I recently watched a video which claimed there has been confirmation via an interview with a World of Warcraft Developer stating that the goal is to make it so that all races are capable of being any class. I’d imagine this might be excluding Demon Hunter and Evokers for example.
I wonder what your thoughts are and if they’re the same as mine. My opinion is not one many people will share I’d imagine, so let me know what you think and why you think it!
My opinion for what it’s worth is: Every step taken to free up, or make available comes at a heavy cost to the core reasons as to why many people play this game. Whether you’ve played the game for a long time, are interested in competitive play or casual play all of us are forced to pick a race, class and faction. By making every class available to every race and making cross faction as we have done, it’s made that choice meaningless.
You could argue that in this mmorpg the fantasy isn’t important and that it has no influence for most people I do actually agree, yet I still believe there’s a good 20-40% of the playerbase and possibly 60% of returning players who look at the current design of the game and go “What the hell is this, World of Monsterwars and Fairycraft?” Making sense? No? Okay, you enter a raid and it’s a team of Tauren Rogues, Flying Elves (demon hunters), soon Dragons (Evokers) who by the way can’t be Tanks (a role everyone relies on which should be put forth to as many classes as possible in my opinion) and finally a furry fox (vulpera) who looks like something out of Sonic the Hedgehog. Perhaps the returning player enjoys PvP only and checks out some Rated Battleground footage instead, what do they see? A battle between two teams of monsters of mixed identity fighting for a base (warsong hold) they would normally seek to burn down and in order to capture the flag one of the players has turned into a fox and blinked as a mage would without being a druid or in anyway related to magic as it was a prot warrior (I am well aware guardian is the only viable FC throughout SL this is an example).
Please excuse my exhaggeration I want to make my point clear: It is in my opinion a massive mistake to make all class-race combinations available and Cross Faction in combination with this will make for a very unappealing game in the eyes of a returning player who knows the foundations of the game’s lore and has a desire to make a choice that matters!
The only benefit of Cross Faction and Unlocking all Race-Class Combos is accessibility and the idea that the reason why everyone stopped playing was due to that is utter madness, systems design and a lack of community care in my opinion have been the major contributors to the game’s fading population. All of that’s in the past, what do you think? Should we be totally unconcerned with enabling all class-race combinations and happy with Cross Faction because it’s been applied? I certainly am not, I’d like to hear what you think don’t hold back I can take a hit.