World of Warcraft: Dragon Isles (The Real Deal?)

The dude in the thumbnail looks like he’s getting a broom shoved up his butt, how is this supposed to be taken seriously as a source of information?

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People get so madge about clickbait thumbnails but the science proves it works. It’s just part of the deal with youtube.

Science proves that having 100 30 second videos makes more ad revenue than 10 300 second videos. Science is also looking at the wrong data to comfort themselves. I say ban advertising from the internet :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah but I doubt they’ll do Covenants and Torghast again. They have numerous systems always, but it’s not like we had Class Halls in BFA. Islands got dropped. Warfronts got dropped. Corruptions got dropped.

And like I said, every leak is Dragon Isles. The last patch of BFA was supposed to be Dragon Isles. I’ll believe it when I see it.

The only thing I don’t understand is why is a pure dps getting a tank spec before shamans, didn’t the shaman community request enough that they wanted a tank spec, an earth-themed spec?

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Warlock makes sense to me because they’re experimented with that before in MOP. As far as Hunter, it’s definitely a bit strange but I suppose there is some reactive mechanics that make sense, and a spear-wielding tank is kind of cool from a flavor point of view. By contrast, Shaman has never really had tanking mechanics per-say aside from Earth Shock and Rockbiter generating threat. No real reactive gameplay elements built into the character.

Mission Tables were disliked in WoD (engaged with, but disliked) and yet we’ve continued to get them every expansion since then.

Corruptions are making a pseudo comeback in 9.2 -

I’d argue that Blizzard has more of a habit of bringing back features people don’t like than features people like - features people don’t like have some room for the designers to show upper management growth and create opporunities for marketing, whereas bringing back a successful system is often just additional overhead that won’t sell boxes.

Flex and M+ are probably the only successful systems that have stuck with the game, because they directly sell boxes and justify their value.

All that said, if you don’t want to believe this is real, totally fine, I just think the idea that “Blizzard wouldn’t try to fix something people don’t like” is laughable - that’s their MO if anything, bring back a feature in another form and try to make it stick, and only abandon it when it has proven to work and isn’t an interesting puzzle to solve for the designers anymore.

Mission tables are very off to the side. Not a core system. They already lifted restrictions on Covenants. And corruptions are not making a comeback. They are on one trinket and had been on a couple trinkets before they even brought in corruptions as a focused system.

I doubt they will do covenants and Torghast again. And I feel like they could do Torghast right with a few tweaks. But more often than not, they throw out things that are that unpopular.

I mean, that’s just not true. Islands → Visions → Torghast is all one lineage. It would be extremely foolish to believe that Blizzard would just drop that thread.

The only feature of anything you’ve listed they’ve actually completely abandoned and not just reworked in some fashion is Warfronts. More often than not, they’ll take their failures and try to remake them into something that works.

If that turns out to be true I am so down for a sequel to Zul’farrak.


No they really are not. Islands were fighting and mining. No affixes. Visions are closer to Torghast, but didn’t have the endless dungeon feel. One may have inspired the other. But they are not the same.

They completely abandoned Class Halls as well after Legion. Azerite Gear, gone.

The leak isn’t even saying they take their failures and make them into something that works. It’s mostly a copy and paste with dragons.

It just seems like you want Dragon Isles to happen really badly. Which maybe this will finally be your lucky expac! Usually leaks aren’t right.

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Covenants are the spiritual successor to Class Halls.

Not even close. The only similarity is being closed off in a place that you get some quests from. The class halls had class fantasy, had more story, were better developed. This was overblown rep.

I think he was speaking in terms of mechanics/implementation. Under the hood, Covenants are built on the bones of Class Halls.



Exactly. It’s hardly even arguable.

They failed very hard at that then. Because they are not very similar at all. And that does not mean I’m gonna believe every leak on mmo-champion when they mostly end up wrong. Because some random guy really wants dragons.

Insert the word Class or Covenant in place of X.

X Followers. X Campaign. X Hall.

I mean, we already addressed this. You don’t have to believe the leak but not believing the leak doesn’t mean your beliefs about anything else are validated. That’s not how it works, lol.

I’m not asking you to believe my other points. I played the game. Those things were not similar. One may have inspired the other but most of it did not carry over.

I don’t entirely disagree. I’ve never watched much T&E content, but I remember he did a massive video breakdown of the Jaina brother reunion back in BFA and made a huge stink about the dagger on his back and what it all meant. I couldn’t help but laugh at how he made content out of literally nothing because that video never went anywhere else.

I will say that pretty much all content creators do this kind of stuff now. You iust kind of got to learn which creators make content that isn’t clickbaiting you to hell and back. That’s why I stopped watching bellular news (but I rather like his clips channel).


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If this is true, it sounds pretty cool imo.

I’d definitely pick Green as my main’s “Dragon Covenant”. I love their Emerald Dream ties, and think they would have neat cosmetics, especially for a Druid.