have 3 pending transactions on the account, 2 for 0 and one for the subscription.

Nothing is still happening. It said from my bank that the payment went through. Nothing is in the transaction history. I made a ticket and now it says that I have no active tickets…

Did you try opening a live chat? If so, moving away from that window or closing it, will remove the ticket.

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I purchased game time for the second time. It is even in the transaction history this time… I think I’ve been waiting a couple of hours now? No game time…

It sounds like either something is blocking it or the payment is not going through (denied/etc.)

You’ll want to reach out to Billing when they open up today.

I’d recommend Live Chat or Callback Support: