World of HordeCraft: The Basically only Characters

Listen if you can’t handle it then don’t we all function differently. You don’t have to be out mid day just go for a morning walk. If you can’t handle that then again go to gym or pool. Or find another activity. Stay safe and hydrated.

All I’m trying to say is wow isn’t that important enjoy life. Find what works for you, but man it’s unhealthy to just be playing the same MMO for years and not doing anything.

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Lol I worked in a diecast shop after high school 120+ was the norm. Everyone should do some real physical work for a period of time, just so that they can understand what it is actually like.

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Yea my last post was a reply to you, but it was to be in general. I just find both sides horde and alliance are going overboard on the issues with wow. I think a lot of us just need to take a step back and wait and see what happens. So taking a step back can mean getting out and doing stuff.

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I agree. I’m pretty upset with these changes because I’ve already seen how they play out with retail. I just wanted to play the game when it was in the state I actually enjoyed it, but impatience and meta gaming has screwed that up completely. It did give me the push to finally try ff14 though and it’s ok so far, but I’ve been told it’s slow until you get into the xpacs. And that is what I’m seeing.

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For me I always wanted same Faction BGs but can understand reasons not to. My issue is seeing the mountain of honor I would need to farm.

As for final fantasy 14 I’ve played it since 1.0 but only took it seriously in 2.0.

Yea ARR is just horrible to get through. I didn’t find anything remotely interesting till level 45/50. You will also have another slow down in later patches of ARR. Heavensward it takes off with deep lore. Storm blood was great, but has some slow moments. Shadowbringers can honestly be it’s own stand alone game. Its just great.

But yea that first 40 to 60 hours is just a dragg. I think more people would have switched sooner if ARR wasn’t as slow as it is.

I work GY shift… you know how hard it is to find things to occupy your time from 10pm-5am when you’re off? And no, I don’t want to go out drinking or visit adult venues. Lol


I get that I think I’m mostly just trying to get people to understand this game isn’t as important as they are making it to be. I also know a lot of people have probably been playing non stop so burn out must be setting in. Especially with how both Factions have been non stop arguing.

For me even just relaxing on my porch in the shade and taking care of my flowers. It’s better than being on wow. I’m actually doing that right now. Most of the time when I’m typing I’m normal outside.

I might have to Remove my phone while on my porch cause I guess I’m doing the same thing as being on wow.

The honor grind was crummy back in the day too. I didn’t mind back then because I could easily no life it. The problem now is the faction imbalances are so bad doing things out in the world are worse than any bg queue the horde is getting these days. I want to play alliance on a pvp server, but there are only 3 servers where you have something that resembles a decent chance. That is going to get worse now because of meta gaming.

Looking forward to things picking up in ff14. I know the pvp here isn’t great but I do enjoy a good story so it should keep me going until some of the new mmos start coming out.

I don’t play on pvp servers anymore because of the particular drama going on. I do care but half the time I just want to say “I don’t care if your server has no one of the same Faction that’s not my problem go pve.” However I think that’s rude and it’s not my 100% feeling on the subject. I wish blizzard locked a Faction if it got 55% on said server. What goes wrong on one type of server can chain to all the others. I just hate wpvp drama the most.

Yea I’m done with all I want in FF till endwalker. Lost ark is what I’m looking forward to. Same with ashes.

I think new world hurt itself with store system. It has to be done right. Like I don’t mind FFXIV system. As for wow I only have issue with prices and Wow tokens…stores in MMOs are tricky. It’s hit or miss. I know wow people hate it. Yet FF14 most people don’t care.

I know people hate stores…but honestly I would rather someone buy a boost from the company directly than some random site. People always look for easy route…I don’t like them but they have a purpose. So I accept them but reluctantly.

Faction locks at the start for pvp servers would have been best. It blows my mind that games like Dark Age of Camelot managed to get that right years before wow even released, and they continue to screw it up 20 years after the fact.

It is real tricky with cash shops. I don’t mind it so much when it’s btp or ftp, but if you are paying a monthly sub things should just be earnable through gameplay imo.

New World has burnt a lot of goodwill and I’m just gonna sit back and watch at this point. AoC and Red Desert are the ones I’m keeping my eye on for now.

Just go to the gym and die in 40-45 degree heat. Yep perfect.

I’ve always been curious if Wows code has something to do with it. At the same time I’ve seen blizzard do some very amazing things with this old system. It’s made me doubt that it’s a code issue. Yet I’m still curious as to why they make certain choices. I’m convinced that for start of classic it was going #nochanges yet they had information about how players played old version of wow…so locking Factions would have been a must after seeing and knowing all of that.

One thing you will find about about FFXIV is that Yoshi-p wants to do so much with the game but it’s bad code is imported from its original graphics engine. So it has limited options. Housing has issue because of the old code. The menu system was way worse in 1.0…man it’s was just bad.

I’m impressed with both systems but again I’m curious on the limitations of the wow system.

I’m going to log for now it’s nice talking with you.

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I also said be safe and stay hydrated. and that no one should push themselves if it’s too much. If a person can’t be out in the heat then they shouldn’t. The statement was ment to say “maybe you all should just get off wow cause we all are being silly about this whole Faction situation”

Same faction bgs, same faction ganking, cross faction grouping, problems fixed.

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Yep just like STV arena. I’m fine with that.

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Was a nice talk. Peace

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