World of Monofactioncraft

You know what would be nice… if they balanced WG and TB BGs. It’s super fun and engaging to go into a Tol Barad when you are outnumbered 80 to 5.

Might get more people queuing for those on the lower pop faction if they only allowed n+1 of the opposing faction in. Even in WG with tenacity, if the lower pop faction isn’t defending, it is a waste of time. Tenacity doesn’t mean crap when you can still be perma CC’d by 10+ of the opposing faction for every one of yours.

Umm, they wait for AV drop to come and spam that. every new fresh…AV farming time again!

they get the week of violence when honor is turned on, but BG is not out and get that fun in then.

Kill low level noobs in say stv for a week then go back to the usual camp raid entrances really. or spam the hell out of AV.

And, well, you can swing by classic section. between the dungeon spammers and now AV spammers we have learned something.

Classic wow has an instance limit game wide. Once hit, no instances. Most are getting their honor drek or kek style.