World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Talent Preview - Priest

Hello Power Infusion, good bye WoW.

Seen too many arguements, /gquitting, raidquitting, toxicity linked to this ability. Blizzard still catering to the 0.0001% raiders and MDI players.

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Outing yourself as a child that canā€™t play well with others is not something I would do, but I guess you do you.

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My buddy said they removed PI. Replaced with spheres of the sun priestess or something

They didnā€™t remove it. That is a talent that makes us get the benefit when we use it on someone.

He quoted ā€œin response to immense player feedback, weā€™ve removed Power Infusion and replaced with whatever spellā€

Your friend is either making it up, or is listening to someone who is making things up. I mean you can look at the Priest tree yourself on WoWhead.

That ā€œspellā€ you mentioned only modifies Power Infusion, it would not do anything if PI was removed.

Looks like they REALLY want people use Holy Nova lol

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Well why not, itā€™s SHINY! :stuck_out_tongue:

lol It definitely is but manā€¦ as pretty as it is and as great as it is for smashing through old content quickly lol. ā€¦ I sincerely hope they upped it a fair bit lol

Yeah, as long as they donā€™t up it as much as they did at the tail end of MoP. Spamming holy nova on Mythic bosses, granted in a nerfed state but still, was hardly engaging :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hah Fair enough. Now you can watch folks fall over dead with it lolā€¦ just not the ones you want to die lol

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I admit I do like running around and smashing it.

Itā€™s pretty :slight_smile:

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Iā€™ve never once heard anyone lose their mind over Power Infusion, yet thatā€™s all Iā€™m hearing in this thread.

Is it some competitive nonsense, or are some DPS players losing their mind because they think that only their class (or rather, they specifically) should be the ONLY ones to benefit from it during a run?

Please donā€™t think Iā€™m trolling you, Iā€™m honestly doing what I can to follow you. I never really played Holy as a Priest, but doesnā€™t Chastise count as an interrupt? A four second stun that doesnā€™t break with damage is pretty nice.

I do agree with you on the lack of defensive cooldowns, Desperate Prayer has been the main one for way too long. If anything, Holy Word: Life may be macroā€™ed into a personal Hail Mary for you, even though I know you said that you werenā€™t too fond of it.

I made this Holy build; it focuses more on DPS and the classic heals (Prayer of Healing, Circle of Healing, Flash Heal, and Heal). With the synergy that Holy Nova has with both Smite and Holy Fire, it looks like it may be a fun little twist to the standard. Also, it minimizes the Holy Word play to just Sanctify and Serenity, so you can slot them in your least used keys :slight_smile:

It leads right to the build for me, but let me know if it doesnā€™t for you.

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As a priest main, I hate PI. the amount of arguing Iā€™ve seen in pugs over it is ridiculous.


Finally, a tree for a class I actually play enough to form an opinion onā€¦ and itā€™s pretty damn bad. Meaning, itā€™s exactly what I expected from the moment they announced we were going back to the tried and failed and failed and failed system of talent trees.

There are plenty of smaller issues, but theyā€™re all more or less knock-ons of the larger problem - for a system whose entire selling point is offering more choices and customization, these trees railroad us into a lot of non-negotiable picks. Holy is probably the poster child for this, with first four rows being so sparse that itā€™s virtually impossible to actually progress past the ā€œspend 8 pointsā€ barrier without taking all three of Prayer of Healing, Holy Word: Serenity, and Holy Fire. If we were supposed to have a choice to not take one of those spells, then this is a design failure. If we arenā€™t supposed to be able to avoid taking all three, then why pretend we have a choice in the matter in the first place?

One of the few things I was cautiously optimistic for with the backsliding of the talent system was the potential that I could dump some of the spells that currently bloat up my spellbook never being cast for alternate boosts that Iā€™d actually benefit from. Prayer of Healing, Holy Word: Sanctify, Prayer of Mending, and Renew were all on that list as spells that I use rarely enough in my focus as an M+ healer that Iā€™d happily trade them for more power or utility elsewhere.

All four of those abilities were removed from the baseline holy toolkit, only for PoM to be non-optionally re-added, and PoH and HW:S being functionally non-optional, even if I were willing to give up Spirit of Redemption, because there arenā€™t enough talents elsewhere in the tree to not take them. The only one I can actually skip is Renew, but Iā€™m forced to take a talent whose sole function is to buff Renew to reach Unwavering Will?

PI is another example, even beyond the contention raised by everyone else already in the thread. A whopping 14 talents are locked behind choosing PI in the class tree (about 1/3rd of the entire tree), including two of our most valuable utility spells. If youā€™re so determined that every priest have this spell as to make it virtually impossible not to take, then why pretend itā€™s a choice at all?

These trees are full of boring, straightforward throughput increases, and yet donā€™t have enough talents or paths to let me skip crap that I donā€™t care about to reach the talents that actually benefit the way I want to play.

This tree is exactly what I expected when the change was announced. Ten times the clicking for a fraction of the choice.

No. Chastise is an incapacitate, or a stun if you take the talent. While this has the effect of being able to stop a target from casting, it is not an interrupt - the key difference being that Chastise wonā€™t work on any enemy that is immune to incapacitate and/or stun effects, which includes 99% of bosses, and many high-priority interrupt mobs such as the goliaths in Spires of Ascension. Bosses and mobs like those are vulnerable to interrupts (and may have abilities that are absolutely crucial to do so), but immune to Chastiseā€™s effects.


Do you do competitive content? Not a dig at you, but PI is definitely the issue at the higher levels of play.

Little from Column A, little from Column B.

Itā€™s just frustrating to play a spec that is functionally tuned around needing PI at specific times to perform well if your Priest is not PIā€™ing you at specifically the right time, or if youā€™re not getting PI at all.

And from the other side, it causes needless drama when youā€™ve got X players playing specs that massively benefit from PI, but not enough PIā€™s to share around.

There are no real good solutions to that specific issue.

Sharing PIā€™s means that you feel massively inconsistent, you go from god-like one pull to weenie next, which if youā€™re trying to push specific transition times is less than ideal.

NOT sharing PIā€™s just leads to bickering. ā€œWhy does player X get PIā€™s, is it cause heā€™s friends with player Y, his logs arenā€™t even good, etc, etcā€.

And from a Priest perspective, it still means they have to give up their personal cooldown if they donā€™t want to use it suboptimally. Making the shared PI legendary a talent is a step forward in that regard, but it still means that if you want to play correctly, you have to plan YOUR cooldowns around someone elseā€™s, which isnā€™t much fun (especially if that person has different cooldown cycles to you).

For what PI brings to the table, itā€™s not actually worth keeping. Itā€™s not an especially niche or interesting buff like say, Innervate is. Itā€™s just Haste.

If Blizzard want Priests to bring offensive utility to the table, just make Fort give Versatility instead of Stamina and call it a day.


After further consideration, I have additional thoughts on the Priest Class Talent Treeā€¦

Bad Talents

The following talents seem to be half effort put into them or just simply not compelling enough to take or straight up useless.

Absorbs are so weak, and this the last talent to be taken in its column. Its just a waste.

  • Crystalline Reflection
    Power Word: Shield instantly heals the target for 514 and reflects 20% of damage absorbed.

Mana cost reduction on dispels is already boring. Even more unattractive when Shadow cant use Purify.

  • Clear Mind
    Dispel Magic, Purify, and Mass Dispel cost 20% less mana.

Prevents a small amount of damage? Very uncompelling talent choice.

  • Mind Restrain
    Mind Blast prevents a small amount of damage dealt by the enemy.

Shadow will have a lot of Mind Blast cooldown resets. I donā€™t think this is that useful for Disc and Holy as they have lots of other buttons to press.

  • Improved Mind Blast
    Mind Blastā€™s cooldown reduced by [3/7.5] sec.

Shadowmend is just a meme spell. We have Flash Heal baseline now (as it should be). If I would spend a point in getting Shadowmend, why would I even want to consider putting more points into various talents that make Shadowmend less bad?

  • Taming the Shadows
    Shadow Mend has a 15% chance to deal no damage.
  • Masochism
    When you cast Shadow Mend on yourself, its damage over time effect heals you instead, and reduces all damage you take by 10%.

Added Talents

The following are really cool talents from the past that really felt impactful.

  • Void Tendrils
    Tendrils come out of the ground under up to 5 enemies within 8 yards, immobilizing them for 20 seconds. Killing the tendril cancels the effect. 30 second cooldown.

  • Spectral Guise
    Your shadow blurs into the darkness, leaving your true form behind. As a shadow you are stealthed, but remain in combat. Lasts 6 sec or until your true form is hit by 3 direct attacks.

  • Inner Focus
    When activated, reduces the Mana cost of your next spell by 100% and increases its critical effect chance by 25% if it is capable of a critical effect.

  • Archangel
    Instantly restores 5% of your total mana and increases your healing done by 15%. Lasts for 18sec. 60 sec cooldown.


  • Dark Archangel
    Increases your haste by 5% and increases your damage done by 20%. Lasts for 18sec. 90 sec cooldown.

Altered Talents

  • Leap of Faith
    Pulls the spirit of a party or raid member, instantly moving them directly in front of you.


  • Vault of Heavens
    Leap of Faith instead causes you to leap to your target, and has 2 charges.
  • Shadowfiend
    Summons a shadowy fiend to attack the target for 15 sec.


  • Mindbender
    Summons a Mindbender to attack the target for 15 sec. Generates Mana each time the Mindbender attacks

Replaced Talents

These Talents are replaced with the Archangel / Dark Archangel Talents.
The Angel talents are more thematic to a Priest and provide a choice between Healing/mana and Damage/haste without needing to deal with giving Power Infusion to someone else.

  • Power Infusion
    Infuses the target with power for 20 sec, increasing haste by 25%.

  • Twins of the Sun Priestess
    Power Infusion also grants you [50/100] % of its effects when used on an ally.

Holy Talents

  • I think Desperate prayer should be a Talent. This is because mainly its another button that we have plenty of. So if you want it then take the talent.
  • I think Prayer of Healing should be a Talent. For the life of me I donā€™t understand why we cant have a basic group heal spell available as a talent. Druids get Wild Growth soā€¦?
    I would like to be able to help get my group up to full HP either in a pinch if Iā€™m Shadow or after we kill everything and are resting up without doing single target heals, cooldowns, or hots.

Shadow Talents

  • Specifically the Shadow talents in the top right corner. Most of these just seem like boring filler talents that no one had any idea what to put there.
  • Would like some compelling choicesā€¦ not bad talents gating good ones.

Moved some talents around and added / removed ones visualized belowā€¦

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The idea of ā€‹ā€‹archangel is very well done, however the dark angel is very poorly balanced. Donā€™t take this the wrong way, each class has its own thing however if we compare a talent that druids have had for a long time ā€œHeart of the wildā€ and show the druid community that has been playing with this talent for years (If itā€™s that hypothetically implement it).
Which will cause quite a stir and conflict due to our ā€œHeart of the Wildā€ CD which buffs our animal forms (depending on which one weā€™re using) by 30% damage, healing and HP, but with a 5min CD (in SL thanks to a 4min conduit but we wonā€™t have it in DF) and literally your idea is to give you (in a global way both for Hpriest, SPriest and Disc priest) that does something similar to ours (on top of that with a little haste and for what I see with 10% less damage) but with a CD of 1.30min that is practically unfair.
The only way that this idea of ā€‹ā€‹talent that you propose (along with others that are very well thought out) will come to light, is only if they nerf it to the point of giving them 10% damage with that 1.30min CD or letting them that 20% damage but with a CD of 3min or something.

I am just taking what was already a thing and replacing Power Infusion for 2 reasonsā€¦

  1. The controversy surrounding Power Infusion being used on others.
  2. The Angelic nature of the Archangel wings vs whatā€¦ the yellow glowing thing Power Infusion provides?

Look, the stats can be changed to whatever is best. I donā€™t care about numbers, those will always be tweaked however they need to be. I am just providing the ā€œflavorā€, ā€œthemeā€ & Gameplay that is appropriate to the Priest class.

These came from Cata, not really my ideasā€¦ they already existed in the game. I just swapped out the mana bit for haste with Dark Archangel.

But if you want to talk fairnessā€¦ we lost these a long time ago. Getting them back after so long is ā€œfairā€.