World of Starcraft the mmorpg. Will It Ever Be Created?

It will not.

Think one of their April Fools jokes was World of StarCraft actually.

If i’m misremembering, then they should’ve done so.

Then they should sell the ip to Frost Giant Studios! They are made up of former Blizz Starcraft devs, and some former EA devs that worked on the Command & Conquer series. Avid real time strategy game fan developers.

I’d love a World of StarCraft.

I like the setting and franchise so it would be a day 1 purchase for me. But the main appeal would be a 3 faction system. But that would take a lot of work to create unique classes for Zerg, Protoss and Human. Human tank that has heavy armor and a shotgun can not be re-used for Zerg or even Protoss. I don’t think it would happen because of that alone. The races are way too different and essentially makes it 3 times the work.

Agreed, I wish i like the see the new release of the World of Starcraft, but they figure it out to name the title of the game, plus they haven’t came up with ideas

They’d be more likely to turn it into a free to play cash shop battler game then an mmorpg these days. Oh and it’d be on mobile to cash in there as well.

starcrafts already been dead for a while

but I don’t think “world of starcraft” will ever happen, I don’t see blizz ever taking the risk of making another mmo again, they tried with titan but ultimately decided to repurpose that into overwatch instead.

I could see an action adventure game being made in the starcraft universe, something in the vein of the unreleased nova game.

That would be very cool in an IRL utopia. But it’s 2022 on our earth, and I wouldn’t want modern Blizz to ruin that ip as they have Warcraft.

i know that lots of pppl would hate it and some would love it but here me out what if they merged the 2 into one like one expansion they be all hey we found more aliens and enter starcraft

I’ve been playing WOW for a long time and I think a Stacraft MMO would be great. I would play it without thinking about it.

I thought something similar, mixing both MMOs, within wow
 the discovery of the koprulu sector and the possibility of adding them as allied races. That would be great hahaha.