World of Warcraft 15th Anniversary Collector’s Edition

Is there currently a list of retailers that will be selling this? I called my local GameStop and they say they are not going to be.

It broke my heart to see the website, get pumped, quickly go to the blizzard store and see it was sold out

Edit: went in to gamestop today and was able to successfully preorder it. Unsure if the employee just didn’t care enough to look it up for me, didn’t know better or hates WoW enough to blatantly tell me false info. Just figured I would update this!


So a blue posted here, TWICE… and neither time made mention of the customer that was TRYING to buy the product but couldn’t because Blizzard’s system is screwed up.

Says a lot…


It looks pretty cool and TBH Anyone that buys this, KEEP it in Mint Condition. Later down the road it will sell for probably double the price bought or even triple

I personally would buy it for the sole purpose to do that, but I just got other :poop: to pay for at this time and not good enough to spare :\

**Infact - If someone actually had EVERY Collection of each expansion, you are in for a load of cash in years to come!!!


Any chance these pre-orders go back in stock? Just saw this now when I got home from work and they are sold out?

Super disappointing. Not on Amazon either. Here’s to hoping there will be a way to order this.


How is a 5+ month preorder out of stock? What?


really? for instance…um…The Blizz shop? Because GameStop is a pit of hate.


Could we get clarification on which retailers to contact, since official Blizzard pre-orders are sold out as of current?

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Did anyone else notice that the Deathwing Mount is flying in Vol’dun?

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I’ll put it this way.

You guys did it right when it came to the 10th anniversary. You sent an item to those players who had been with the game for a decade. Heck, I think a lot of us would probably have been willing to pay for the statue that we got.

As far as this particular item, it was done very badly. especially since there are many people who have found that there are a lot of these pre-orders already being resold for as much as 5 times the sales price on the secondary market.

Yes, there’s a chance that people might be able to secure a pre-order from their local game store, but it’s quite possible those same resellers will buy those up as well.


Maybe they mean the listing on Ebay for $454


Was not able to log into the gear store all day. Still cannot. Tried on multiple devices.

I’m just amazed that they were sold out within four hours.

They are sold out… do you know if they are going to re-stock?

or is this another thing I am going to have to buy off a scalper on ebay?

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They really should’ve limited it to ONE purchase per Blizzard account.


Will there be more? i literally had to scrounge around for the money to get this and its sold out. I don’t have a retailer anywhere near me right now so i cant even check with them either. this is the most disappointed I’ve been in a long time.

Before you could just buy them and there was no limit so I’m confused whats going on?

Frustrating to say the least, that they are sold out and only available through “local retailers” from here on out. Worked an extra long day to make sure the customer had their equipment operational for their overnight shift, ended up getting home later than normal and totally missed out. Shame on me for having a job I guess, would have looked awesome next to my 10 year statue too :frowning:


Oh look, another collector’s edition that doesn’t bother to include the full game…

This is really a terrible consumer practice. Shame on you, Blizzard. You used to be above these EA tactics, but now you’re just another loot box factory.


This is the first time I have actually been shocked and disappointed with Blizzard.

Zero announcement to prepare for the rush, no notice about a collectors edition like every other Blizzard product. Announced outside of normal announcement times making it impossible for those sleeping/traveling/working. Zero help from customer service for those getting logged out during payment. Zero help for those getting error 500 during checkout. Zero help for those who couldn’t login. Zero help with tell us which retailers will carry them, which is kind of a big deal for those who live in states with little no options for stores and require travel to acquire.

This is by far one of the worst announced/handled/prepped CE or item you have ever thrown out there. I am in awe that this was even allowed.


The worst part is, Amazon UK is still accepting orders, so apparently they have more set aside for EU/Amazon? Not sure why they would purposefully limit their US customer base…


Throwing my name in here as well as somebody who is surprised and disappointed that there was no announcement and these “sold out” while at work. I was really excited for another addition to the WoW collector’s shelf. Ideally, a blue could clarify how specifically those of us who couldn’t jump on and buy one within hours of the announcement can get one, and I really hope the answer isn’t “this one Walmart in Ohio has three preorders, or you can buy a scalped copy for $500 on eBay.”