World of Monsterwars and Fairycraft


Choices are entirely meaningless when it comes to race, faction or class currently. Tauren rogues sneaking about? Yeah what a glorious class fantasy as they stomp all over the battlefield with their hooves silently. Whoever thought this was a good idea, my goodness. Now I suppose the counter argument is “No Tom I’m okay with that my friends a cow farmer and he wants to be a Tauren Rogue because he loves Assasins Creed games, this is how he will craft his fantasy.” Fair enough, but guess what, now I and many others can’t craft ours! We remember doing the questline with the tauren in Warcraft 3, if they were going to be rogues I think that would have been the best time; to avoid the Centaurs and avoid extinction. Old news? 2004 Irrelevant Lore? Stubborn? No, wise, keeping to the roots of the game, keeping things making actual sense. Putting the fantasy side of the game first, instead of trying to please everyone. Picking the wrong faction by mistake? What the heck, some friends you’ve got there if they don’t even tell you what side they’ve chosen, unrealistic don’t you think? Do you really think they implemented X Faction to remove barriers for players who were too incompetent to ask their friends which faction they play? I don’t, I think it was to liven up the game in a time of desperation where content hadn’t been flowing for almost a year and their loyal customers yourself included had been paying £10 a month for nothing new (Shadowlands).

Cross Faction was never here before and the game was very successful, there was never ANYTHING stopping you playing with friends if they were on the opposing faction. It’s like saying “Hi mom, I’m going icescating tonight, my friends are the ice ring all I’ve got is roller scates can I go?” The answer should be NO not until we buy you some icescates. In this analogy the icescates purchase represent your investment of time into leveling a new character on the faction of your friends. Is it really a bad thing, to have to do that? I think not, I think if anything it encourages and forces people to level which is a good thing in an mmorpg. This whole “wwaaah torghast nothing should be forced upon us we should be able to do anything” ethos has been taken to extremes in my bold opinion.

I really like your idea of the covenant themed battlegrounds, but it wouldn’t solve the problem for me that I’m fighting as Alliance beside a big ugly troll? I hope that is fair and reasonable. We’re Knights in armor living in Castles and Cities, they’re tribal with tusks and barbarian style armor (skulls of their enemies). They’re RED, we’re BLUE you’ve always had to choose, commercials, everything has always been “choose” now we’re ripping that away as if there’s no consequence. Nothing can replace or substitute for the faction system design in my opinion it’s a part of what makes this game great and was a part of it even in the Warcraft days. Do you think I picked to play the Orc campaign instead of the human one when my big brother gave me a go? Hell no! I made a choice and the experience was different, I invested and chose a side essentially. Now you can still choose a side in WoW today as people have written above, but you’re still forced to fight outside of the original fantasy in World of Monsterwars (who’s the enemy, does it even matter, can you tell the difference?) and Fairycraft (Nightfae Soulshape, why is that possible on a non magical character is what a returning player thought looking at Shadowlands content)!

“I think you’re making a big deal out of nothing” fair enough, thanks for honesty I strongly disagree. The moment that the Halls of Fame for PvE Raiding Guilds are combined and it’s a mixture of both Horde and Alliance Guilds the competitive flame that was burning between the factions will be fully extinguished. Does this matter to you? Probably not, to other players it definitely is. As years have gone by, they’ve aimed to get their Guild Alliance or Horde on the top 100. This is another example of what can be done to take advantage of the Faction Systems, the only reason there is imbalance is due to overly powerful Racial Abilities and no changes. You cannot argue with it being possible that people have some sense of belonging or pride in their Faction, you can pretend if you like, and even if I am wrong and all of this is a load of rubbish: Why is it of value to shut the door on opportunities (competitive events, think streamers, think conventions, think merchandise) related to Faction which will ultimately help the game suceed by sticking to it’s long rooted identity? All so that we can help poor Timmy who picked the wrong faction as he forgot to ask his mates? Or so that we can gain from pretending that the Xfaction was a barrier to participation because it sounds nice and all inclusive?

Rated Battlegrounds for example, are still low population so low infact that I was one of probably 10 players running teams via the LFG in the buildup to Prepatch. Did Cross Faction help that situation? No, I’d say it made it worse, far, far worse because they made this game seem silly to all those PvP only players who’d fought against the opposing faction and have their very best memories of this game in doing so.

I think everyone draws the line differently to what they’re willing to accept, gnomes in Orgrimmar is coming unless people start supporting my posts as they have now done, so thank you for your great reply and I’m glad we found some middle ground ^^


Not exactly, the aesthetic choice of my race is very important to me. I can’t stand playing Blood Elf, while I’m happy to play night Elf. Due to the current limitations that means I can only play Alliance Night Elf Demon Hunter, which means that based on a single aesthetic choice/preference I wouldn’t be able to play with my friends.

So Tauren should be unable to use potions of invisibility or belt? Just image they are using Goblin tech to silence their hooves, or you know, magic or something. Draenei obviously use space magic to silence their hooves, so not a problem either.

Warriors can also charge super fast and do a massive leap in plate armor, but a cow being able to sneak up is too unrealistic? I can stand next to any rogue, they can use their stealth to just vanish completely out of sight, which seems to me like it’s a form of magic, so it’s not far fetched to say that Tauren can also mute hoof sounds :slight_smile:

You can turn off cross faction stuff in communities and the party finder. If you want the open world to feel like you’re among enemies, you can turn on war mode as well.

How could I do M+ or Raid with friends that were the opposite faction? Because that literally wasn’t possible.



Let me make this clearer, hopefully I can put it in a way you can see reasonable. If the choice of class is no longer bound to specific race categories then it goes against the grain of what the lore used to represent, and how the game used to be played. For example, in vanilla paladins only existed on Alliance, it happened and there are in my belief many players of WoW who find the notion of widening class-race availability unattractive. Perhaps you don’t, but again that’s based on the elements of the game you value. I certainly share your passion for race, for me it’s dwarves they’re my favorite by far! In all of the common popular fantasy movies dwarves fight orcs, if you can’t see why that would make me enjoy the fantasy less when an orc paladin rides a horse on my team then I can’t make it any plainer really. We’ll have to agree to disagree as they say.

“Tauren should be unable to use potions of inviibility or belt?” No that’s magic, magic and training are two things that are seperate in the class fantasy and I always thought correct me if I’m wrong that rogues were sneaking about by means other than magic. You know, the problem isn’t that I’m not happy for them to be rogues because it’s not possible to imagine it being realistic, the problem is it’s simply too unrealistic and distant from the roots of the game. Thanks for trying, but I mean you shouldn’t have to imagine things are different to join in effectively on a fantasy game all so that people who’d rather not level a character on the opposing faction to play with their friends.
Even if they made it so that Cross Faction was only something that was applied to PvE I would still disapprove as for me it goes against what made far too many good memories made in PvE and PvP which were improved by the fact that we made a faction choice and it meant we were on opposing sides to some of our friends (this was fun :open_mouth: and competitive). Does making all of me and my friends have either horde or alliance flags to wave mean we can’t be competitive and have fun? No, we can but it’s a far lesser fun than we used to know as it’s disconnected from our past experiences entirely and we’ve built up a passion for The Alliance or For The Horde (some of my friends are horde no matter what I’m doing or what I say to convince them otherwise). Why would I want them to play the Faction they don’t hold as their favourite? Because that’s the fun of it isn’t it, that’s why footballers support one team. We’re cutting off the ability to be able to support a Team, and making this a nice happy place to be where everyone is friends and on the same team for the good of the realm and that doesn’t sound like Warcraft to me.

Plate armor and moving quickly is possible because they train in plate, yeah it’s faster than they would in real life but there aren’t dragons in real life (atleast not that I’ve met) are there either. See my point? Warriors being able to charge quickly so they can enjoy fast paced gameplay like the rest of us is not comparable to Taurens being able to sneak about when they’re large bull-like beasts with hooves. It’s a step too far, in the wrong direction, for the sake of accessibility (in my opinion).

Turning of Cross Faction, hah good one, that’s going to be popular! “Would you like to extend your wait time?” Oh, yes please! This is the conversation I believe most people had before picking their faction and it shouldn’t have been, factions should have remained balanced ish. The idea that you or Blizzard or anyone else thinks any rational person would like to voluntarily extend my wait time and cut the volume of the Sign Ups is sorely mistaken. IF Factions were balanced in relation to population then this “feature” of disabling cross faction would be worth applying, sadly it’s just like saying to a child who’s parents insist he/she must remain gluten free “Everyone can have icecream but don’t worry Samantha, you can still enjoy the cone, you didn’t want icecream anyway did you?” OF COURSE SHE WANTED ICE CREAM hahaha hopefully you enjoyed that it wasn’t meant to say you know you’re wrong, more like to say I personally remain unsatisfied with the direction we’re heading.

“How could I do M+ or Raid with friends that were on the opposite Faction?” You couldn’t and that’s the game you’ve chosen to play from 2004 or whatever all the way up to 2021, in that period it was one of the most popular. I don’t think the change is a good decision, you do, that’s that :smiley: Hopefully my reply here will not annoy, I will stand by what I said in my original post I do think this is an issue and I do think we’re heading in the wrong direction as many returning players will lack relativity. That relativity is something we should be using, to climb out of low popularity and into high popularity for WoW!

Thanks again for your great reply!

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I’m more interested in actual numbers, not the numbers you believe to be.

Like I said, you can turn off cross faction groups and prevent this from ever happening.

Either high tech or magic, see: “Safe Haven”:

It’s not about leveling a new character, it’s about keeping the progress on a single character. Not everyone has time to juggle multiple characters.

I’ve made a lot of good memories having cross faction and playing with my friends as the race I want to play as. The difference now we both can play how we want instead of just you, and that’s a good thing.

Tauren rogues are possible because they train in being quiet and stealthy.

Okay, maybe you should take a step back, because this has nothing to do with accessibility. I get that you have a strong opinion about not wanting cross faction, but now you’re bringing up arguments that make no sense at all.

Never in my life have I seen a faction based game where it wasn’t leaning to one side. Keeping it balanced is impossible, no matter how hard you try.

Then why did you say “there was never ANYTHING stopping you playing with friends if they were on the opposing faction.” if in fact, it was stopping me from playing with my friends if I had to break immersion and play a race I didn’t enjoy?

It’s not returning players you should be worried about, it’s not being able to attract new players.

Anyhow, cross faction is a choice that a lot of people want, and if you advocate to take that choice away, people will get annoyed with you. That said, there’s WoW classic which has all the things you seem to be looking for. Let Retail be retail and try out classic :smile:


I will refrain from responding in detail, as otherwise this will never end.

Actual numbers aren’t given to us are they? I think either you, or I fundamentally misunderstood my role on this council. As I already said to you and the others before, if we were here to only talk about the things we have strong scientific facts to back up then there isn’t a problem we would solve that the Developers of the game couldn’t have solved alone. If you were me how would you respond? I’m lost for words at this point, no matter what I say I see no way out other than to say “oh no yess, you’re right, I’m stupid I made this post because I hadn’t thought it through and I don’t believe in anything I’ve written or have grounds for writing it.”

I take on board what you say, thanks for trying but you will not convince me that this is not a problem which will cause huge damage to the game’s appeal to returning players.

Thanks, and in hindsight this post is a difficult discussion to have as people on the Council are the only ones who can reply and the chances are the majority of the players who would agree with me did not make it onto this council.


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And as long as there aren’t any actual numbers, it’s pointless to bring up the argument that you believe there are many people that agree with you. Blizzard has the actual numbers and they’ve decided that cross faction is worth it.

I’m not trying to convince you to change your mind, I’m explaining why your arguments aren’t bringing a lot to the table. You don’t like it, that’s 100% fine! Just saying things like “it’s causing huge damage to the game’s appeal to returning players” at this point is nothing more than a hunch. You don’t have to try and find logical reasoning to explain why you don’t like it.

I think Blizzard was indeed specifically looking for people that wanted cross faction gameplay yeah


Then there’s no point in continuing to debate with you.


If that’s how you feel alright, I think it’s quite fair to state that when we discuss a subjective issue that none of us have scientific statistics for rendering my personal percentages of what I have experienced of no relevance is short sighted.

I appreciated and replied to your reply at length, If you’re looking to see me slip up try harder.

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Retail has been evolving since the beginning, browsing through your thread it seems like the main difference now is that the evolution is affecting a part of the game that you care a lot about.

Every step of the evolution has been met with varying degrees of both joy and displeasure from the community, as storied in these forums and comment sections elsewhere. Sorry to hear the recent steps put you on the wrong side of that line but know that you’re among peers who have been in your position and found their way through it.

For me, it’s still very much World of Warcraft. Hope you find your way back to it, Thomusus.


Thank you for your consideration. I enjoy the game thoroughly, I’d like to have my say and have an impact on the game’s direction by expressing my opinions. I’ve done that and yes whilst lots of you have disagreed which you’re supposed to do, I’d feel much more like this was worth the time investment if you and all others replying started to see that my goal is to state: “I don’t like the flavour, perhaps other people won’t like the flavour” - not a typical “I have an idea discussion” more of a “which side of the fence are you on and why?” My title struck a chord perhaps, I refer to monsterwars because if you’re on a team with a mixture of tauren, draenei, dracthyr, mechagnomes I feel it’s a fair but exhaggerated description someone returning to the game may make. And Fairycraft? Aimed specifically at Nightfae Shapeshift ability stated above, I genuinely think people looking at WoW PvP videos, deciding whether to return or not saw this as; again, against the roots of the game, warriors shapeshifting into a fox as a druid would then blinking like a mage. I made an impact with the title, but it was well grounded and I felt highlighted how I and how I believe potential returning PvP players would feel given the current image of the game.

If you ever played with me, I enjoy the game more than most and always aim to meet new people on voice whilst battling. If you do not agree with the flavour being bad, state why that is and what your experiences are if you’d like to be heard, just like me (the guy writing the post). That’s the sole purpose of it, to get it out there, my opinions and yours, for the team, for the game.

I’m not worried if you like my posts or not quite frankly and that goes for all of you. That’s how it should be, we’re not a friendship group we’re here to make the game better. It seemed to me like most of the replies have it in mind that you need to not only express your opinion but beat mine, looking back I think i will certainly respond differently to future replies I definitely tried too hard to highlight the why’s and the what’s of my original post. Apologies for that, I’ll be a better team player in the future.

Hopefully this clears things up for everyone. I did read carefully and appreciate all of your replies.

For The Alliance!

I have zero issue with “All Race/All Class” for one reason alone:

Player Characters are only canon as an “Adventurer of X Class” - Race is never mentioned.

We know that outliers exist - there’s a goblin in SI:7 for instance, hell, he’s essentially second in command. We’ve seen a Blood Elf Shaman in the Earthen Ring in Cata, we’ve seen Broken Draenei Warlocks. Etc. Those are not player available - if they exist as outliers, why can’t our character be those outliers? For me, I think it should be reinforced that we can be those outliers.

My only issue is when they canonize those combinations in the lore.

For instance, if I see a gnome druid player, that’s fine. Maybe it’s a gnome that felt Mekkatorque has failed them after Gnomeregan’s irradiation and went to the Night Elves to learn how to help heal the land they essentially helped irradiate. But if I see a gnome druid NPC that they wrote in just to explain why they exist, that becomes a problem, as then they’ve canonized it as a common occurrence.

In other words, for me, the mistake Blizzard is making with “All Races/Classes” is the fact they said they are writing lore to justify the new combinations. No. Don’t do that. Don’t canonize them. Just have our characters be the outliers that strayed from the path and from society’s norms. That way we can still play them, but the combinations are not canonically common in the world. (Just like, the above mentioned blood elf shaman - they exist, they just arent common)

I do still hope that this system opens up “Class Skins” one day though - thinks like Void Colored Spells for Paladins, for instance. (We have seen a fel based paladin in Hellfire Citadel, so we know they can draw from more than the Light) This could help alleviate the “Immersion Breaking” some of these outliers might cause for some, like Void Elf/Forsaken Paladins - if they’re suddenly using void magic, it makes more sense.

As for Cross Faction, this extends to it. Outliers will exist. There’s many many instances of races joining the opposite faction.

Our characters should be the outliers in those circumstances - AKA willing to work with them, this time for player convenience.

I’m of the belief they need to expand Cross Faction. Queued content should be made cross faction ASAP. (In fact, I think it’s ridiculous queued content wasn’t made cross-faction before rated PvP. PvP is literally all about factions so it being cross faction first is honestly flabbergasting) Guilds need to be made cross faction capable.

The only things I think need to really stay faction specific is General Chat and LocalDefense. I think Trade Chat should become cross faction as well. (Both for guilds and for buying/selling)


Sorry Maizou I really appreciate you making this great reply, best of the lot if you ask me. However, I will no longer be participating in the WoW Community Council I’ve requested to leave. Happy posting!

I’m sorry to hear that. :frowning: I genuinely like reading your threads.

I have contemplated it, but as I only have 1.5 months left, I didn’t really see much point, as at least then I can still give feedback the first month of Dragonflight for anything alt or pet-battle related most others wouldn’t comment on. Best of luck in your future endeavors! :slight_smile: