World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Talent Preview - Priest

Are you really surprised about that? Just after the covenant controversy?
I would’ve been surprised if it’s not been like that.

Fair, I was thinking more the FF14 15yrd range sort of thing anyway. But yeah either way let’s either not have it shared or make it raid wide even if it has a distance.

Or make PI a raid-wide buff that adds spell-power or some other damage increase since we already have 2 classes that have raid-wide haste? Add a debuff or long cd.

I wonder what the design philosophy on the location of idol of nzoth is. Seems like it would make more sense to put it on the opposite side of the tree because of the synergy with apparitions, other than that I’m excited to play around in some talent builders

Sure, make it so no group can go anywhere without a priest giving them their two minute lust

While I like the idea of Twins giving us some interesting utility, I’m highly concerned that it’s gonna justify undertuning Shadow because PI makes Demo/Fire insanely broken.

If that’s gonna be the sort of decision-making involved, I’d rather just have PI be a self-cast rather than my spec’s entire utility being “I do the most effective damage in the game but I have to simp for a Demo Warlock.”


lolwell as a final talent :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Resto can and is expected to share its innervate and is getting a talent similar to twin suns to share it with benefits so from a healer perspective that argument falls flat, for shadow it being self cast is a sound argument.

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Needs to be clickable. And make the hitbox smaller. We gotta go all in.


I dont have a problem with it creating drama. That’s self-inflicted by the players and they should learn to deal with it.


Instead of making PI selfcast, remove warlocks.


Windfury Totem is perfectly fine and it is only party-wide, only some of your melee get it if you have enough melee and that’s fine.

Some of you guys are just mad that you’re not the top DPS or the raid leader’s GF.

This is the only true degeneracy of PI - when one person gets multiple PIs in order to get pink or gold parses.

Strategic allocation of resources is a fun part of the raid for the raid leader. DPS mald if they don’t get it, but DPS are kind of a dime anyways so it isn’t a big deal. Too many people play DPS. If a few people quit, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.

Ion likes PI, Limit Maximus likes PI, I like PI in keys… it’s fine.


Needs to cancel out when the target takes damage as well.

I actually hate thinking of how old LW works omg.


Make it so one guy repeatedly clicks on it and consumes all charges . . .


Or they could just change how you use it so it isn’t terrible to use?

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See like, I question why they put things where they put them, too. They put a lot of things in such oddball locations and half of them are always bad spots, for every class thus far that we’ve seen. I’m really hoping they do iterate on these and listen to the feedback provided, but I just don’t know. They are listening a bit more, but that doesn’t mean they won’t have hubris again just like the last 4 expansions of players telling them how to better their designs/specs/classes/systems/game and then blizz going around going “nah, you guys don’t have the full scope and we do, we won’t listen.” kinda thing.

Agreed, yeah I didn’t even think of the tuning aspect this brings, either, but you’re right on that too.

Innervate is not your priority spell, Incarnation, Flourish or Tranq are your CDs as a Resto, not Innervate. PI is a CD on it’s own, a mini bloodlust/hero/timewarp/whatever hunter one is called.

I do get your point, though and noted, but not a lot of healers, except like Monks/Disco Priests actually call out and plead for Innervate. They enjoy it, but it’s a bonus kinda thing, whereas every single DPS in your raid will call out for them to get PI.

Remove PI or make it self cast please.


But there’s also always a correct target for your PI, making the calls for it by other DPS completely moot.

Yeah, PI is fine. The obsession with parses is the real degeneracy.


I’d say it being a throw out spell for disc and holy and a super important damage cooldown for shadow mirrors balance and resto’s use for it pretty well. Innervate is a priority spell in progression. 10 seconds of no mana IS super big for healers, especially in high damage phases. For holy and disc self use is the same thing, its a healing cooldown for high damage phases that they can give to someone else if they don’t want to buff themselves like balance. Shadow always wants more dps so they’ll always want it on themselves same as resto before they changed it to give us mana reduction too.

Hell half the arguments for feral utility get burnt down to give feral innervate like balance so they’d be useful as a dps player because its that useful an ability. Nathria heal parses were all about stacking innervates on the healer spamming kael.

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