World of Warcraft: Classic | Census and Demographics Survey (August 2019)

New Census and Demographics Survey up on Reddit.

Reddit post.
Direct link to the survey.

Whoever is doing the survey probably shouldn’t let me say I’m going to play a Night Elf Paladin on the Horde.


You forgot RPPVP server option. Previous poll had it at polling higher than RP.


There is no RP-PVP server for Classic based on everything Blizzard has said so far, so that isn’t really a viable option.

No RPPVP option?! Well, that’s gonna be wrong, probably…

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But the poll is trying to measure what people want. Most that fill out the survey wont play, they might want to, but they won’t.

The census isn’t meant to guide Blizzard’s decisions, it is meant to see what the class/race/faction/playtime/etc breakdown will be based on how the game is expected to exist at launch. There are also some demographic questions.

They’re still considering it, and not having the option damages its chances.

And yet, Blizzard will use it.


Id be curious about the numbers, but Im gonna go ahead and say that I bet the reality will be very skewed. I doubt even a quarter of the total population will vote.

Phase 1 is famous… Blizzard don’t rush it please.

I reached out to a Classic WoW CM and they are 1) well aware of the census and 2) are well aware that RP-PVP was left off intentionally in response to them not including it, but they also are aware that it was a popular choice in our older census (from several months back, before we knew that RP-PVP isn’t planned to exist).


Not sure why, but looking over the results, the biggest surprise for me is that 30% already have a guild arranged for launch. Has to be a lot of people bringing sister guilds over from retail I imagine? Or is guild recruitment a much bigger thing on reddit than it is here yet?

There’s multiple discords dedicated to advertising guilds.

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I hadn’t considered that. Makes a lot more sense.

I think what you’re seeing is that the type of people who take a poll like this are far more invested in the game than the average player.

P.S. if anyone is looking for a Warlock for an Alliance RP-PVP guild that raids lateish (like starting 11 p.m. EST) DM me.

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I’m actually a little surprised at the No, and I am not currently looking results. I would think that the types of folks (reddit/discord frequenters) that are likely to see the survey would want to get a head start on guilds/groups. Also what Kirr said too.

I would think that would lend itself to folks wanting to get a head start on guilds.

Glad to see there are still a large number of folks that are waiting until launch to find a guild to play with, means more community interactions while leveling up.

Reddit has a “LFG Monday” post every week that probably has 150+ guilds posting in it.

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For retail or for upcoming classic guilds? “LFG Monday” seems like something that would be focused on completing keys or boss kills before the weekly reset.

I’m surprised to see how popular Horde is. I figured it’d be a bit closer to 50/50.

I feel like it will still end up horde being the lesser played faction once the game launches.

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