World of Underminecraft (TWW Patch Discussion)

I need that mecha-devilsaur as a pet.

I NEEEEEEED IT! (and the mecha-devilsaur mount too!)

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Forever keeping my Goblin in Undermine as an RP hotspot.

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TWW best expac ever confirmed???

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Dumb ideas for undermine(d) tier designs.

  • Priest: The theme would be around coins and the light is invoked through the reflections off the coins. Also imagining the sound of jingling as a goblin priests wanders the streets covered in garbs covered in coins. Big pope hat.
  • Warlocks: Contracts!! Their gear would be covered in scribbled contracts and sticky note amendments as they are continously bargaining with their demon minions on the terms of their servitude. Big witch hat.
  • Mage: Techno mage. Lots of wires, advance arcane projections and other things would be tangled into their robes. Big wizard hat.
  • Hunter: GUNS!! The shoulders have flimsy arm extensions holding more guns and they bob around when your character moves. The chest piece is just ammo belts layered on top of each other.
  • Demon Hunter: The chest piece is a big Yakuza tattoo on their torso that glow. The rest of the set is subtle demon theme but they wear a pair of nice slacks.
  • Monk: I do like the new monk tier set but I think a Boxer theme would be really cool. The gloves are boxing gloves wrapped in barbed wire and metal knuckles.
  • Rogue: James Bond themed but a little roughed up. Sleeves are rolled up and they are ready to stab. Imagining something like Hitman/John Wick.
  • Druid: Covered in expensive looking furs and pelts. I know it’s not very druidy but maybe the furs and pelts have been forcibly acquired from the original owner and the slain spirits empower your bear form rage.

The rest I’m not so sure about tbh

  • Paladin: This could just be a rehash of the coin priest idea but now in plate armor which would still be cool imo.
  • Death Knight/Warrior: Gladiator themed? A paid fighter seems like a cool idea for them tbh. Death Knight could incorporate skulls/horns while Warrior would be the goblin take on the classic gladiator helmet (murmillo)
  • Evoker: I have no idea what to do with you. I guess could do sleezy casino owner and it’s snake skinned themed.
  • Shaman: no idea either other than a Texas oil tycoon and you get a big cowboy hat and your shoulders are the goblin drill totems.

Thank you for reading my I’m bored at work on my lunch time brain dump


NGL, I’m not amused.

The main reason Gnomes are always the punchline, is because that’s how Blizzard has always written them. This is just a continuation.

Yes, I am a blast at parties.


I am, too, but for different reasons.

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I mean, are Garden Gnomes racist in the WoW Setting?

We have a lot of lore about how Elves and Humans became friends after genociding the Trolls, and the Dwarves and Humans shared certain social traits and became bros over it.

Did the ancient Gnomes help the ancient Humans learn and master agriculture and animal husbandry to help the Tribes move from hunter-gathering to a more stable and reliable food supply for their growing numbers and change in lifestyle, and that’s why the ‘Garden Gnomes’ exist, because it was a mark of respect and a superstition that if you had an effigy in your garden, it would bring luck to the harvest?


Eyo me old chums

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I kind of feel like it’s less amusing for a gnome main than everyone else.

I wouldn’t be wearing that on Larisi, for example.


Botani infection is a serious medical condition, Gentarn. I’d expect an Orc of all people to understand why it’s no laughing matter.


All of the Ethereal models being datamined (in this patch right?)… we’re getting them, right? Right??

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God, we’ll have our own version of the Rumbling on the Forums if Blizzard teases playable Ethereals and doesn’t deliver.

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Blizzard makes new Ethereal models.

The Players get access to the new Neutral Race: The Brokers.


I’m starting to be less impressed by the Ethereals.

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I mean, I have been sitting on this for a while, but the Ethereals got blasted by Dimensius waaaaaaay back when, and became entities of pure arcane energy that threaten to discorporate without their bandages and/or regular infusions of arcane energy.

The Brokers seem to be blue flickering spirits piloting digitigrade-legged mechs, apart from the flaming ball in their helmets, the rest of them seems to be purely mechanical.

A Rogue Thought, but the Brokers are either the Ethereals who died after their transformation but before the creation of their ‘Wraps’, OR, they are the other ‘half’ of the Ethereals that was scoured away by Dimensius’s attack. Because in the Shadowlands before we mucked around with it, your Soul goes to a specific place, no matter what. So the Brokers wandering around, seemingly outside of this rigid and unchanging system, and not being put through the Sorting Hat Arbiter’s selection process and scattered across the Shadowlands piece-meal, suggests that just like the Forsaken and the Death Knights, there was something ‘wrong’ with their Souls that the Hot Val’kyr Kyrians either could not find them to yeet at the Arbiter, or the Arbiter could not catalogue and send them out because half of the ‘code’ it was programmed for was not there, or was so badly scrambled as to be unreadable.

It would explain why both Brokers and Ethereals are both Energy-based life-forms, why their societies are so similar, why there’s so much architectural similarities between the Ethereal camps we encounter in Outland and on Argus, and the great Bazaar of the Brokers, because we have a Skeksis/Mystics scenario on our hand.

So it begs the question, what happens to a Broker if an Ethereal dies, and vice versa, if the theory is true? Or does it make one stronger, reclaiming the lost half of their existence, much like Akama did when he reclaimed the darkened half of his spirit in the Black Temple Raid/Illidan novel?

Is dragged outside and violently rolled on the grass against his will


Ethereals are a nostalgia bomb to TBC. Give me a bandage boi rogue with ghost trails when he runs plz.


Gnomes need a villain era. A new ecological catastrophe (better than Gnomergan), a gnome-only cannibal psychosis virus, a genocidal military coup; SOMETHING!

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I mean, we’ve seen two attempts to Re-Mechafy the Gnomes and both times were pretty damn villainous.

Imagine that Mimiron overcomes the flaws in his mechanical body that his Mechagnome followers made for him after his ‘accident’ and decides that, nope, the Curse of Flesh has to go.

You get to become a robot. You get to become a robot! You… are not suitable for Odyn’s designations, you become crack-filler for the floor.

Its all whimsical and tinkering and oh boy do I love science and then suddenly the mind behind the Mimiron just clicks back into place and we have armies of upgraded and updated V-07-TR-0Ns, Titanic Watchers armed with copies of Titanstrike gun, and we’re expecting whimsical nonsense and nope, it is straight up “I am going to finish the damn job.” and his forces just start straight-up disintegrating whole chunks of the battlefield, orbital micro-Origination blasts and a virus that starts turning anything that has a Titanic origin back into metal or stone, or if they don’t have a Titanic origin, proto-matter for Mimiron to repurpose to more useful organic materials, like lubricant or fuel.

Or, to be TL:DR.

Oh, this is going to be cute!


… Oh no.


Bilgewater, Blackwater, Darkfuse, Steamwheedle and Venture Co.

I’m so very tired of collecting patch related currencies.