World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic Deep Dive

I still see it as boarder line pay to win and think it has no place in TBC. TBC is still World of Warcraft not a separate game

I fail to see how a level 58 with bleh gear is pay to win…

It’s paying to advance in level Azeroth the old world is still a part of the game

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But why is that a problem? They aren’t skipping the actually relevant leveling content, TBC. They’re skipping the part that is already dead.

but it’s still an important part of the game lvling and this contributes to it being dead it wasnt like that in TBC that’s not the TBC experience. It’s like saying what’s the problem with being able to buy pre raid bis or gear from previous tiers the only relevant content is “current raid”

But leveling has been largely dead in the old world for months boosts won’t change that. Why do I care if someone avoids what is at this point largely just a solo grind?

And it very much was like that in TBC originally. The vast majority of people took their 60’s into TBC. Outside of draenie/belfs the old world was dead.

You know that’s not what I mean I mean rerolls alts new characters obviously we are already taking our 60’s with us so that’s a mute point

Right but did the amount of people doing that really bring the old world back to the state it was for say the first several months of classic?

I don’t fully understand how the Classic Forever servers are going to work. They say each character can choose to go to them instead of progressing to BC with the rest of their server, or you can pay to copy a character to both. I get that part. But I want clarification on the new Classic Forever realms. Are they essentially going to be fresh servers? Can you roll a new level 1 character on them and will we need to reserve our names? They didn’t go fully in depth with some of the information they gave and it needed to be explained further.

No not to the state it was in the first several months of classic, but better than it’ll be now with boosts. In an MMO changes like these affect the whole player base sorry.

Oh they certainly do impact the entire playerbase.

Trying to force people to level from 1-58 just cause in a not great situation where you’ll likely just be soloing most of the time only drives players away from playing TBC.

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Would you say that Attunments force people to do irrelevant content just so they can play the real game (raid)? Would you support the implementation of paying to skip attunments or paying to get to the final tier? This game is about two things the journey and the community and this change erodes both.

Hmm… attunements don’t force people to do irrelevant content, at least in vanilla. Attunements were phased out in TBC and it sounds like they won’t be in TBC classic so it’s a non point.

My point is irrelevancy is subjectively defined.

What? do you mean the TBC raid attunments? You don’t think they’ll be in the game?

It sounds like tiers will be phase gated not attunement gated.

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Idk where you’re getting that from but if you want to pay to skip grinds in the game why not when sunwell comes out just sell gear from previous tiers since people want to raid the most new tier not waste their time playing the game

I’m getting that from there is no talk of attunements but content will be time gated.

And once again I don’t see how someone boosting to 58 with bad gear is at equivalent to getting a level 70 with current tier minus one gear.

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They are both people paying to skip over large parts of the game and get ahead of other players it has no place in an MMO

1-58 ceases to be a large part of the game come TBC. It already is now… 1-58 content already sucks in classic. Why force people to suffer through it?

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But that’s subjective I can say from my point of view for example that Naxx sucks but im a huge lore guy and I dont get why I cant just pay to get the corrupted ashbringer it’s only a small part of the game why would anyone care about it?