Why force people to have to progress past twin emps just so they can kill C’thun they just want to say they killed C’thun so why force them to do AQ40 why not just let them buy their way past it
Because that is current content in vanilla.
A level 58 boost does not let someone just go into Kara.
The game starts at lvl 1 not 58 why did blood elves and draenei start at lvl 1 then?
What was your 1-60 experience?
I leveled mostly Via questing and sometimes running dungeons I enjoyed having class quests back again in classic and in general enjoyed the experience I’ve done it 3 times in classic already
Just watched the Video in the Battlenet launcher, and the guy at the end said “you are not prepared”
So with this information do you think Blizzard could roll back the release date so we can get prepared?
They are saying they will fix this issue and adjust the arena season schedule to match the pve content. I used my current simm for warlock and the 30% spell power increase of t5 out weights the damage reduction of season 1 resilience by about 10%. This is from the 5 set alone and im sure that gap of t5 outpacing s1 grows even further with additional peices.
for a warlock, when looking at just the 5 piece set, the spell power increase of t5 over season1 increases damage by about 13% but the season 1 gear only has enough resil to mitigate 3-4% of dmg. t5 will outpace s1 HARD!
Resilience gear > raid gear in pvp. Resilience means they can’t crit you which is a huge benefit in pvp. You will mow them down if it is 1v1, I should add…
Maybe for warlocks and shadow priest but a lot of classes get huge benefits in pvp from resilience. Warlocks are super difficult to kill with full resilience gear even against equally geared raiders.
Start up a game of Pokemon Blue and start at the Elite 4.
Start up a game of FF7 and start at your final fight with Sexxoroth.
Get it? Sef said it’s about the World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade experience (from 1 to 70)…not some alien birthchild level 58-70 russian Burning Crusade experience.
Single player games are a bad comparison.
Hey need to change season 1 to phase 1 not phase 2 some of us want to pvp.
Will there be new servers or will they be merged with current classic servers? I don’t get the choice pick either. Let’s say you ONLY want to play on a classic server and not TBC will it merge classic/tbc players on the same servers but lock content? Will they automatically be transferred to a TBC server when they make the choice?
Curious and curious
Fight for what you want. Enjoy what you get. Be entertained.
Why are you remorseful? In BC you get a stun as a racial! Combat orc rogue rocks
They will “snapshot” all Classic servers.
Then they are patching all Classic servers with TBC
Then if you want to stay in Classic you have to switch to a new “Classic Era” server.
They couldn’t just add TBC and have done with it. They had to wreck Classic first.
Instead they intend to repeat the entire progression.
Yeah museum pieces my a rse
Shouldn’t Arena S1 be lined up with P1? In retail TBC, the arena S1 was equiv to the T4, S2 to T5, and S3/S4 were T6.
Clearly you dont pvp. And since you dont pvp I dont understand why you care about this anyway as pvp gear wont affect pve.
bump this thread.