World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery Announced at BlizzCon

Thanks for dropping the ball.

They completely dropped the ball

No. What they announced can not even be described as classic. Has absolutely nothing to do with vanilla. They completely dropped the ball and I hope this crap show tanks within a month.

Super excited to try it out!

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Thank you blizzard! One concern is balancing which I’m hopeful the team will adjust based on feedback.

Certain powerful new abilities might be too much for a vanilla type game play. Seems like end-game content will have to be scaled up with stats + new abilities/encounters to challenge players and not make everything a loot pinata.

or the old 40 man raids are just 25 man raids now… thinking

Sadly… the faction balance in SOD is gonna be terrible. Ally has wf+blessings so its auto 90% ally 10% horde. fresh Vanilla when… its gonna be another [PVP] server with only one faction.

but horde is getting tanking shamans and it’s likely that paladin bessings will be made into these runes.

paladins also get “horn of lordaeron” basically strength totem+goa in one[aka horn of winter]… if you are a hardcore player or a smart player you just go alliance instantly no questions.

pvp will also be a big part of the new season and if memory serves me right horde have better pvp radials in the original wow

Meh just because it isnt what you hoped for doesnt make it stupid. Mage heals and lock tanks alone are two things thay people have atleast liked the idea of for quite a while - they both directly address customer requests. Thats not stupid

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PvP wasn’t very balanced in Classic either, but it was better than PvE. Often the issue with class balancing in both areas of the game have to do with classes scaling. Some classes scale terribly PvP wise, but wonderfully PvE wise and vice versa. Except warrior, they scaled phenomenally in both by the end of classic. Which is just an oversight in general, they never should have been so low performing in the beginning any ways. PvP in classic though is far more wild west which i think made it seem more balanced, but pvp was also least of their focus in vanilla. am hoping to see some cool pvp revamping in this new sod.

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Fresh vanilla is on Era for you. Go play it there. Horde have amazing racials compared to alliance, I guess all the horde players crying forgot about that. They will likely give horde more things as well as alliance that we arent seeing now, considering its a level 25 cap with BFD as a 10 man, y’all are missing the forest for the trees not realizing we are doing a live beta and we are going to create this game with blizzard devs. our feedback is important.

You are wrong in so many ways. Except one, we want new vanilla content. But we do want class balance, better professions, better pvp, better vanilla. Perhaps bringing in new abilities from other expacs to vanilla isn’t quite the answer but it is a start to something better than this bland vanilla where everyone has to play a certain 3 classes to be successful. We do not like stacking 20 warriors to be competitive in content, or playing one faction to have the abilities that allow us to be competitive. Class balance is needed for vanilla or any wow. As others said, go play era. It is right there with all of the crap you want. The consumes could be better too, especially with cooking. There is so much that can be way better about vanilla wow. They will lose the audience in Cata, faster than they did with ICC esp with 6 months of hype to tucker us out on the rereleased expac.

Blizz just recover it conscious after a hangover of bad ideas and realize that is time to RESET and return from the beginning when the game had sense.

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Bros gotta be 45 years old at least

there is not PTR or bata it gos live 30 of this month we all are going to see it from the start

I am very excited for the new content. How can we promote good faction balance on the servers this time around?

excited to play looks fun

I think too many new abilities were added.