World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Talent Preview - Priest

Delete Searing Nightmare.


Reading the description of the talent, it doesn’t require anyone to click it. The light well will heal automatically, focusing on the lowest health allies.


Yes, we had it before and it was awful then as well. Automating it did nothing to keep it relevant.

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You don’t have to take it if you don’t want to. It’s not really limiting you much if you do. It seems that by max level you will have access to 2 of the lowest tier level talents.


Thank you captain obvious

It has always been a blunder/meme talent choice. That’s not likely to change. So it’s dumb to see it revived once again


The bottom old god theme talents are neat and give a non-searing nightmare aoe option. Searing being completely optional for progressing down the tree is also nice for the people who like the playstyle without it blocking people who don’t.

Still think shadow could use more utility for groups though, a shadow themed shroud, the old mana battery niche, anything spec specific to shadow for keys and even raid spots against other ranged.

Why is Power Infusion still an ability :frowning: its toxic and makes me not want to raid. Make it self-cast or split if cast on an ally.


Why? There’s a much bigger focus nowadays on healers maximizing DPS up-time - I don’t see what’s bad about a “healing CD” that can passively snipe healing out while you focus on DPS.

If Blizzard continues to make fights with healing absorbs and DoT damage I don’t see why it would be so bad. Raid encounter fights have changed. It’s not all about absorbs and DRs anymore.

I look at light well and I think it would be pretty reasonable on a number of fights in SFO.


Remove Power Infusion or make it only a self buff.


Think this looks cool, I’d have to agree I wish PI was more of a self casted only spell, or took a different approach as far as personal vs raidwide.

For the talent trees in general, I just worry that somethings won’t get changed, similar to our current talent trees, where one talent is obviously subpar but just sits there for an entire expansion untouched.


gasp Lightwell!

That’s one of the spells I really missed. I’m glad to see it again.


Seems like you don’t remember how weak Lightwells heal is. It was always pretty weak compared to the damage it tried to combat.

Shaman next please. :pleading_face:


Big let down here. No Boon, No Flash Concentration, PI still in the tree, no kick for Holy.

I had high hopes for Holy going into DF. These trees really make me feel like Disc is going to become the dominant Priest spec again. Though as a Raid Lead, I really do like Symbol and having other healers play off Hymn is good play.

Could just be that I’m not seeing what I was hoping for and that let down feeling is coloring the whole tree for me. I’ll be interested to try it out and see how it feel.s


They remembered the Sun Lightwell!


After doing a few mock ups, I’m not really feeling these new trees lol.


My thoughts for Holy/Disc (lol idc about Shadow and you shouldn’t either)

Love that Mindgames, Twins of the Sun Priestess, Crystalline Reflection, and Shadowflame Prism made the cut from this expansion just on the baseline tree alone. Especially for Disc since Disc has used all of these at one point or another during Shadowlands.

Holy Nova being a talent feels super underwhelming. The spell feels so weak it’s hardly ever used over another global. Will it be tuned to be stronger? Otherwise it’s gonna feel like a flavour spell is taking up a talent slot. The only reason it would be picked is because it completely blocked off the entire left side of the baseline tree if you don’t pick it.

Inner Light and Shadow is cool. Reminds of of Chakra Dancing with Holy back in MoP. It’s certainly going to increase the already relatively high skill ceiling of Disc though, and might turn some people away from the spec because of it in addition to all the other things Disc has to juggle already.

Light’s Wrath is back for Disc. Hopefully it still nukes.

Wickedness Buffed Divine Star is insanity and I love you for this Blizzard plz don’t nerf.

Why are we trying to make Lightwell a thing again? Replace with Flash Concentration.


Utility has no place in the spec trees

Vampiric Embrace, Dispersion, Psychic Horror and whatever talent are locked behind them are effectively useless and will never be picked as they directly compete with damage options.

If you can spend points in Death and Madness, Unfurling Darkness and Fortress of the Mind, you will never spend a point in the utility talents. Not only that, the choice extends to Psychic Voice/Mind Bomb vs. Silence - you will only pick one to unlock Vampiric Insight, the other point is better used in the damage talent.

Either all the utility spells mentioned have to be baseline, or the competing damage talents have to go.


As a Holy Priest main I’m a bit confused and can just shake my head reading this.

It took a really long time for Holy to be in a better spot and now they put all those extremely important baseline abilities like Hymns, Holy Words, other basic healing spells and even Guardian Spirit (because Holy has so much def CDs, right?) into a talent tree so we end up with less spells and an unfinished class when all points are set.
Also it’s extremely frustrating seeing mass dispell and grip in one row. Those were some of the things that got me a safe spot in some Mythic kills and now I have to decide? Come on.

I don’t even see any of the important Shadowlands talents and legendary traits that should’ve been there to help Holy with some of its core problems that will be back when DF hits.

This is a huge letdown and I’m not looking forward at all to the end of SL, knowing what’s about to come for this spec.

Seems so. If it stays like this Holy will be back to the niveau of BfA, but worse because of less spells and less utility. This talent tree doesn’t give any freedom, creativity or benefits to the spec but it does cut the spec down.

Yup, this. Lightwell has been a meme for some years now and it’s almost insulting.


“You are NOT a druid! Remember that!”