World of Warcraft: Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth Canon?

Of course. that is what it is, but Dragons morph into different beings, yet they stay what they are assigned to.

They cant morph into a female dragon from a male but they can morph into a female avatar as a male and the other way around.

My question is more Why not ? I mean Sure it would be a retcon but why wouldnt they be able to? Even if they can change to quite a permanent “mortal” form etc.

Also if anything this book changed Chromies “Gender from birth” Because people assumed she was a female to begin with.


You make absolutely no sense when you talk.

Dragons morph into different beings, sure, but this case goes further than that. Chromie has only been presented to us as a female character - which is to mean she doesn’t simply have a female guise, but she chooses exclusively to live as a female. There isn’t any grey area here, Chromie was born male and is now female - she is trans.

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Ever the narcissist…

As I just said… Most people assumed she was Female from the start.
But what this book does is change that to make it so she is suddenly a he but with a different identity.


No it doesn’t though. Chromie’s identity is still the exact same as it’s been presented to us in-game, this just tells us that it was previously a different one until she settled on it. Chromie is not a “he,” because nothing about this changes her gender identity as it is today.

You fundamentally misunderstand what transgenderism is. That’s not me being narcissistic, you’re just being idiotic.


You still sound very narcisstic no matter how you put it.

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If people telling you you’re wrong is narcissistic, you must be surrounded by narcissists constantly.


I don’t think there’s any evidence that a dragon cannot switch gender. (In fact, some real world reptiles can do that)
What I figure is going on is there’s no in-game point to do so, because there’s no separate male and female model for dragons. Since it’s not just an illusion but a full-on transformation, I don’t see why they’d be limited in what kind of dragon they’d make themselves to be.


There is a difference between telling someone that they are wrong and having a feeling of being superior to others.

Thank you for explaining things. Its nice to hear it from someone that can do so in a civil manner.

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How does a dragon transgender function in a dragon society where lesser females or males are consorts to the lead dragon to procreate?
So can Chromie be one of Nozdormu’s consorts even though she is unable to lay eggs for Nozdormu to fertilize or is it just for pleasure?

This creates whole new dimension to dragon society.


Yeah, this. We’ve seen cases of dragons choosing to present themselves as a different form - Chromie especially has been simultaneously shown as both a fully grown dragon and as a whelp. If their form has that much fluidity, it stands entirely to reason that their gender does as well.

Telling you that your views on transgenderism are horribly skewed is not me feeling superior to you. I just know more than you.

Get better.

And you wonder why I call You narcisstic


Read a book mate.


I did, that’s how I know Chromie’s trans. Maybe if you spent time looking into why this is true, instead of spending your days pounding your skull against a brick wall to hear your peanut brain rattle around in your melon head, we wouldn’t have had this conversation.

Could it be that maybe somebody forgot to add a few S’s and you’re blowing his whole thing out of proportion?

I have no idea what that’s meant to mean.

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You are quite the amusing fellow. I really like you.

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I’m not surprised, lots of people do.

See, THAT was me being narcissistic.

Yeah that is how you always portray and see yourself.

Either way, I dont see the issue here at all other than the fact you got angry because I dont know as much as you do about “Transgender issues”.

Either way most of the stuff That blizzard has posted about Transgender stuff is very Toxic.

Pelagos is basically “The easiest way to transition is to commit sudoku”.

And then there is this book which basically implies transgender is a fairy tale.

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I’m not sure why you want Chrome to be trans. There would be a whole mess of absurdity if she actually was. Maybe she was written at one point as a male and they decided to make her a girl. Kind of like Ed from Cowboy Bebop. That doesn’t mean she a trans character that took pounds of hormone pills and hours of painful surgery and physically therapy for her to cater to that audience of liberals.

Maybe somebody forgot to add a S when they wrote “he took to the sky in dragon form.”


Why are you under the impression that in this magical world of dragons, the context for becoming trans is the same as it is in real life? And even if it was, why is that inherently a bad thing?

Oh, shove it.


I mean you literally called it Trans, so it SHOULD be like in the real world.

Else it would be something else entirely.