World of Warcraft: Division

I sat here looking at threads where people were wishing there was more Alliance content, and others wanting Horde content. So it dawned on me.

After Last Titan, let’s have a Trilogy where both sides get what they want. Azeroth is a decimated playground in the present, but what if an omniscient being offered both sides a chance, a false one, to turn the tides of war in their favor. In Warcraft: Division, max level characters are handed a Hero’s stone which takes them into the past to the turning point where their side could have gained the upperhand permanently and given a chance to change their history, (or so they are told) once and for all.

The Alliance would appear in the Nation of Arathor, equipped with the knowledge of what comes next, and how to stop the Horde once and for all. The Horde end up on Draenor long before the arrival of Kil’Jaedin and other Legion-esque demons knowing what their future might be like if they can build forces powerful enough to pass through the portal and destroy their enemies permanently.

You find yourself choosing two very distinct paths, with two polar opposite outcomes… or are there two possible outcomes? Algalon the Observer has calculated the odds of an outcome that should find systemic corruption, but wants to know which side is truly the evil one. So he replicates Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms of old, and stacks the deck for both sides. He uses the Guardians of Time to replicate moments found in WC II and WC III where we encounter Heroes and Champions of the past.

Now for the kicker. Before you are two choices. You can choose to see the outcome with, or without the opposing faction. Your choice determines your path, the outcome, and which raid you end up in at the end. Your first choice is total domination where you battle against the other faction in an attempt to rid Azeroth of them permanently, killing the original Heroes or Champions before they can make their mark on the world as we already know it. The second option is to fight with them, and see if they truly were the monsters we believed them to be, or, if like us, they simply wanted to survive.

Now… this is all just cooking up something different. I am not asking, nor begging for it to happen. I don’t even know how it could be written or designed, and honestly, I’m not confident the current team could pull it off. What I do know is, this used to be Warcraft where the Alliance and the Horde were constantly at odds. But let’s face it, if it were not for the city guards, we could probably come and go from Capital Cities without anyone blinking twice.

Would you find a way to put the War back in Warcraft? Or, is it simply time to unlock the factions entirely and live under a single banner?


I’ll wait for World of Warcraft: Multiplication.

Surely all these breeding experiments players have been doing in Goldshire deserve formal recognition and a story arc.


Pretty sure the breeding worked. A goblin slept with a Kobold and gave us Vulpera. Sure, it was not in Goldshire, but who are we to judge? :rofl:


The beauty of playing both sides is you realise there already is story for both sides. It’s not specific sides that take the limelight. It’s specific characters.


In this case, it would be all of the above :blue_heart:

let the war games begin! :fire: :anger: :bomb: :skull_and_crossbones: :woman_mage: :pig: :zap:

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My friend, I have bad news for the dignity of your people.

Vulpera are worgen x gnome.


As a Worgen, I approve. However, there are no gnomes or worgen in Vuldun <3

So, Battle for Azeroth 2.0?

World of Warcraft: Interspecies Reviewers?

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Think of it more like WoW: Orcs vs Humans :rofl:

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Ah, so Battle for Azeroth strikes back.

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I mean… the only thing missing is a Death Star.

We got Goblins and Gnomes. Just ask them, and they’ll turn Azeroth into a death planet.

Blaming the poor goblins and gnomes when you have the horde nuking (mana bombs) entire cities and using chemical weapons (Undead plague).

Propaganda I say!

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The Alliance technically has the Vindicaar. But that would mix things up by giving the super weapon to the good guys instead.

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Please, no more time travel, it always ends badly and the story is worthy of the greatest b-movie.

True. WoD was the worst expac to date.

So 4 different capstone raids? Whatever you’re smoking must be mad expensive.

Really tired of this canard. There’s been War in Warcraft since vanilla.

War of the Shifting Sands
War against the Burning Legion
War against the Illidari
War against the Scourge
War against the Firelands
War against the Mantid and Mogu (and Horde Civil War)
War against the Iron Horde
War against the Burning Legion (Finale)
Oh look, there’s some “faction war” done very very badly in a ridiculed expansion.
War against the Jailer
War against the Nerubians

There’s been nothing BUT war in WarCraft for TWO DECADES. There’s more to “WarCraft” than Alliance V. Horde. Has been since WC3.