World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Talent Preview - Priest

the only issue with the mop version was that it would remove the HoT if people took too much dmg. It was intended to NOT be used on tanks.

But now it doesn’t do that. It’s honestly just an extra healing CD. Fire and forget. Low mana cost, high output. Essentially a Tranquility without channeling. People are just aversive to the spell because it was such garbage for most expansions, but this version is honestly not bad. It’s fixing all the problems it had.

Such a fun last talent for H Priests. Shadow is getting things based off the Old Gods and we got a crappy memewell.

It’s not ok as the final talent. You will not change my mind. Holy Priests deserve something way more interesting.

it’s auto-heals for anyone that gets bellow 50%. How’s that bad? What other healer has something this good?

Having a Holy priest might become mandatory for progression just because Lightwell is essentially designed to automatically fix mistakes.

It’s almost like Cauterize… for the whole raid. Except it triggers at 50% instead of 0%. It goes very well with Guardian Spirit.

PS: I honestly think PI is a much bigger problem than Light Well.

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It is a 3m CD.
It is a rooted object.
It is an “”“attempt to heal”“”. It is not a deterministic heal, it is RNG and it may or may not trigger.
It is a 10yr radius and people will be required to pay attention to its positioning. You also cannot reposition it.
It has 15 charges.

And the funny thing about Lightwell is that if you change much about it, it’s not the same ability any longer. If you have it follow the priest, why is it even a well at that point and not a pet?

Guardian Spirit and it’s talent branch has more impact for keeping your tank alive. And if talented, way less of a CD.

Probably has to do with folks not even been excited about the Holy Tree. I haven’t seen much and the only excitement is funnily with Lightwell and from folks that don’t play Holy.

I don’t care about the dumb PI debate. I hope it stays in the game so H Priests have something interesting to offer the group.


Anyone else feel like the priest talent trees are a bit too broad? Like, compare the disc tree to the resto druid tree, see how many talents there are with no point spent. (Links below to some quick mock ups of what I might consider using for those two specs for M+ builds) In the druid tree there are 10 nodes with no points spent, in the priest tree, there are 18. It just feels like the druid tree is much easier to get all of the tools you would want for a particular type of content than it is for the priest. Maybe some of the priest talents should be condensed? Maybe some more nodes should be added to the druid so they have to make more choices like the priest does?

Duid m+ talents

Disc m+ talents


it triggers up to 15 times in 3 mins. Anyone that goes bellow 50% in the 3 minute duration will get autohealed. Just triggering 2 times is already more mana efficient than Heal. If no one is getting bellow 50% in 3 mins… then the raid probably has too much healing and should get a DPS instead.

Most bosses don’t move that much. Just put it on top of the tank and it will do its job.

It would probably be more consistent if it healed from 75%, but then it would also be less useful during actually dangerous moments of a fight.

I don’t think lightwell is “exciting” but it is certainly very powerful. The only thing I’d change to make it even better would be to make it attempt to heal every second, not every 6 secs. That way if 2-3 people fall bellow 50% at the same time, they all get auto-saved. But that might make it too OP, it should get some testing.

Glad we can agree.

Give H Priests a new end game talent and put Lightwell some place else Blizzard.

““Tuning”” it will not make it any less/more engaging.

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I mean, you don’t have to pick it. You can go Empyreal Blaze and be a holy dps. Depending on tuning, that could be an interesting route, especially in M+.

You guys keep saying this and it’s never the point and it’s just dismiss to the request. I know I don’t have to choose it. I however am going to keep requesting that Blizzard put in an ounce of effort with something else that wasn’t a literal meme within the playerbase. Holy Priests deserve something way more interesting and impactful then Lightwell as their end game talent.

If they want Lightwell in the game again, cool fine. Add it early in the Holy Tree. It absolutely should not be the end tier talent option. Especially when the previous talents don’t even lead up to it organically.

If they want to do something different, then make it a “Holy Word” and effected by Holy Word synergy and CD reductions.


Are you guys sure you’re releasing this expansion this year? Cause we should be playing Alpha already instead of teaser talent trees from each class. That way we can test them and tell you where they need to be fixed BEFORE launch.


the druid tree looks so much worse. I can’t even complain about this one.

I get your point, but really, it’s the same problem for all talent trees we’ve seen: End of tree skills are not necessarily better than mid-tree skills.

Given you can grab way more talents than you could before the number of buttons for priest is going up.

Not if I can help it! I’m picking the least button path I can get :grin:

I haven’t really looked at the others. I’m only interested in Rogue and Priest atm. I always aim to level my Priest in every expansion to play Holy and see how it feels.

The End Tree should be something that players look forward to branching to imo. Lightwell is a low-tier quality ability and always will be to me.

Been thinking about some class talent ideas that are actually useful for all specs but not overpowered.

Just had this idea, thoughts?

  • Mindful Word
    Within 5 seconds after casting Mind Blast, your next Power Word: Shield’s absorb amount is increased by 200%.


  • Mindful Words
    Within 5 seconds after casting Mind Blast, your next Word spell effect is increased by 200%.


  • Echo of Words
    Within 5 seconds of casting any Word spell, your next different Word spell effect is increased by 200%.


  • Words of Plenty
    Each Word spell cast grants a stacking buff to 5, then the next Word spell casted has its effects increased by 250%.

Would love to hear other cool “Word” spell interaction ideas.

I love Empyreal Blaze, looks fun as hell. That, combined with Apotheosis and Divine Words, will make it look like I’m playing a full powered Castiel from Supernatural, and I’m down with that.

That said, I get that a lot of Holy users are upset with Lightwell. What would you guys rather have than Lightwell? Light of T’uure, from Legion? Spirit of Preservation from BfA? Boon of the Ascended from Shadowlands? Or something new, like Summon Elune / An’she?

I don’t know if this is true or not, I’m just going to be speaking for myself and my experience of being a H Priest player. Lightwell coming back is fine but not as the end talent point.

If Halo didn’t exist, I would have suggested Cascade, but it and Halo serve the same purpose/action.

I originally was more for Flash Concentration, but the talents leading up to it wouldn’t make sense. I would add Guardian Faire and rename it to something inline with Holy. My Priest is in the Night Fae covenant and utilizing that ability was pretty fun and unique.


I am totally down to trying Holy DPS (with a side of support fries) with this overhaul. Symbol of Hope would be super important in M+ I bet.

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In my opinion, Fae Guardians should replace Holy Word: Life. That branch of the General Priest tree is all niche utility heals (Renew, Mending, Nova), and Fae Guardians is the perfect “ultimate” niche utility support spell.

If Holy Word: Life stays, it should participate in the “Holy Word” system and be relocated to the Holy tree as a result.

This would be Holy specific, but it would be great to tie Holy’s kit together with something like:

  • Lyrical Liturgies
    Each second spent channeling Divine Hymn or Symbol of Hope reduces the cooldown of your Holy Word spells by (amount).

Shadow Specialization

Idea for spreading Damage over time spells.

Points I am taking into consideration…

  • Cannot be spammed, meaning it needs to be locked by “something” in order for balancing purposes while keeping it meaningful.
  • Avoid further button bloat
  • Avoids conflict with similar abilities
  • Add to spell interaction / synergy
  • Reduce dot ticking time in order to not feel wasted on packs that die quickly.

Where it fits in Shadow Talent tree…

  • Change the Damnation modifier Talent “Malediction” into a choice talent and this “dot” spread ability will be a choice between itself and Malediction.

Here is my Dot Spread ability idea…

  • Searing Contagion
    Your Damnation ability now causes your next Mind Sear to apply Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch & Devouring Plague to all targets hit by its first pulse of damage. The duration of your damage over time spells are reduced by 50% when applied by Mind Sear.

What this does is it turns Damnation from a dot cleave ability into an AOE dot application ability. But it only applies on the first pulse of damage from Mind Sear and has its Damnation cooldown at 45 (or 60 sec pending how Malediction reduces the base cooldown from) sec. Basically, this “empowers” Mind Sear on next cast.

This presents an interesting choice to have quick AoE in the form of dots restricted behind the following…

  • Decent cooldown so it cannot be spammed
  • Required additional talent point to be spent
  • Reduces the damage over time effectiveness by only being 50% less time/damage
  • Removes the Dot cleave mechanic from Damnation.

As a result, this becomes only a talent choice for very specific Area of effect damage output where “5 man Dungeons” will see its most use as the normal Damnation would be better used in its default form as a DoT cleave for PvP and Raiding.