World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Talent Preview - Priest

The ideas that you propose are very good but some can be improved and others would need a slight adjustment. The thing is that you have to avoid breaking all classes (I know it’s impossible but you can try) why not druid, priest, rshammy, paladin, Mw, etc. it must be superior to another (I’m not saying that this will make them meta again or maybe if… who knows). Also there is no problem that you reuse or use things from the past (adding new things to it) but as such they can be adjusted like anything in the game.

PS: Well, they practically recovered a lot of prominence in SL in S3, dominating in all areas of the game (except raid being top 2nd of meta healers) and having a simplicity along with a very powerful pact (at least this last one or at least the one with NF should come back for you in DF)

I have literally no idea what your saying.
You said a lot of words but you really didn’t deliver a clear coherent message.

Your talking numbers and classes and meta.
What does any of that have to do with “ideas” or “feedback” to the Priest talents?

I’m confident that blizzard will adjust numbers on whatever needs adjusting new or old. I am not here nor will I ever try to nitpick the finer details/aspects of the game.

I am a high level / broad thinking type of person. I think of what would be cool and see if others agree. If it sounds fun, then I’ll let the number crunchers dissect it.

But I care about fun first.
I have accepted long ago that this game will never be balanced, it’s an on going thing. But I rather the balancing happens with something that is fun rather then something that is annoying.

Like playing a butchered version of my spec/class that makes it so you have a dead key bind 1/2 the time and then it’s a spamming key bind the other half (Void Bolt). Crap like that is not fun even if it 1 shot everything.

Point is, things are already broke and not fun. I rather try and make things fun first before I worry about it being broken when things have been broken for 3 expansions.

Maybe the feedback on this can be presented in a simpler form without any regard to what the talents actually are…

Restoration Druid preview tree:

  • 15 points below 20 spend line.
  • 5 choice nodes.
  • All new spells or spell mechanics (no raw % increase to power or decrease to cast time).

Holy Priest preview tree:

  • 19 points below 20 spend line
  • 1 choice node (that’s oddly not part of the tree…)
  • 12/19 points are raw % increase power or decrease cast time
  • 3/19 points are the same exact thing but for a different spell (runes)
  • 4 total points alter spells or spell mechanics

What does that mean

  • Druid can take 66% of their final tier talents and all 10 points regardless of choice alter game play
  • Priest can take 52% of their final tier talents and no path is possible for even 4 of the points to alter game play

Looks good. Keep ‘em comin’ Blizz.

Maybe change PI to target all players in raid/group of the same class at 1/n power per player. PI feels good to cast and makes Priests happy but creates class-parse-fretting among the kids.

Oh, and make Lightwell awesome.

Some light suggestions from a shadow priest player in m+/raid, mainly focused on improving synergy.

  • It doesn’t feel good to be forced to take Abyssal Knowledge in order to take Idol of Yogg-Saron, let’s make the prereq for Idol of Yogg-Saron be Unleash the Shadows or Rot and Wither as they synergize better
  • Sanguine Teachings has too many points for an effect that appears will be mild annoying to use only for a % damage increase, most players will feel bad for having to spend 3 points on it to unlock the choice below
  • Void Apparitions appears to be severely undertuned, since 10% of 20% is effectively a 2% damage increase on one effect
  • Having to put 5 points into Mental Fortitude and Sanguine Teachings (both effects that appear to be annoying to play around while also not satisfying when pulled off right anyway) in order to take Idol of N’Zoth is very unsatisfying. This Idol spell is for multitarget damage which Sanguine Teachings and Mental Fortitude do not synergize with much, feels awkward

Overall, my impression of the Shadow tree is that all the new abilities are really cool (except Sanguine Teachings and Mental Fortitude), main feedback is that the ability prereqs need to be swapped around and organized better for synergy.


No actually. I always liked it. Just adding some commentary to the current discourse.
But keep assuming whatever you want of people. I don’t mind :slight_smile:

I was disappointed not to see cascade return. Cascade was my favorite spell ever implemented for any class, fun and beautiful to watch, I always giggled when I hit that hotkey.

I dont have much hope that lightwell will be tuned correctly this time, if it must be in the game for flavor, why not make it a utility spell to conjure food/water like mage tables.


The problem with lightwell isn’t tuning, its the functionality. Its placed, unmoveable, and its radius isn’t large enough to be effective. Couple that with the amount of movement and mechanics they design fights with and you soon figure out why no matter what they did with it it just never worked.

Mythic+ just takes those issues and exacerbates the problems it has.

It has always been a spell that looks good on paper or sounds good as an idea but then you use it and feel bad for wasting the talent point/mana on it


Wtb Warrior and Warlock talent tree.

Divine Star and Halo are present in both the Discipline and Holy trees, but are Priest flavor spells. It would make more sense to place them inside the shared class tree, and possibly also Discipline’s Wickedness talent, which enhances both.


Seeing the picture alone was off-putting, but this explanation is very helpful. I went from dubious to cautiously hopeful.

I’ve missed talent trees and strongly dislike the current setup.

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Not excited for this for Holy. It feels like there’s too much having to buy previously baseline spells and not enough unlocking cool combos/new powers.


On a first glance, this makes me insanely excited about returning to Discipline and Shadow.

Different loadouts for different types of content, possibility for adaptations even within those loadouts to suit your needs and playstyle, options to sacrifice defense for offense and the other way around and some really cool Last row talents.

Holy’s first impression is that it feels a bit weird with a very strict focus on either ST healing or AOE or DMG but it’s far from boring. Excited to see how Lightwell will work out and if they adressed it’s old problems like the inability to move it or the minimal range.
Also, does the Afterlife talent work like a Combatrezz and consumes one of the CR charges during M+/Raid or is it a special type of rezz? Does it work in Arena?

Lot’s of questions but overall nothing but excitement to play Priest.

Disc Ramps are going to be absolutely bonkers, i can’t wait.

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Please make PI self cast only. I’m sure priests would rather have it for themselves and I’d really like it to stop making my class less fun to play during farm


Unless someone whispers pi me or my addon flashes for someone to get it I usually frantically mash it on CD to a random dps sometimes even onto the tanks lol.

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Shadow Tree

My attempt to clean up the Shadow talent tree.

(Disclaimer: I am only sharing my ideas as a high level / broadly thinking of how the abilities interact with each other. Anything regarding number tuning I did not really consider, Ill let Blizzard balance as they do should any of my ideas be considered).

Key Features…

  • Cleaned up the top section to reduce bloat & move some utility to middle section.
  • Moves some talents to class tree.
  • Added new talents from past iterations of shadow.
  • Removed some talents.
  • Changed how some talents work to make them more interesting or more in line as a “class” talent.
  • Organized the bottom section to give it a more “defined” path for various playstyle options.
  • Playstyle options are set up in such a way that its improbable for much if any cross play talent picks between the key playstyle defining talents. This will make balancing self contained within each playstyle and relatively easier compared to the shotgun approach of current implementation of the bottom row talents.

Playstyles Paths…

  • 3 Primary paths for each playstyle option.
    • Clarity of Power & Auspicious Spirits on the left side of tree.
      - Left side is for quick fights & multi dot fights for those that like that style similar to Warlords of Draenor.
    • Dark Archangel & Insanity with a mix of either left and right sides choices.
      - Playstyle with a little mix of many things but is akin to the traditional playstyle before Shadow Orbs or Insanity / Voidform redesign.
    • Voidform playstyle on the right side of tree
      - Current iteration of Shadow / Voidform style of play.


Row 2

  • Combined Psychic Horror with Mind Bomb choice.
  • Moved Psychic Voice to Class tree.

Row 3

  • Moved Devouring Plague from Row 2
  • Added Thought Harvester & changed it a bit to interact with Shadow Word: Pain as not much SW:P interaction in the tree and its possible to not have Vampiric Touch when picking this talent.
    • Thought Harvester
      Shadow Word: Pain has a 20% chance to increase the damage of your next Mind Sear within 20 sec by 150%.

Row 4

  • Moved Shadow Crash from row 7

Row 5

  • Moved Psychic Link from row 6

Row 6

  • Moved Vampiric Embrace from row 4
  • Moved Unleash the Shadows from row 9
    • Unleash the Shadows (Added the generate insanity feature from Auspicious Spirits)
      Vampiric Touch critical strikes have a 5/10% to create a Shadowy Apparition which now generate 2/4 insanity upon impact.
  • Added Insanity talent
    • Insanity
      Casting Devouring Plague transforms your Mind Flay spell into Insanity for 5 seconds. Insanity’s damage is double that of Mind Flay.
  • Moved Dispersion from row 4

Row 7

  • Moved San’layn from row 5
  • Added Mind Melt talent
    • Mind Melt
      Increases your Mind spells critically strike chance by 3/6/9%.
  • Moved Living Shadow from row 10
  • Moved Eidolic Intuition from row 10
  • Moved Abyssal Knowledge from row 9
  • Moved Intangibility from row 5

Row 8

  • Added Mind Spike talent
    • Mind Spike
      Blasts the target with Shadowfrost damage, but extinguishes your Shadow damage-over-time effects from the target in the process.
      Mind Spike also increases the critical strike chance of your next Mind Blast on the target by 30%. Stacks up to 3 times.
  • Moved Sanguine Teachings from row 9
    • Sanguine Teachings (Changed to grant more damage the higher health pool you have at each 30/60/90% intervals)
      For every 30% health interval you currently have, your Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague deal 5/10/15% additional damage.
  • Moved Rot and Wither from row 9
    • Rot and Wither (Gave it a 50/100% refresh option instead of the 2/4 sec extend)
      Mind Flay and Mind Sear damage has a 50/100% chance to refresh Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain.
  • Moved Void Eruption from row 5

Row 9

  • Added Surge of Darkness talent
    • Surge of Darkness
      Your Devouring Plague and Vampiric Touch have a 10% chance to make your next Mind Spike instant, deal 50% more damage, and not consume your damage-over-time effects. Up to 3 charges.
  • Added Clarity of Power & Auspicious Spirits choice talent
    • Clarity of Power
      Your Mind Spike, Mind Sear, and Shadow Word: Death deal 40% additional damage to targets not affected by your Shadow Word: Pain or Vampiric Touch. Also reduces the cooldown on Mind Blast by 3 sec and makes it instant cast.
    • Auspicious Spirits (Changed to increase critical chance and generate more insanity)
      You shadowy Apparitions have an increased 10/20% chance to critically hit and generate twice as much insanity.
  • Added Dark Archangel talent (I want to have my Dark Archangel wings again. Be it here or I also show it on the class tree. Whatever fits best)
    • Dark Archangel
      Increases your haste by 5% and increases your damage done by 20%.
      Lasts for 18sec. 90 sec cooldown.
  • Moved Hungering Void & Surrender to Madness choice from row 6
  • Moved Void Touched from row 6
  • Moved Void Torrent from row 7
    • Void Torrent (Added a extra damage component & increased Voidform duration based on how many dots on target)
      Channel a torrent of void energy into the target, the periodic rate of all your damage over time effects is increased by 300% for 3 sec and increases Voidforms duration by 3 sec per damage over time spell.

Row 10

  • Removed Void Apparitions (needed to remove spells that are not that compelling and this fit the bill)
  • Moved Mind Devourer from row 8
  • Moved Insidious Ire from row 8
  • Added Shadow Power talent
    • Shadow Power
      Increases the critical damage of your Shadow spells by 10/20%.
  • Merged all the Idol talents into new talent Idol of the Gods
    • These “procs” I think should only occur during Voidform and maybe only 1 proc can be active at a time.
  • Moved Ancient Madness from row 7

Shadow Priest Talent Tree - Visualization of above changes…

Class Tree

My attempt to clean up the Class talent tree.
Still lots of things that I would rather change on the top right area (Shadow) that I simply cant think of any good ideas without being worthless or overpowered for Holy and Discipline. Shadow is the black sheep of the 3 specs, really hard to make it fit in same tree because its simply too alien since the Voidform redesign compared to the other 2 specs.


Row 3

  • Removed Mind Restrain talent
  • Moved & Changed Death and Madness from Shadow
    • Death and Madness (WoD version)
      If your Shadow Word: Death fails to kill the target at or below 20% health, your Shadow Word: Death’s cooldown is instantly reset. Damage increased by 250% to targets below 20% health.
  • Removed Masochism
  • Added Phantasm
    • Phantasm
      Activating Fade removes all movement impairing effects and prevents your movement speed from being reduced for 5 sec.

Row 4

  • Removed Power Infusion
  • Moved Twist of Fate to Power Infusion location
  • Removed Taming the Shadows (This should be merged with Masochism)
  • Moved Psychic Voice from Shadow tree. This means it can free up space from Holy and Discipline trees as well.
  • Added Paralysis
    • Paralysis
      When you critically hit with your Mind Blast, you cause the target to be unable to move for 2/4 sec.

Row 5

  • Added Prayer of Healer (Opens room on Holy Tree)
  • Added Vault of Heavens to be a choice with Leap of Faith
    • Vault of Heavens
      Leap of Faith instead causes you to leap to your target, and has 2 charges.
  • Combined Shadow Fiend & Mind Bender into a choice Talent
  • Added Blackout
    • Blackout
      Gives your Shadow spells a 5/10% chance to stun the target for 3 sec.

Row 6

  • Removed Cleric’s Armaments talent
  • Added Desperate Prayer as a talent (I personally don’t think its a “class” ability)
  • Added Inner Focus as a talent
    • Inner Focus
      When activated, reduces the Mana cost of your next spell by 100% and increases its critical effect chance by 25% if it is capable of a critical effect.

Row 7

  • Moved Angel’s Mercy from Row 6
  • Removed Tools of the Cloth talent
  • Added Halo & Divine Star choice talent
  • Added Archangel & Dark Archangel choice talent
    • Archangel
      Instantly restores 5% of your total mana and increases your healing done by 15%. Lasts for 18sec. 60 sec cooldown.
    • Dark Archangel
      Increases your haste by 5% and increases your damage done by 20%. Lasts for 18sec. 90 sec cooldown.
  • Added Spectral Guise talent
    • Spectral Guise
      Your shadow blurs into the darkness, leaving your true form behind. As a shadow you are stealthed, but remain in combat. Lasts 6 sec or until your true form is hit by 3 direct attacks.
  • Added Fiend Acceleration and Fiending Dark Choice talent
    • Fiend Acceleration
      Reduces the cooldown of Shadowfiend by 3 sec each time Mind Flay, Smite or Holy Fire critically hits.
    • Fiending Dark
      Increases the duration of Shadowfiend by 2 sec each time Mind Flay, Smite or Holy Fire critically hits.

Row 8

  • Added Void Tendrils (Replaced Mind Bender)
    • Void Tendrils
      Tendrils come out of the ground under up to 5 enemies within 8 yards, immobilizing them for 20 seconds. Killing the tendril cancels the effect. 30 second cooldown.

Row 9

  • Removed Light’s Inspiration
  • Added Angelic Bulwark (replaced Light’s Inspiration)
    • Angelic Bulwark
      Anytime a damaging attack brings you below 30% health, you gain an absorption shield equal to 15/30% of your total health lasting for 20 sec.
      This effect cannot occur more than 90 sec.

Priest Class Talent Tree - Visualization of above changes…

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No, I’d rather it not be self-cast only. Additionally, it would be pointless as we have Sun Priestess as a talent which gives it to us anyway when we use it on someone else.


Just wanted to quote this to say that it is excellent analysis, and perfectly quantifies the frustration that I believe a lot of us feel with how the the talent tree is currently organized.


Thats the best reason for them to wait. Why go in first with the hardest tree to build. Evoker should be last. And before that, DH and Monk.

Also, i thought a lack of buttons was the appeal of DH?

please explain why do ppl not like PI? isn’t 25% haste a good thing? am i missing something cause sounds like ppl are literally bit**ing for nooooooooo reason… please explain

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