World of Warcraft: Classic | Census and Demographics Survey (August 2019)

Alliance still has PTSD from Warmode. Retail faction balance is jacked up and it’s likely to have some sort of impact on Classic.

It’s become a widely accepted “truth” that Horde is better at PvP… Sad.


For upcoming classic guilds. The subreddit is Classic specific.


While polls can give some insight, they are nowhere accurate to what we will be seeing during live game play.

Just a PSA to not put to much stock in a poll that has a limited reach and is usually answered only by those who have an agenda.

Now to put my votes in.

Definitely. The folks that respond to the census are a small fraction of the population that will play classic. At least that is the hope.

Interesting results.

Looks like the Horde is still overpopulated despite everyone saying their going to Alliance for the racials…

No surprise at most people being unsubbed, I know I can’t stand BfA right now.

The poll respondents are of people who are following the news and highly anticipate Classic. A far more ‘hardcore’ group if you will from the masses that will flood in when the game actually goes live.

Note that even in this polled group, raiding is a top-3 interest for only half of us.

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I can’t stand the discord and reddit culture. I’ll just look for guilds in game.

Waiting to look for a guild in game is probably what most folks will do.

Though I do think Classic is uniquely situated to attract a large number of people that will want to try to find a guild before launch. Even if that search doesn’t pan out.

The Classic WoW subreddit (r/classicwow) - their LFG Monday post includes all types of guilds/groups. You can look for a duo partner, a new guild, or a group for a dungeon.

Thanks for the info!

Interesting results.

Indeed. Seems that most folks responding to the survey that played vanilla were between the ages of 11-20 during vanilla. Given the responses to the questions What is the earliest retail World of Warcraft expansion you played? and What is your age?

I was honestly expecting the age demographics to be a little higher than that, gg confirmation bias :slight_smile:

Eh, I think your instincts are actually closer to being right.

I would bet that the majority of that 25-34 group is in the upper-end (32-34). Reared on WarCraft/FF7 and spent middle/high-school playing Big Game Hunters on StarCraft or dungeon-diving in Diablo.

I’m pretty convinced that many early WoW players were these “Xennials”, which showed in community interactions up through Wrath (when they started getting serious jobs/having kids).

There are quite a few people who want to meet people in game, rather than pre-join a non-existent guild that hasn’t even gone through its first experiences together.

The survey is nice for a bit of insight. The thing is that it only polls forum and reddit users for the most part. That is a slightly more hardcore demographic and it doesn’t represent the entire Classic player base.

I think that’s why there is a slight Horde bias. Horde has OP racials like WotF and Hardiness that appeal to minmaxers. I bet the more casual players will bring Alliance numbers up.

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Theres an entire discord for classic guilds with dozens of guilds recruiting people based on what class/spec you plan to play and in what time zones and hours you are available to raid. Hardcore guilds and casual ones.

Why take the chance of having to try and find some cool people to play with after launch that will let you play the class/spec you like and still get a raid spot, when you can find a great group of gals/gents to play with NOW? Plus a ton of guilds are huddling together to all roll on the same server to make sure we dont end up on some dying empty server, lol.

Fair enough. That will be great for the classic community too. It’s how I met my first raiding guild. Random encounter in the undead starting zone spawned several years of raiding/playing with the same group of people.

This time around I’ll be joining up with a group of folks that have a raiding guild in retail, but also have a number of members that want to play classic.

Seeing the heavy skew towards former private server players and those wanting to roll on PvP realms; I don’t think this will translate very well to Live Classic ratios. My guess is that PvE realms will be as populated and numerous as PvP realms.

Guilds focused on Progression Raiding might opt for Alliance due to Paladin buffs and Fear Ward. I’m also betting that PvP servers will skew Horde primarily for strong PvP centric racials like Will of the Forsaken and Hardiness. Not to mention, an extremely popular race/class for PvP realms is the Undead Rogue.

But it is interesting to see the results. And congratulations to the poll creator for getting this many votes.

That said, considering private server players outnumber those that haven’t, I’ll echo what others are saying in the thread and state that we will likely see a large boost to PvE and Alliance numbers.

I think you are pretty spot on with that analysis. It’s always seemed to me that the classic wow sub-reddit/discord has a bit of a horde/pvp bias. More so than is actually present in the overall wow population.