World of Peacecraft (Proposal to merge Benediction & Faerlina)

Send me a snapshot of your crystal ball. They’ve done a million things over the years people thought would never happen. Is that assured to happen? Absolutely not. Is that assured not to happen? Also absolutely not.

Yeah, I guess technically them deleting all wow servers is technically not assured to not happen too. You have a really good point man.

Except the 2 scenarios are not remotely the same lmfao. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings by not engaging in your group think echo chamber.

You can think that if you like while I enjoy my monofaction megaserver. Cope and seethe.

Go ahead enjoy it while it lasts. Cope and seethe if they fix them later.

Don’t worry. people like that don’t tend to enjoy anything in general. That’s why they feel the need to kill fun.

I dunno, I enjoy being able to exist in the world and actually find groups for things. I also enjoy a relatively inexpensive economy, since on my previous server consumes were double the price.

If I wasn’t lazy I’d even do one of the many GDKPs so I could save for Wrath.

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The alliance already left faerlina once. They have no desire to go back.

Hot take incoming
Furthermore no one wants “balanced” realms. Everyone wants to face roll win any wPvP they come across. (which means a large population in their favor) and everyone wants to have LOTS of players to group with. (which means a large population in their favor)

The people that want actual balanced servers are an extreme fringe minority.

And in that fringe minority is a group of people that don’t really want a balanced server, they just want a server with large enough population of enemy players that they can go around ganking to their hearts delight, while still maintaining a large enough population of their preferred faction to avoid being ganked themselves and also being able to actively raid.

Stop trying to fix a problem that does not exist.


Too long. Didn’t read.

My OCE realm Arugal has 60:40 H:A balance which isn’t too bad

a lot of guys spend time slaughtering gold farmers
it warms my heart

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You can count on me, I’ve been in this fight for a while, and I’ll never give up, there are many things that can be done to save the PVP servers, and you can count that just like me there are several others in this fight!

This is blasphemy without measure, pure lie, you PVP players who hate pvp, are putting words in the mouths of others or the community to justify your baseless point of view, just because you want it to continue as it is, but we will not give in .
everyone knows that the current situation is due to the free migrations offered without planning by blizzard, which caused a portion of dissatisfied players to leave, and this forced the faction that was at a disadvantage because of this thoughtless act of pure lucrative vision to generate what we see today on the servers, this foundation that “players don’t want balanced servers, that people don’t like world pvp among other things” is a LIE and has no basis or foundation, they are just arguments used by you PVE players who chose the wrong servers and now they want things to continue as they are taking advantage of this problem generated by BLIZZARD, don’t put words in other people’s mouths!, but that will not happen, because we will not give up, we are not to blame for this thoughtless and irresponsible act by BLIZZARD, we created our characters on the PVP and non-PVE servers, which were created to have both factions and a plethora of world content.


YOU, warm my heart.

DUDE! that’s exactly where I’m coming from. This people are just getting herded like sheep into our homes, and us vegetarian wolves don’t nothing to do with their bs ways to interpret the game. The real Losers here are the RPers who lost Grobbulus (where im rolling now if anyone wants to join). Blizzard used to be more considerate of them as a rule. I hope they do something about that server soon before it dies out. It’s basically the last actual PVP server still standing. I know there’s some other smaller ones like @Creeks mentioned above, but the fight lives and dies with Grobbulus. Which is sad since we literally have the two biggest PVP servers occupied by a faction each. I don’t wanna say the bigger portion of the community went down the drain, but… they ain’t up here.


Actions speak louder than words, if those people wanted world pvp they wouldn’t have all gone to such a lopsided realm.

you would be able to enjoy world pvp, it would be great.


If you don’t know how to read I’m not to blame anymore, if you play dumb, it won’t change anything.

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Merging Faerlina and Benediction would create Firemaw 2.0, which they are already intending to break.

No, stop suggesting things. If you want, go and roll on a server with full opposing faction if you want.

This is exactly the point, most PVE players who hate pvp, came to the PVP servers, even though there were PVE servers that were the right place for their characters, such as Mankrik (horde) or pagle (alliance) , if they didn’t want and weren’t willing for all that the PVP servers had to offer, then they shouldn’t even have created their characters there in the first place and that’s an undeniable fact.
PVP servers were created to have both factions and a multitude of content, including world content that PVE servers don’t have and can’t have. if you are against all this, your place has never been on the PVP servers.

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They can, if people flag themselves for PVP.

that they intend to break? who wants to break? You? lol

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This is not Retail! this is a Classic.

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