World of M+

Ever since Vanilla I wanted more meaningful, challenging, scaling 5-man content with rewards that could compete with raid gear. They added in those 3 dungeons at the end of Wrath which was great. M+ fills that void that was there for so long… you don’t have to like it but some of us do.

I don’t care about being top x% or anything like that I mostly just play with my friends.

Personally, I like raiding more.
However, M+ definitely has advantages. Like being able to play on my own schedule.
I had more fun in Season 4 with the immediate unlocked valor cap than I’ve had all xpac.

Bevause scheduling for my friends is difficult sometimes and if we can get in 40m of time together then it’s worth. M+ lets us do that.

The game is about having fun. They seem to have forgotten that.

That is a you specific problem. A lot of players love raiding.

Another you specific problem. Maybe you’re playing the wrong game possibly?

For me, it started with challenge modes, having a carrot on the stick is a big incentive , so having seasonal mounts to work towards to is nice. With the latest addition of being able to change normal pieces of gear into Tier is another great thing. Especially if this means I don’t have to step into raiding to get a mythic/heroic mog I want. I hope they continue this in DF.

I stopped raiding with a core team in legion (still casually raid but don’t enjoy it) due to RL and just the commitment necessary. M+ gives me flexibility and the challenge with a smaller group that I may synergize better with socially compared to raids where they feel more like 2nd job that pays out poorly.

As for folks pushing above 20 / going for the 0.01% title, I am lost on that one aside from epeen flex and wanting a more personal challenge, I like vanity but only usually if it’s an appearance or mount…titles meh.

Good gear that’s upgraded with valor.

I don’t have to dedicate 3 ~ 4 hours of my life 2 ~ 3 days a week to a raid team. It’s just easier to organize a key run.

I hang out with a big group of key runners. When I feel like it, I throw my hat in the ring and run a couple of dungeons. This takes an hour or two at best and I can continue or bow out without any drama or hard feelings.

I usually run up to 10s. But sometimes we will run a really high key, the key holder knowing we won’t make the timer. Completion gives a shot at a high ilvl piece in the vault.

Good friends are an asset. We also do other stuff like old raid achievements. I guess it’s more about the friends I run with, the keys are just a byproduct.

Don’t. Never did. Never will. If M+ loot got nerfed so vault loot wasn’t higher then Heroic raid loot, I would likely never touch a key again.

yeah m+ is recycled content that people think ‘feels new’, it doesnt work for me but works for htem so whatev, only issue i have is blizz focuses on m+ and raid instead of open world at all

So I think keys are a lot more fun to do with a friend or a whole group. I like making my io go up even though it doesn’t really matter at all. You get nothing for it, although I think that should change, I doubt it will.

Why do you feel like something is wrong with you? xD

I do it for gear/mounts.

I dont love it

raiding is different…how?

same raid over and over and over and over.

PvP? Seriously?

Same 10 battlegrounds for years now.

If anything keys are more interesting because of seasonal affixes and doing different roles with alts.

Been there, done that, albeit it was not a key, but class/spec.

Meh. No big thing.

People don’t repeat raids on the level that people repeat M+. Plus, we get a lot more new raid content than we do dungeons which keeps raiding fresh.

Anything PVP related is going to change from session to session regardless of what the backdrop is.

Playing against other humans makes every BG unique.

M+ on the other hand is a just the same dungeons with just a few different gimmicks to change them up. It is a boring system really that relies on the timer to create challenge.

They’re fun.

The difference is that a dungeon can feel fresh depending on how you run it and who you run it with. Raid fights are pretty much completely scripted and almost play out the same way regardless of the raid. You will never fight Denny and go “Whoa, that was something different”. Fun fight, sure, but you can’t fight him 100 times.

Except this never happens lol. People just run the most optimal route.

The dungeons aren’t even designed to offer that much variety either. I don’t think we’re playing the same game here.

So are dungeons lol. Same scripted fights. Again, are we playing the same game?

Dungeons are basically static play throughs with affixes adding in a bit of flavor.

I love watching you M+ bros jump through hoops trying to defend this content.

Bottom line is, M+ is only popular because of how lucrative the loot is. It is crazy how many carrots Blizzard has to dangle in order for players to engage with it.

I quit raiding just as fast as I quit mythic, if not faster. Once you’ve done the scripted content and gotten the loot you need, it’s not fun anymore. Period.

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Do they? Because I’ve pugged and I’ve seen plenty of sub-optimal routes.

Different pull sizes, different utilities, different states of how many cooldowns you have up for any given fight. Different affixes each week. Different seasonal affixes each season.

If you don’t like it, that’s on you.




The loot is dogwater. It’s the least rewarding form of end-game content. Almost literally none of the loot is BIS for anything.


I mean… That’s just not true. Mythic provides a huge gear boost… let’s not be disengenuous