World of HordeCraft: The Basically only Characters

Give it a week or two.

Thats what we will be looking at.


On my server, (Arugal chad here), there really aren’t many alliance chars in Shatt. It seems like its 5-1 this morning.


It’s basically the same thing that happened in retail just vastly accelerated because everyone knows to stack horde from day 1.

And when the 1 single drawback happens, Blizz comes and fixes it right up.

Can’t wait for Wrath classic and those Wintersgrasp battles lol.


You all know it’s a “Test” It’s possible this won’t be a full change.

Seriously you all need to go outside. It’s summer time FFS.

I hope it doesn’t go through so I can see all these pompous horde post I quit threads for a week straight

If you seriously believe that it has any chance of going away after they put it on live servers, I have a bridge to sell. Just lol

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It really is pretty astonishing :popcorn:

The faction imbalance that developed gradually over ~16 years on retail was fast-tracked or “squished” into a timespan of about ~2 months with TBCC :joy:

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Lol dude both sides do the same thing. I wanted this change but spent last 4 weeks having alliance purposely try to chase me off wow. “One less horde the better.” …that’s just wow players…be a duck let it roll off your back.

Dunno about you but around 11pm is the time I mellow out and browse forums, is the sun still out where you are?


You don’t need the sun when you’re a dwarf. Gold works just as well.

Who know only time will tell.

Me in the summer heat.

Hold your breath, I’m sure it will work out

Consistent 90-100 degree weather daily, mid July into August is gonna be great…

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In some places its getting to be unbearably hot. Just had a heat wave come thru where I’m at. WoW and indoor A/C or to suffer miserably just to be outdoors :thinking:

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If not outdoor just get off wow seriously. Go to gym or something you all take this game too seriously.

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Yep. It’s cooler in my part of the Northeast now, but a few days ago it was 95-100 degrees.

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That’s a normal day in July here. Also was the same way earlier this month. I still had to go outside and work. I enjoyed it a lot. If you can’t handle the heat find something else…but seriously get off wow for a bit. This game isn’t that big of a deal.


For once I agree with you 100 degrees F is completely tolerable.


I had to work in the heat for years and hated every minute of it. If I don’t HAVE to be out in the heat, I’m not going to be.

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