World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Talent Preview - Priest

Cheap shot aside, that wasn’t the point. It will be hard to build a talent tree out of next to nothing. The class does have years of talents and skills that were pruned away over time. Hell it hardly has enough skills as it stands, not nearly enough to build a multi-branch talent tree for two specs.

It will probably be one of the harder ones to build because they just don’t have the fall back material that other classes have.

Ok but if original specs + DK are easier, why not start with them?

Also, a cheap shot would be something about always beong shirtless. DH has 2 specs, started at 98. And has pretty simple rotations afaik. Hows that a cheap shot?

Again, 25% Haste is great and extremely powerful. Unfortunately it’s not a buff for the priest most of the time and that’s what all of these people are criticising. Especially Holy and Disc don’t profit of this buff because in a group environment it’s expected and not debatable that PI is given to damage dealers. Also there’s often jealousy in the room because PI is responsible for great parses and big d*ck dps and so everyone in the group wants to have it - but just one person gets it and so the priest is the one who gets blamed for making his choice or has to sort these things out.
That’s why so many people want to see PI coming back as a personal CD.


Twins of the Sun Priestess makes it so that both the priest and whoever they’re casting it on gets the buff. The complaints are from raiders, who say PI is toxic for the raid environment. I don’t raid, so I personally can’t say how accurate this is or not.

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Most classes have builds with simple rotations. You don’t need a PhD to spam rain of fire now a days…

Ok so it is simple.

DH & Monk should be just before Evoker. Try not stealing any warlock abilities this time.

Agreed. With the new talent tree it looks like priests are forced into wasting talent points to give an dps cooldown to OTHERS. Cool there’s an option to spend 4 more talent points to just allow you to use it on yourself, very good design blizz. PI is getting quite toxic in any grouped content and blizz should just make it only castable on priests themselves. The idea of giving it to others is cool but the amount of toxicity it brings isn’t worth it. The only other option is to break the dmg given to other dps from PI out into your damage so it never shows up on dps hungry peoples meters would help but wouldn’t fix the issue.

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It’s the WoD version of Lightwell, that was actually not bad at all. This is a very similar version of Lightwell than the one used by Anduin in HotS, and it’s very good there. Just put it next to the tank and it will be basically free automatic heals during any damage spike.

What made Lightwell bad in its early iterations is that people had to click on it. They don’t have to anymore. They simply have to stand in its general vicinity and you can manipulate that by placing the Lightwell ON TOP of the tank.

It also no longer breaks on dmg, which was another garbage mechanic for a HoT.

Abilities are not toxic. Toxic people are toxic. Also Sun Priestess talent gives it to the priest when they use it on someone else.

Stop grouping with jerks and/or people with the maturity of a toddler.

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Power Infusion is too strong, and stacking it on other people’s cooldowns is just too good. If this goes live expect to see shadow priests pressured into taking Twins of the Sun Priestess (2 pts) along with its pre-reqs (Mass Dispel 1 pt; Angel’s Mercy 1 pt) so a mere 4 extra points because double PI is ALWAYS going to be mathematically superior to any other place those 4 points could go - its just that strong.

Also, even healing priests who think wow this is great I will be able to PI myself now to increase healing - think again. The spells will be mathematically superior to go with dps cooldowns not the healing cooldowns. (As in any difficult content they will likely never line up as you never need a huge hps cooldown on pull)

Make it self cast only, and remove the legendary that no one wears because it doesn’t solve the problem.


Sun Priestess is a talent you’re required to pick up in order to get any personal use out of PI. And I know i’m not the only person who constantly comes across toxic players who demand PI’s. Should we just delete LFG because you can’t ever tell when you’ll meet someone toxic?

No, you should learn to ignore (literally if necessary) toxic people. Letting jerks define how the game should work is not good game design.

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Congratulations you’ve fixed the game

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It is easy to paint the opposition to your point of view as just the toxic players who scream isn’t it? That is not my point of view, I don’t want PI, I don’t ask for PI, I’m the poor soul who in raid has to pick who gets it. I’m sick of it already I don’t want to deal with it anymore its one extra thing I have to manage in the raid and whatever fun you might get out of clicking the macro to auto cast on the same target for all of prog on most bosses is much less than the annoyance I have with listening for the people making rational arguments about why A, B, C class is better in this situation.

They aren’t screaming, they aren’t whining, they aren’t toxic, and I still don’t want to deal with it.


I don’t care. It shouldn’t be the last talent in the H Priest tree. It doesn’t even synergize with the points leading up to it. It goes better with the renew empowerment talents in the general priest tree or directly off Cosmic Ripple.

I don’t remember WoD h priest much. I have a vague memory of using it in Arena and that’s really it.

I believe it autohealed people. No clicking involved.

It’s done that since like WotLK with a glyph iirc

No idea. I would rather eat rusty paint chips than play holy. I do remember clicking it into MoP though, but I guess maybe people just weren’t using the glyph.

In MoP, it auto healed, but you had a glyph to make it heal more if people clicked on it

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I think MoP made it an either/or

Auto-healed but was also clickable if folks wanted to preheal.

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