World of Underminecraft (TWW Patch Discussion)

What’s your opinion on the tier sets.

Are you excited to drive around in your new car.

How long until someone uses the golf course to host an RP golf tournament.


I shall produce a gymkhana with the D.R.I.V.E. No one short of Ken Block or myself can stop me.


Death Knight Tier? Noice, we needed more undead bone-like armor for the Class Tier, it can’t all just be spikes, skulls and runes, this adds a unique look to any Death Knight wearing it. 9/10

Demon Hunter Tier? Looks like a corrupted set of Sentinel armor, and I adore it for that theme. Let’s a go, we are prepared! Just wish the armor was designed to show off the Illidari tattoos that Demon Hunters possess. 8/10

Druid Tier? Very Drust, Much Skulls, and I like that. Druidism isn’t singing happy songs while munching on quinoa and mushrooms, it is the balance of the natural world, and that includes Life and Death, and this tier really hammers that home. 8/10

Evoker Tier? Looks badass and has Red, Black, Blue, a better Black and what looks like Green and Nether Drake tints. Unfortunately, it is for Dracthyr and that means you’re not gonna see much of it unless you want to have your puny fleshy form on display, and as soon as you get into the fight … well5/10

Hunter Tier? Looks great but I feel like we cribbed the notes from the Evokers and the Demon Hunters when it comes to the chest-piece and the pauldrons. Still, at least it is finally a Tier that isn’t made from the scraps of a Raid Mob or Boss, so I will take it with a please and thank you. 7.5/10

Mage Tier? We Super D Super Saiyan now. I love the Goku Helmet-Spikes and the magical crystal vibe of the set. We have Fire, kinda Ice, Moar Fire, Extreme Ice, Arcane crystals and Fel-like Crystals, and I am down for it. 9/10

Monk Tier? I appreciate Blizzard grabbing that Black Myth Wukong vibe but Monks get to rock out with their nips out, but not the Demon Hunters? At least we got a Dragon-face for the mask instead of the usual Tiger motif. And the asymmetrical design of the mog to previous tiers in the colouration, designs of the boots, gauntlets, pauldrons and belt is a nice touch. 7/10

Paladin Tier? … this took me a hot minute. It is very Alliance, very Human themed, with all those Lion decorations, but I appreciate a nice thicc-boi set of Plate armor regardless. Looks like it could deflect canon-fire and child-support payments alike. 6/10

Priest Tier? … it is brutally Arathai-coded, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but we already kind of have that … still, we have a good variation of colors available and I could see it working well on a lot of different races. 5/10

Rogue Tier? Strips naked, covered in grease Oh, just take me already. We finally get a proper duster jacket and that skull-mask helm is to die for without being hideously obvious. 1,000,000/10

Shaman Tier? It’s fine, I guess? You Tried? Feels like they cribbed off the Death Knight but decided to lean hard into the tier we got from the first raid of this expansion? It feels more like a Mage set than a Shaman set, but I am probably letting my bias take the wheel here and drive us all under a train. 3/10

Warlock Tier? It feels like we took a Dragonflight Tier, threw it into a telepod with a Fel Hound and hit send over and over again? Like, its okay, but kinda low effort compared to the rest? It has Dragonflight Pixel counts but Wrath of the Lich King texture, if that makes any form of sense? 4/10

Warrior Tier? Oh, God, I’m glad I let the Rogue go first because I could smuggle Tauren after this set is done with me. Its like somebody gave the Chad treatment to the Legion Onslaught tier from Tomb of Sargeras and then put in a training montage, then gave it the Chad treatment a second time. The plates standing out from the armor, the spikes, the enchantment glows, I need to go take a shower. 1,000,000,000/10


Tattoo monk is cool. Would like to see tattoo items as shirt slot items so you could wear them with more stuff


Some of the tier sets are pretty dope. I kinda dig them. My biggest excite so far is that Hunter pets will have changeable specs again! Should never have gone away, but damn glad to have it return!


I think the tier sets are pretty bad EXCEPT MONK.

Usually I am underwhelmed by monk sets but this time I’m underwhelmed by all the sets except monk??? lmao Heck yah SSJ dog guy let’s gooooooo

Anyway I’m mostly disappointed in them because they aren’t overwhelmingly goblin or casino themed. The DF raids and Zereth Mortis all had tier sets that were heavily themed after the raid they came from. They just seem all so bland compared to what they could have been.

There are some really cool weapons coming out of the raid though but wow what a let down on those tier sets. Hoping the questing gear for the zone is super goblin themed at least.


Absolutely LOVE the rogue set, however something like that on Norman just looks dumb so I may have to max level my Horde deader rogue just to wear it properly.

I am also absolutely frustrated that I’ve put Norman (my main since Wrath!) on the back burner this expac because I’m burnt out on main rogue and now we’re getting all manner of cool goblin tech, cars, and whatnot in the next patch.

Looks like a ton of goodies coming though, mounts, mogs, etc. Always happy about that.


I’m going to drop this here, but some of these are actually listed as upcoming Trading Post:


Warlock set is pretty meh, but I’ll transmog it anyway so shrug


“Make Horse Mounts Look Cool” is the last emergency glass Blizzard can break.

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Obsessed with the electric eel staff. Maybe I should finally get around to rolling that shaman…

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A lot of those are great, but I was hoping to get chain axes and swords. The 1-handed swords give me Fallout 4 Flame-Katana vibes, and God, the Chain-Glaives for the Demon Hunters is just incredible!

The 2-hander Axe is a weird design, I was expecting a circular saw on a stick with the engine forming the ‘head’ of the weapon and the spinning blade being the ‘business end’. This feels more like somebody who has never tried to use a chainsaw trying to weaponize it over their lunch-break.

More drill staves/spears. Like, great, but we already kinda had those?

The Fist Weapons are hilariously Goblin-like. Who is ready for the Shattered Hand Clan to have a whole lot more applicants who have pre-amputated? With an explosive jammed into a mechanical shark’s head they wore directly on their forearms …

The 1-handed maces look like what you’d get if you let the Sado’s take over the Naughty Drake company for a day, and we get a new flail that is a Sea-Mine on a chain. Oh my God. I simultaneously want it and fear to use it at the same time.

Staves are cool otherwise and I adore the eel-staff.

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My overall feelings about TWW are pretty meh, but Blizzard’s artists + designers have been killing it with these weapons and armor sets. Especially love how the plate set looks like some kinda scrapyard golem.

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I really wish Blizzard would just stop jerking us around and let us mog any armor type. I would kill to mix and match some of these sets into something custom!


Weird how good mail sets are in tww. I thought it was a rule that mail sets had to look wretched

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For once, I like the warrior set. Except for the helm, but I very rarely show a helm so it isn’t an issue. I like the DK set more, which I usually do. I kinda like the paladin. Like Gentarn said, it is very alliance-y. That’s not a deal breaker though.

I like the druid shoulders. The set is okay, but I really like the shoulders. Over all, not bad. It’s wearable.

I really like the evoker helm on the human form.

I don’t hate the priest set. Actually I like, except for the helm (yes, there seems to be a theme with me) - really don’t like the helm. But my priest is a tauren, so I’ll never see it.

The rogue made me smile. I dig the duster coat. My rogue is 70, and I’m going to be taking into TWW soon, and I can see her rocking that.

Over all, I don’t think it’s too bad. Lots of sharp and pointy things. But stuff I can work with.

The “outdoor” sets. I think they are well done. I think they are newish and differentish. And I appreciate that. I don’t like them for any of my characters, though. And the same goes for the weapons and most of the new mounts. I appreciate the work that went into them. From an objective point, I think they are well done. They just aren’t my aesthetic.


[Thokk is frothing at the mouth and chomping at the bit, screaming something about raiding in the Undermine patch.]

But for real, a few of those shredder mounts and we can have rp FOOTBOMB MATCHES.


For obvious reasons I am positively disposed towards this patch. I think all the tier sets look great, and the themes on the tier bonuses are hilarious. I like that they’re going all in on the goblin theme.

That being said, I appreciate the gun but I don’t like it and I won’t use it.

edit: unless it has a really cool animation, which it could. Time will tell.


Every Rogue armor either makes us look like a ninja, someone who works at the Renaissance Faire or a really ugly race car.

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