World of Monofactioncraft

if only there was some other group we went to “war” against, like factions of NPCs that dropped loot.

also yeah it’s WarCraft so get back on that assembly line and keep making craftable items

Orcs vs humans? pft

New Blizz made a new Warcraft; Humans vs Bots

I tried cata I really did, just got boring fast, and knowing that I spammed every cata raid for mounts and gold and xmog hurt the raiding plan.
Pvp was unfun because no one dies, and it became hella hella toxic in higher lvls of pvp.
Getting told to off yourself bc you messed up a CD, wtf

If wpvp were actually popular, this would happen.

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Its exactly what I said, that Monofaction servers have been a thing forever. I transferred off a dead server in original wrath and went to a horde dominated server intentionally for population.

You can literally see out of the top ten most populated retail servers that only 1 is balanced. They have been this way for a very long time. This is all freely available information btw in case you want to keep calling me a liar when what im saying is objective truth.

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Yep. Retail is built up on the old servers. site gives nice retail server overview and history really. and will point out which were the old pvp servers before warmode came to be even.

PVP for a long while is where many chose them for raid first, pvp second. There is a mystique about them for some reason.

Now while in retail bg you will get illidan chest beaters who think its the second coming in terms of pvp…Illidan is much better known for housing one of the more famed US mythic guilds. Has been for years really.

New players didn’t blow these up. they were blown up before they started in say late legion in my case. newer laterplayers just made them go from 97.5 to 97.6 lol.

This and all threads similar to this can be solved with the understanding that WoW is an MMORPG that lays out a story for players to move through and experience in a universe.

That story has been developed through a PVE system.

PVP is, was, always has been and always will be a side activity to this.

Some parts of the lore and story have included inter-factional conflict. But thats never been the main story. Even back in Vanilla when our characters did not know of the forces working behind the scenes, or the RTS games when it was just orcs and humans, neither the horde or the alliance have ever been the “big threat”.

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wPvP was actually popular until Blizz opened realms for transfer that didn’t need it. They saw a chance to make a buck on Classic services and said, “lol faction balance”.

Yes, an MMO that is designed around a TWO FACTION war going on between Horde and Alliance. All the other garbage storytelling that came later tried turning it into a PvE experience in which everyone is friends and the only “war” going on is between dragons and and furries fighting for cringiest character design.

This is eventually why they went to war mode. Since the launch of classic players have naturally created a situation where world pvp is nonexistent and they can choose to engage with it if they want.

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If wpvp were actually popular, you’d have what you want. Wpvp was so massively unpopular that server imbalance occurred in the first place. It was so massively unpopular that war mode had to be created to try to save wpvp after pvp servers could no longer sustain themselves. Wpvp has never been a huge draw for wow gamers, only gankers. Balancing servers will never change this.

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This is supposed to be a game made for nostalgia though, yes? Was wPvP a thing in the original content, yes? Blizz catered to opening server transfers, and a handful of people who wanted to be on a pvp realm without actually pvping(parse/HM guilds) transferred servers causing others to eventually leave as pockets of that faction left. It wasn’t massively unpopular. All it takes is a few guilds moving servers to start the trend in that direction. Once faction pops tipped enough in one direction it breaks the desire for the other faction to wPvP for very obvious reasons…causing even more people to leave.

You mean people dont enjoy balanced, fair world pvp? insert shocked pikachu here

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This is a game relaunch, yes. People playing it haven’t changed. They don’t want balanced pvp servers or you would have them. Its not an accident they they always have and always will fail to be balanced. This is a player created problem. The majority of players do not want a fair fight. Wpvp is for gankers. Wpvp literally died already in every iteration of classic and relaunch and its not due to lol server transfers. Its not like a relaunch is going to suddenly change the gamer that enjoys wow. I’m not sure how many times over the years you have to watch it fail right in front of your eyes to realize its doesn’t matter what you think the game was made to be.


Indeed… the main story is almost faction cooperation between the two to kill something else.

So incorrect. First lets fix your statement. It was an MMO that was designed around the players coming from two factions… WHO WERE NOT AT WAR. They were in a ceasefire. War between the Horde and Alliance didn’t come until MoP. The “Garbage Storytelling” for WoW has always been the way it is from Vanilla. Since the AQ War Effort. Since that point, it has been Horde and Alliance working together against a bigger threat and war breaking out one and half times. Once in MoP because of Yasharaj and half in BfA… you know before the Horde and Alliance got together once again.

Even back during Warcraft when there was a war between the Alliance and the Old Horde (Not WoWs horde) it wasn’t all about Horde v Ally… and still the bigger threats were still the Legion and the Scourge. Horde v Ally was just a backdrop to that.

The WAR in Warcraft has almost never meant Horde v Alliance… and quite literally in almost every iteration meant Horde and Allianve v someone or something else.

Seemingly the only time the Horde and Alliance fight each other is when they are bored.

Very true… the example of that is Grobbulus the only realm that actually wanted Balanced WPvP… and the fought for it… three times… and got it


No this is a game meant to be fun, and the majority of people don’t have fun doing WPVP after the first month or two. Part of the reason boosting/summons are so popular is due to not wanting to pvp

That’s also not popular. It’s small fraction of players. Hence why Classic Vanilla continues to be popular and keeps getting resets, people actually want to play the game.

Im so glad you are not in charge of Blizzard decision making, or i would be not qualified to play wow.

most major PVP servers by the end of 2010 where 90% one faction, and by Firelands in Cata the raiding scene for the oppsing faction was gone on those pvp servers, I left Underbog for this very reason, and it was similar across the board, Blizzard didn’t manage it they let players do it.

Your opinions are what represent a small fraction of players. Not boosting/summons lol.

You are begging for something that has literally failed to exist in every iteration of the game since its inception. We all know the devs launched wow with the tagline of horde vs alliance. Im just curious how many times you have to watch that concept fail to understand its not what the massive majority of players wanted. I guess im sorry that the game found popularity that didn’t want what you want.

To be clear, wpvp players killed wpvp because they wanted easy, not fair.

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Yeah, it would actually be a game if actual gamers were in charge, rather than a vehicle to shovel MTX into the ever-hungry mouths of a handful of consumers.